Build a high-performance culture without wasting hidden talent

HIGH5 platform is designed to help organizations create lasting positive change by maximizing what their employees are naturally good at

Join leaders from 90% of Fortune 500 in using the HIGH5 platform every day

Employees and teams that use their strengths perform better than those that don't

Both research and evidence shows that organizations with strengths-based cultures are more diverse, empowered, resilient and agile


higher profitability


higher productivity


higher engagement


higher retention

Top features for organizations

Start with one team and scale easily to the entire organization

Develop your people

HIGH5 Full Strengths Report gives every employee an opportunity to discover their top 5 strengths in detail. It gives them a profound understanding of how to perform at their best, how to develop their strengths on a daily basis and how to build more collaborative relationships with colleagues.

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Equip your managers

HIGH5 Team Strengths Report provides managers with a holistic analysis of strengths of their team. It helps them build a high-performance team, where every member can contribute their best talents, leading to innovation, better collaboration and high performance.

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Why Are Strengths Of A Project Manager Important & Their Benefits
Ignite high-impact conversations

HIGH5 Working Together forms the basis for your employees to have meaningful conversations about how they can bring out the best in each other. It helps them discover complementarity in their differences and build both strong personal relationships and effective collaboration.

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List of 10 Strengths & Qualities of a Youth
Bring on board only the people that fit

HIGH5 Group Fit enables scenario planning for forming new teams and analyzing the impact of adding new members to existing teams. Invite, track and manage a large number of test-takers in one place to identify who and where fits your talent management plan.

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Ready to start?

per employee per year

Empower every manager and team member to reach peak collaboration by leveraging each other’s strengths 

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Transform your organization through the strengths-based culture to reach maximum impact in a tailored way