Hire talent looking to bring their best

Hire the best talent that is aware of their strengths and that is looking for companies to put their strengths at a greater use

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180 000 of unique visitors every month
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Mailing list of people looking for new opportunities
Guaranteed 'Apply' clicks for your job or we auto bump it for free

Create a new job post

You're in a good company

Our job board featured opportunities from the world’s leading remote employers

Job Posting FAQ

Simply fill in the form below with the information about the opportunity you would like to post and your company. Once you submit it, our team will review it and publish it on the platform. Don’t worry, you can always make changes to the listing you have posted!

Our base price is $1 USD to post your job for 30 days. You can always renew your post at the same rate. We offer three options to help your job ad stand-out further. 

  1. Add your logo next to your listing (2x more views) for extra $49 USD
  2. Stick your listing to the top of the search results (3x more views) for extra $99 USD 
  3. Feature your listing on the homepage (9x more views) for extra $149 USD

By default, your job listing will be published on the platform for 30 calendar days. You can always extend this term by renewing your listing. 

We guarantee that the minimum number of clicks on the ‘Apply Now’ button in your listing will be at least 100. If the number of clicks will be lower than 100 in 30 days that the listing was live on the platform, the listing will be automatically renewed until the number of clicks does not reach the promissed level.  

We’re glad to hear you found suitable talent for your opportunity! Sure, the listing can be removed – simply drop us a line here with the link to your listing. 

Sure, we’re are always glad to help and provide a discount for companies looking to bulk-post 3 or more jobs – please drop us a line here.

Yes! We provide discounts to registered 501c companies! Drop us a line here, and we’ll help you get started.