The Culture Index Test: Free Online Culture Index Test Alternative

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Culture Index Test?

When you think of culture, what typically comes to mind? It is the unique attitudes and traditions of individual groups. The same idea can be applied to companies and organizations. Culture is how employees feel about their work, their attitudes, opinions, loyalty, and other feelings that are centered around the workplace (inclusion, diversity, etc.).

The more common way to use a culture index test is with new recruits and job candidates. The HR team may send the test to evaluate an individual’s culture. This would show their own attitudes toward work and their negative cultural traits, too. Then, they can evaluate if the candidate is a right fit for their business.

There are such company cultures that are objectively more negative than others. The company culture index test measures how your employees feel and think about your organization. The test will objectively measure employee opinion’s on workplace rules, managers, interactions, engagement, and other elements, too.

How Does Culture Index Test Work?

Culture may seem abstract at first, but there are quite objective ways to measure it. The culture index test works by asking a series of queries about the culture of your employees. They will be asked about how loyal they feel to the business, for instance. Or, they may be asked about how positive they view the work environment to be.

These are the more vague questions present on the test. The purpose of them is to get a general understanding of employee attitudes and place your culture toward either the more positive or more negative side of the cultural spectrum.

However, the test gets far more specific. Company culture is not just good or bad; there are unique distinctions and characteristics that can be assigned to your particular organization. For instance, one can have an inclusive company culture. This would be determined by the test asking questions on inclusivity, diversity, equity, and how others are accepted. Similar topics such as expression and comfort levels can also reveal facts about your company’s inclusivity.

By employees repeatedly answering positively to such questions, your company would get assigned the inclusive cultural trait. The same process of asking questions and weighing answers is done for a variety of other traits, like competitiveness or innovation.

5 Features of the Culture Index Test

The cultural index test has numerous key components that set it apart from similar assessments. When choosing a test to support team development and learn deep insights about how your team functions, consider the culture index test. Some of the key features it provides include:

  • Useful in many stages. When you are trying to hire new recruits, the cultural index test is useful. However, it is also useful when a business is going through tough times, or just as a tool to check in with employees.
  • Easy to understand. The results of the culture index test are meant to be simple to understand. You are given key traits associated with your culture, no additional nonsense.
  • A wide array of data. You can collect large quantities of data by having team members take the culture index test. You will see patterns and key insights as a result.
  • Can be given to any employee. All employees have unique insights into their work experience. The cultural index test can be administered to anyone without any prior test knowledge.
  • Easy application to real change. Once you understand the problems with your company culture, you can effectively address them. Without this clear understanding, you are left in the dark and likely inefficient.

Benefits of Culture Index Test Session

With so many team tests available, you may be on doing about what sets the culture index test apart. There are many unique benefits that it offers. Having someone to explain the test results to you and guide you through organizational change is even more valuable. While there are many pros to booking a culture index test session, these are the most important:

  • Hiring the right team members. It is always better to hire great team members from the beginning, rather than firing and rehiring later. This test spots those that have similar company values.
  • Stop problems before they even start. Company culture is a major driver for issues within a company. If you can address the root cultural issue, you can stop conflict before it even begins.
  • Boost productivity. As a result of employees being less focused on conflicts, they are more likely to stay loyal to your company and be productive.
  • Make employees feel heard. It is almost always a good idea to listen to employees. They give valuable insights and are the key to a company’s future. Making them feel heard boosts loyalty and positivity.
  • Establish the culture you always wanted. Sometimes, startups get too competitive, or businesses overlook the importance of company culture. Taking this test can help you realize it is possible to correct cultural errors in your business and place it on the positive path again.

For Whom Is The Culture Index Assessment?

The culture index test can be administered to anyone. There are typically two times when the test can be administered, though. One version of the test is given to find the employee’s culture and how they would fit into the team. The other is for existing team members.

The first version of the assessment is given to job candidates. HR managers want to ensure they are the right employee to fulfill their roles. This means testing not only technical skills but also culture. They need to understand if the employee would through off the cultural balance in the team, or blend in.

The other version of the assessment is a bit less common, but it is still valuable. This is given to employees who have already stayed with the company and are not new recruits. The purpose of the test is to find out the employee’s views and emotions about the company. This is useful to managers and employees alike.

Those that are disengaged can especially benefit from taking the latter version of the test. While there are many reasons for disengagement, issues with the company’s culture are often involved. One could be overly focused on conflict or feel excluded, for example.

How Long Does It Take to Finish Culture Index Quiz?

The cultural index test does not last very long. In fact, most people will finish the test within 10 minutes. You can expect almost everyone to finish the test within 20 minutes. This also depends on how well you know your company’s culture and your own values. Those that think more deeply about the questions may end up taking the test in 20 minutes.

However, as with most tests, company culture and your own culture are going to change. As such, your results on either version of the culture index test (either your personal culture or company culture) will also change.

To get the most out of these assessments, it is recommended that you retake them fairly consistently. Whenever there is a major change in your values or priorities, your outlook on culture would likely have a dramatic change, too. So, you can take a version of the culture index test at home.

Your manager would likely reassess you as well. Although the test is more common for new recruits, it is possible that you take the test annually. This is done just to make sure employees view the company culture in a positive manner.

How Helpful & Accurate Is the Culture Index Test?

The culture index test is a highly accurate and helpful way to assess your culture and a company’s culture. A variety of different organizations trust the culture index test, and many groups study it as well as create their own unique versions of it.

No one knows your cultural values and thoughts better than you do. This is why managers want to use a direct assessment such as the culture index test to understand an individual’s thoughts and feelings toward their company. Asking them directly is a highly effective way to do this. In addition, the test can also reveal your innermost cultural values and how you fit into an organization.

Because of all these insights, the culture index test is extremely helpful. You will better understand yourself, be empowered to make correct employment decisions, and feel heard by managers. Your managers will get valuable data they need to optimize the company’s culture.

As with any assessment, though, there are some potential inaccuracies related to the culture index test. If you overlook certain negative factors associated with your work, the test results will likely be skewed.

For instance, many people find it tough to admit their company has some negative cultural elements to it. They may want to believe the company’s culture is inclusive, but in reality, many people are left out and lonely. Some ignore this fact because of the discomfort associated with reality.

All in all, though, you can trust the culture index test both as an employee of as an employer. Both parties get tremendous insights from it, making the test one of the most helpful assessments on the market.

What Are the Culture Index Categories?

There are no specific personalities that you are assigned. However, your results will be associated with four different dots that relate to your behaviors and cultural values. There are 3 main categories that individuals can fall into after taking the culture index test.

These three categories are the organizers (administrators, coordinators, facilitators, and traditionalists), visionaries (daredevils, enterprisers, philosophers, trailblazers, and architects), researchers (scholars, specialists, technical experts, and craftsmen) and finally, the socially-oriented individuals (persuaders, debaters, socializes, and rainmakers).

Disclaimer: HIGH5 does not intend to replicate or to substitute the Culture Index Test as both tests follow different methodologies, yet bring value in similar ways. Both tests help test takers be more aware of their own personality. HIGH5 does not dispute or diminish the value of the Culture Index Assessment and encourages test takers to go through both assessments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at hello(at)

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