Birkman Test: Free Online Alternative

People are switching from the Birkman assessment to HIGH5. Here’s why…

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Birkman personality test?

The Birkman personality test assesses an individual’s behavioral and occupational strengths, needs, and stress behaviors. It provides insights into effective communication, team dynamics, and optimal work environments.

Origins and evolution of the Birkman test

The history of the Birkman Test started in the 1950s by Dr. Roger W. Birkman. The Birkman Test was born from his keen interest in psychology and his experiences as a World War II pilot.

Dr. Birkman recognized the crucial role of understanding individual personality traits in team dynamics and effectiveness. His doctoral research at the University of Texas laid the foundation for what would later become the Birkman Method.

Dr. Roger W. Birkman’s contributions

Dr. Birkman’s unique perspective on industrial psychology, grounded in his real-world experiences, led to the creating of a tool that went beyond standard personality assessments.

The Birkman Method was innovative in its comprehensive analysis of behavioral drives, needs, and stress behaviors. Its value was quickly recognized, leading to its adoption across various fields, including human resources, counseling, and organizational development.

Foundational research

The Birkman Test was built on a solid research foundation. Birkman’s doctoral dissertation, “A New Approach to Personality Theory and its Potential Significance for Guidance,” provided the theoretical framework for the test.

His research encompassed elements of social psychology, perceptual theory, and motivation theory, resulting in a holistic and nuanced understanding of individual personality traits and their impact on team dynamics.

Progressive journey

Over the years, the Birkman Test has evolved significantly. Continuous research and development led to the introducing of new dimensions of analysis, improving the depth and accuracy of insights. The test has also been periodically updated to reflect changing societal contexts and work environments.

Modern adaptations

Today, the Birkman Method is utilized globally, available in over 20 languages, and its applications have been broadened to include not only team dynamics but also leadership development, conflict resolution, and career counseling.

Acknowledging the digital era, the test was digitized to ensure seamless online administration and analysis. The Birkman Test remains a trusted tool for understanding and leveraging human potential.

Key components of the Birkman test

Here are the six Birkman assessment components:

  • Esteem & acceptance – people relations: This component delves into an individual’s need for social interaction and acceptance in their social groups. It gives insight into how an individual perceives and reacts to others, enabling better interpersonal relations.
  • Authority & acceptance – communication & interaction: This aspect focuses on how an individual communicates and interacts within hierarchical structures. It also explores how they respond to authority and their preferred methods of communication.
  • Authority & esteem – defensive strategies: This component explores how an individual reacts under stress or when their expectations are not met. It helps in understanding an individual’s defensive behaviors and stress management strategies.
  • Authority & advantage – need to win: This part analyzes an individual’s need for achievement and recognition. It illuminates the person’s drive to achieve success, their competitive nature, and how they perceive and handle competition.
  • Authority & freedom – conflict management: This facet looks at an individual’s approach to conflict. It illuminates how they perceive, respond to, and navigate through conflicts, aiding in effective conflict resolution.
  • Empathy & activity – competition without the need to win: This component examines an individual’s level of empathy and activity within competitive environments. It helps to understand how a person can be competitive without necessarily having the need to win, focusing on personal growth and learning.

The Birkman assessment experience

Taking the Birkman Test is a deep dive into understanding one’s personality and behavior. The test is typically structured into multiple sections, each assessing a different facet of personality. 

It includes a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice and rating scale questions. The depth of insights it offers is extensive, covering an individual’s visible behavior and their underlying needs, stress behavior, and interests.

Test blueprint

Each section of the Birkman Test is carefully designed to elicit specific information about the test-taker. The questions are framed so that they encourage honest and spontaneous responses instead of idealized ones.

This ensures the accuracy of the results and helps draw out an individual’s actual personality traits, needs, and stress behaviors. The test also encompasses a section dedicated to gauging an individual’s interests, which aids in aligning career paths and roles that resonate best with the test-taker’s motivations and inclinations.

Depth of insights

The Birkman Test goes beyond conventional personality tests by providing nuanced insights into an individual’s behavior. It sheds light on how an individual behaves in different contexts and uncovers what they need from their environment to be effective and satisfied.

Furthermore, it identifies potential stress behaviors, thus helping in proactive stress management. This detailed insight makes the Birkman Test a precious tool for personal growth, team building, and career development.

Deciphering the results

Scoring the Birkman Test involves a complex mechanism that considers all responses to generate a comprehensive report. The scoring is not about right or wrong answers but reflects the test-taker’s unique personality, needs, and behaviors.

Interpreting the comprehensive report requires an understanding of the relationship between the different components of the test. The report provides raw scores and offers interpretations and recommendations for each section, thus helping individuals, teams, and organizations make data-driven decisions.

The comprehensive report

The comprehensive report generated by the Birkman Test is a valuable tool for individuals and organizations. It provides in-depth insights into an individual’s personality, strengths, needs, stress behaviors, and interests.

This information can be leveraged for team building, career planning, personal development, and conflict resolution.

By understanding the dynamics between different test components, one can gain a holistic understanding of one’s personality and make effective strides toward personal and professional growth.

Practical applications of the Birkman test

The Birkman Test is pivotal in career guidance, acting as a compass to steer individuals toward fulfilling career paths. It helps individuals uncover their innate strengths, interests, and needs, critical factors for career satisfaction.

For instance, a person with high scores in social service and low scores in persuasive interest may thrive in a role that requires helping others without a need to convince or sell.

This insight can also assist in career transitions, as it outlines potential stress behaviors in new environments, thereby equipping individuals with strategies to manage such situations effectively.

Uses of the Birkman assessment in personal development

The Birkman Test proves instrumental in personal development by offering a mirror to one’s personality. By gaining knowledge about their unique behaviors and needs, individuals can work on their areas of improvement and leverage their strengths more effectively.

For example, understanding one’s stress behaviors can help manage reactions under pressure, while knowing one’s strengths can boost self-esteem and foster positive relationships.

The test also encourages personal growth by highlighting areas of potential and suggesting ways to nurture them.

Career development

The Birkman Test is a powerful tool in career development. It provides valuable insights into a person’s primary motivators, preferred work styles, and potential stress behaviors, contributing to career planning and progression.

An individual with a high need for autonomy might be well-suited for a leadership role, whereas someone with an increased need for support may perform best in a team-oriented environment. These insights can guide individuals toward the right job roles and successful career paths.

Organizational development

In organizational development, the Birkman Test is utilized to unlock the full potential of teams and leaders. Highlighting diverse personality traits and needs within a team aids in building high-performing, cohesive teams.

Team members can understand each other’s working styles, thus improving collaboration and reducing conflicts. For leaders, it illuminates their leadership style, including strengths, potential blind spots, and stress behaviors, thus enabling them to lead more effectively.

In the realm of conflict resolution, the Birkman Test offers invaluable insights. It uncovers individuals’ needs and stress behaviors, facilitates better team communication and understanding, and helps resolve conflicts more effectively.

By acknowledging and respecting each other’s differences, teams can forge stronger relationships, boost productivity, and foster a harmonious work environment.

What is the validity of the Birkman personality test?

The Birkman Method is a scientifically developed, multi-dimensional assessment tool designed to measure a person’s social behaviors, motivations, expectations, and stress behavior. 

It’s worth noting that the Birkman Test, like any psychological assessment, is subject to validity testing. Validity in this context refers to how well the test measures what it purports to measure.

Construct validity

One form of validity to consider is construct validity, which assesses whether the test effectively measures the theoretical constructs it seeks to quantify.

For the Birkman Test, these constructs include autonomy, support, and leadership. This form of validity is typically assessed through statistical correlations with other empirically validated measures.

The Birkman Test demonstrates robust construct validity, with research showing significant correlations with other well-established personality assessments.

Predictive validity

Additionally, the predictive validity of the Birkman Test is another essential measure. This pertains to the ability of the test to predict future behavior or performance.

In a career development context, for instance, if the Birkman Test indicates a high need for autonomy, this should predict successful performance in roles requiring independent decision-making. 

Similarly, in team environments, an individual’s Birkman scores should predict their ability to collaborate effectively. Studies have shown that the Birkman Method does provide reliable predictive validity.

Face validity

Face validity, while more subjective, is another lens through which to examine the Birkman Test. This form of validity relates to whether the test appears to measure what it’s supposed to, at face value.

For users, the questions in the Birkman Test should intuitively feel relevant to the measured constructs, like autonomy, support, or leadership style. User feedback and anecdotal evidence suggest that the Birkman Method achieves a high level of face validity.

The Birkman is not just another personality test but a powerful tool that has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it delivers valid and reliable results. Its established validity underscores its utility in diverse contexts, from career planning to organizational development and conflict resolution.

How much time does it take to finish the Birkman assessment?

The Birkman test typically takes around 30 minutes to complete. It consists of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate various aspects of personality and behavior.

What do results tell about you?

The Birkman test results reveal your unique strengths, interests, and needs in a work environment. They highlight your preferred communication style, motivations, and potential stress behaviors, helping you understand how to optimize your performance and interactions with others.

Can you use the Birkman Method for recruitment?

The Birkman Method Test is an invaluable tool during the recruitment process. It allows employers to understand a candidate’s behavioral style, motivations, and occupational interests, aiding in making more informed hiring decisions.

In recruitment, the Birkman Method Test helps identify whether a candidate will thrive in a given work environment or role. The test results can highlight how a potential employee might interact with colleagues, adapt to new challenges, or manage stress.

These insights are crucial in determining job fit and can significantly enhance team dynamics, increasing productivity and job satisfaction.

Pros and cons of the Birkman test


Evaluating the Birkman Test is important before taking it. A key point in favor of this test is its comprehensive nature. It goes beyond the surface level, probing various aspects of an individual’s personality, motivations, needs, and stress behaviors.

This detailed analysis offers a 360-degree view of the individual, which can enlighten personal growth and organizational contexts.

Depth of Insights

Another positive attribute of the Birkman Test is the depth of insights it provides. Unlike some personality assessments that offer generic, broad-stroke profiles, the Birkman dives deep.

It delves into the intricacies of an individual’s personality, revealing subtle nuances that can help realize potential and improve performance.

This depth of insight can prove beneficial in various applications, such as career counseling, executive coaching, team building, and leadership development.

Scientific Backing

The Birkman Test also has strong scientific backing. It’s founded on decades of behavioral and occupational research, giving it a robust theoretical framework. This grounding in science lends credibility to the results and increases its reliability and validity.


Transitioning to the limitations, some challenges may emerge when applying the Birkman Test. For instance, its comprehensive nature, though a strength, can also be a limitation.

The sheer amount of information it provides can be overwhelming for some individuals, making the test results challenging to interpret and apply.

Potential Challenges

One potential challenge is ensuring the test taker fully understands the results. Even with a certified Birkman consultant, digesting and internalizing all the information can be a task.

The risk of the test being used prescriptively rather than descriptively leads to stereotyping or pigeonholing, a common concern with many personality assessments.

Furthermore, the cost factor can be a deterrent for some individuals or organizations, given the more advanced reports and consultant fees.

Birkman personality test FAQ

What does the Birkman test do?

The Birkman test assesses your personality, strengths, interests, and work environment preferences to enhance self-awareness and team dynamics.

How much does the Birkman test cost?

The cost of the Birkman test varies but typically ranges from $200 to $500, depending on the provider and the level of detailed analysis.

The highest package available is the Birkman Method Certification, which costs $5,000.00.

Disclaimer: HIGH5 does not intend to replicate or to substitute the Birkman Test as both tests follow different methodologies, yet bring value in similar ways. Both tests help test takers be more aware of their own personality. HIGH5 does not dispute or diminish the value of the Birkman Test and encourages test takers to go through both assessments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at hello(at)

All other trademarks not owned by HIGH5 Test that appear on this Web site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with HIGH5 Test.

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