Free Career Test: Online Career Aptitude Test

People who are looking for a career assessment are taking the HIGH5 test.
Hereā€™s why…

Strengths Focused
Identifies strengths not talents or themes

Action Oriented
Designed to help you put your results into practice

Team Strengths Analysis
Allows analyzing strengths of teams & organizations

Interpersonal Insights
Gives hands-on insights to work best with others

Clear & Intuitive
No need for someone to decode your results for you

Easily Scalable
Start by yourself and expand to entire company

Based on the latest positive psychology research

Immediate Start
Complete self-service platform without waitingĀ 

Growth Tracking
Tracks how you progress in your personal development

360 Review
Get an external view on what you are great at

Strengths Academy
Continue to learn from hundreds of video courses

Cost Effective
Start free and upgrade anytime to what you need

How does it work

HIGH5 is an intuitive platform designed to help any person discover what they are great at and to apply this knowledge towards goals that are meaningful to you

Step 1
Take the HIGH5 test

It will take you less than 15 minutes to complete our positive psychology backed assessment

Step 2
Get personalized results

Your personalized results will give you an ‘aha’ moment displaying top 5 things you are particularly great at

Step 3
Apply your results

Gain hands-on insights on what makes you unique and how to apply it for professional and personal success

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the key benefits of taking a career test like the HIGH5 test.

Understanding Your Strengths

The High5 test can be invaluable for better understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Through taking a career test, individuals can identify the skills that make them successful in certain job roles or industries.

This knowledge can then be applied to their own personal and professional lives. Career tests can also provide insight into areas where improvement is necessary, allowing users to develop strategies for improving their skillset.

Align Your Career with Your Interests

Career tests can provide essential information to help individuals align their interests with potential career paths. Through various methods, these tests assess an individual’s likes and dislikes.
By leveraging the results of career tests, individuals can gain insights into their ideal job role, allowing them to hone in on the path that best matches their interests.
When considering their strengths and weaknesses, many are surprised to discover how well certain careers fit with their personality traits and areas of expertise.
Career tests often incorporate aptitude testing to help identify the types of tasks someone is best suited for and the forms of work they may struggle with.
This can prevent serious misalignment between an individual’s passions and skillset, ultimately helping to ensure a successful transition into the job market after college or university.
Finding the perfect role isn’t always easy, but taking a career test like High5 can be a useful tool in helping unlock hidden potential. It will provide key insights into what kind of jobs match up with an individual’s values and interests – from there, it’s possible to target roles that suit a person’s unique needs.
To further aid understanding, it’s also important to research any relevant industries and specific job roles before committing to anything long-term.

Our comprehensive career test is the perfect way to identify your ideal job path.

With a detailed analysis of personal interests, abilities, and values, this test provides invaluable insight into what type of work best suits you – ensuring that each step along your chosen career path leads to success.

Personalized Results

Knowing your top 5 strengths as a person helps to narrow down the scope of potential job roles. Results are tailored to individual needs, allowing for informed decision making when considering a career change or new job prospects.

You can also unlock further insight through our premium report, helping you to better understand your skillset and how to apply it in the workplace and life.

With this level of personalization, users can make informed decisions when mapping out their career development.

Comprehensive Insights

Our career test is an excellent tool for better understanding one’s aptitudes, interests, strengths, and weaknesses.
It offers an overview of the individual’s strengths and weaknesses in various key areas such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and team-building. By taking this test, users can gain valuable insights into their aptitude and abilities regarding job performance.
This career test allows individuals to identify which areas of skill they excel in. When finding yourself in various situations, you can use this knowledge to tailor your approach and work best suited for the job.

In addition, the test provides an understanding of their interests and values related to different roles and organizations.

Easy Interpretation

Take the guesswork out of your career journey with our user-friendly, easy-to-understand assessment results. The High5 test provides a clear insight into your strengths.

You can quickly and easily interpret your assessment results to identify areas for further exploration or growth. Our easy-to-understand assessment reports give you the information you need to make informed decisions about your future career.

By identifying key traits and characteristics important for success in specific roles, we can provide context to support more targeted decision-making when considering job opportunities or advancement plans.


Whether you’re just starting or making a mid-career switch, our insightful assessments provide valuable insights that will guide your professional development journey.

Suitable for Various Career Stages

This career test provides an effective and comprehensive assessment for individuals at any stage of their professional life, from students just starting to experienced professionals.
It is designed to assess individual strengths and weaknesses, interests, values, and motivations to identify a career path that aligns with their goals.
It is also suitable for those looking for a change in career direction or who would like to find out what kind of roles they should be seeking.
Presented with a slider to answer questions, candidates can easily select their answers and receive a report that outlines their strengths as they pertain to various areas of life.
The test allows individuals to evaluate their skillset objectively and determine which jobs best suit them based on their personality type, abilities, experience, knowledge, and aptitudes.
With this information, individuals can make informed decisions about their future career paths and confidently pursue the best job opportunities.


The career test process includes 120 questions about various areas of life. These questions are designed to uncover your key characteristics and provide insight into what kind of roles you may be well suited for.

You’ll also rate how much you like or dislike certain activities related to work and leisure. The answers will build an in-depth picture of who you are and the kind of role that would fit you.

Once the questionnaire is complete, our advanced algorithm will generate a personalized report with results tailored specifically for you.

Interpreting Your Career Test Results

Once you take a career test, it is important to understand and interpret the results. Your test results will help paint a picture of what type of job may be a good fit for you based on your interests and skills.
To interpret your results, you’ll get a list of qualities that are your top five skills. For example, if you get a self-believer, peace keeper, strategist, coach, and problem solver, it’s a sign you may be better suited for roles like project manager, consultant, or marketing specialist.
With our advanced report, you also get information about your leverage, delegation and other qualities that make you unique.

Sometimes, the career we thought was perfect at the start no longer fills us with purpose and fulfillment.

Deciding the right career path can be challenging, but various career tests can help. Knowing which of these tests is best for you can help you find the perfect career.

Interest Inventories

Interest inventories are tests or questionnaires designed to measure an individualā€™s interests, attitudes, and preferences. The primary purpose of such inventories is to help individuals discover their strengths, talents, and aptitudes and identify potential career paths that best fit their interests.

One of the most widely used interest inventories is the Holland Codes, developed by psychologist John L. Holland in 1959. The codes are based on six general occupational themes: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC).

These categories help people understand how their interests can be applied to different fields or occupations.

For example, people who score high in the realistic category may be interested in pursuing a career that involves hands-on work with tools or machines; those who score high in the investigative category may favor jobs involving research and data analysis, while those who score high in the artistic category may be inclined towards creative pursuits such as graphic design or music composition.

By understanding their RIASEC profile, individuals can gain insight into potential job opportunities and make more informed decisions about their future.

Personality Tests

Personality tests are an important tool for understanding ourselves and our careers. From the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to more in-depth career personality assessments, these exams give us insights into who we are and how best to apply those traits professionally.

Personality tests can help us better understand our strengths, weaknesses, and the types of career paths that may be best suited for us.

They provide a way to measure personality traits such as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (the ā€œBig Fiveā€).

Results from these assessments give us a clearer picture of our overall personality makeup and how it could influence our work environment.

Moreover, these tests can also reveal hidden talents or potential growth areas that might not be immediately obvious to us.

Knowing this information can allow us to focus on strengthening those talents or improving weaker areas. This knowledge is invaluable when searching for employment or advancing our career path.

Personality tests can also be beneficial for employers in selecting and hiring the best candidate for a job. By having candidates take these assessments, managers can gain insight into how an individual might fit with the company culture, what types of tasks they would excel at, and where their weaknesses may lie.

This information is invaluable in making wise hiring decisions that benefit the employer and give potential employees a better chance at success within the organization.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are skill-based career assessments that measure a personā€™s natural abilities, aptitudes, and talents. They indicate oneā€™s potential to excel in certain areas or roles within a field or occupation.

By taking these tests, individuals can gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses to make better decisions when choosing courses of study and job opportunities that match their skillset best.

Aptitude tests are becoming increasingly popular as employers seek to identify the best candidates for a certain job role or to assess whether existing employees may be suitable for promotion.

Aptitude tests can measure various characteristics including numerical aptitude, verbal aptitude, spatial awareness, and reasoning skills.

As such, they are used in recruitment activities to determine which applicants possess the most relevant attributes for the job in question.

In addition, some organizations use them when selecting their interns or graduates. Such assessments also provide employers with better data on how well-suited an individual is to particular organizational roles.

Finally, aptitude tests can help individuals identify areas where they need improvement so that they can focus their efforts accordingly.

Values Tests

Values tests, also known as career values assessments, are an important tool for career development. Values tests help individuals understand what is meaningful to them regarding job and career satisfaction.

By taking a values test, individuals can identify which criteria they find the most important when it comes to their work life. This helps them determine what type of jobs or organizations would best align with their values so that they can make decisions about their future career trajectory.

Values tests often involve questions related to job satisfaction components such as job recognition, pay level, opportunity for growth and advancement, workplace environment, work/life balance, and challenge levels. Individuals answer these questions on a scale from one (lowest) to five (highest).

The results from the test are then analyzed by a professional who identifies patterns related to the individualā€™s job preferences or ideal type of workplace environment. This knowledge can help guide the individualā€™s decision-making when considering different employment options.

In addition to helping individuals identify potential job opportunities that best suit their interests and needs, employers also use values tests as part of their talent acquisition efforts.

They provide insight into the types of candidates who might be more likely to stay with an organization long-term because theyā€™re better suited for its culture and mission.

Furthermore, taking a values test allows employers to understand how employees perceive certain aspects of their roles so they can make adjustments accordingly if needed.

Values tests play an important role in personal and professional development. They help individuals determine which career paths might best suit them while providing employers with valuable insights into potential candidates and current employees.

Career assessments can be a useful tool to help determine which career path may be best suited for an individual. However, their accuracy varies depending on the quality and depth of the assessment, as well as personal characteristics, including interests, abilities, and values.Ā 

Accurate assessments should include questions beyond occupation and job titles, exploring in-depth topics such as lifestyle values and strengths.

People with similar skill sets might have very different opinions about the type of work that would make them happiest; it’s important to choose an assessment that considers these considerations.Ā 

Some assessments are more effective when combined with other self-assessment methods, such as aptitude or personality tests. By taking a holistic approach to career exploration, individuals can better understand which job options are the most suitable.

The HIGH5 career test is free, and it offers a helpful way to gain insight into your strengths and potential career paths. It analyzes your personality traits, preferences, and valuable job recommendations based on your responses.

The results of this test are tailored to you, so even if you’re not sure what kind of career would suit you best, this test can provide some useful guidance. With this in mind, the test can help point you toward a fulfilling career path that matches your skills and interests.

Suppose you have already identified a clear set of career objectives. In that case, taking a career test once every few years can help you evaluate the progress that you have made towards achieving them and make adjustments where necessary.

Similarly, if your goals are in flux, taking more frequent assessments every six months can provide valuable insights into possible new directions to consider.

It is also important to remember that no single test will provide all the answers – instead, it is wise to take multiple tests to get a more comprehensive picture of who you are and what might suit your interests and talents best.

Additionally, seeking professional advice from qualified counselors can help contextualize any results and guide you as you assess different opportunities and paths for pursuing your chosen career.

The Career Test typically takes about 30 minutes to complete. It is divided into two sections: personality and aptitude assessments. The personality assessment consists of questions about your interests, values, and preferences related to work and career.

This section usually takes about 15 minutes to complete. The aptitude assessment measures the cognitive abilities important for success in many jobs and usually takes about 15 minutes.

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