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13 Key Critical Thinking Skills & How To Build Them

What is Critical Thinking Skills Definition, Examples & How to Improve

Critical thinking skills benefit us not only during the course of a decade-long career, but they are also beneficial in everyday life. Being able to put aside personal biases can lead to discovering new friends or cultures. It also helps you discern between fake news and accurate reporting. However, the critical thinking process comes more naturally for some than others. For instance, some people are more inclined to question assumptions, seek evidence, and consider alternative perspectives. Also, certain personality traits can contribute to critical thinking abilities. Critical thinking skills are essential for success in virtually any industry.

While some people may have a natural inclination towards critical thinking, it’s a skill that can be developed through practice and training. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can be a powerful tool for evaluating how you already have these abilities and how you can grow in other critical areas. By identifying an individual’s unique strengths, the HIGH5 assessment provides valuable insights into how you can leverage your natural talents to become a more effective critical thinker.

Critical thinkers who understand and apply their strengths tend to be more successful in their careers, better leaders, and more skilled at creating long-term visions. The strengths-based approach offered by HIGH5 can help individuals, teams, and organizations foster a culture of critical thinking, leading to improved decision-making, problem-solving, and overall performance.

What are critical thinking skills?

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make reasoned judgments. This skill is becoming increasingly important during the digital era. Certain philosophers and scientists hold conflicting views on what causes individuals to think critically or lose this ability. Being able to think for yourself, also called independent thinking, is a key element of critical thought.

Reflective thinking, which involves reconsidering your own notions when confronted with conflicting ideas, is equally important. Thinking critically involves constantly adapting your views or decisions based on the evidence presented to you. To be a clearer thinker, you must keep an open mind as well as actively learn and listen. Critical thinkers do not stick to certain beliefs unless the evidence continues to support those beliefs.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Leverage your strengths identified by the HIGH5 assessment to approach critical thinking challenges. For example, if one of your strengths is ‘Analytical,’ use this strength to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components.”

13 key critical thinking skills


Intuition does not usually fuel critical thinking. However, being able to quickly identify problems is important to critical thought. This is why being observant can be a beneficial trait. Not only can observant individuals recognize a challenge, but they are also skilled at addressing the root cause of the problem.


After acknowledging a problem, the next step is to analyze it. Great analyzers often rely on specific data, statistics, or other facts to fuel their decisions. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can help individuals identify their analytical strengths. By leveraging these strengths, individuals can more effectively gather and interpret relevant information, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. Studying expert opinions, reading unbiased research, exploring further data-collecting options, and objectively analyzing the data are other elements of analysis.


Inference is the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence or reasoning. Also known as “reading between the lines,” there is an immense difference between inference and inaccurate guesswork. Inference involves making educated guesses or predictions about something that is not explicitly stated or directly observed. When inferencing, you use limited information make sense of the underlying meaning or implications of the information you do have. .


Thinking critically is more than just data collection. Understanding abstract concepts and relating patterns are equally important to the critical thinking process. Creativity can give you a competitive advantage over your competitors, because a willingness to think innovatively provides you with more opportunities for success. Creative thinking also can boost your efficiency by helping you find innovative solutions to problems, streamlining tasks, and improving your problem-solving skills. This can ultimately lead to increased productivity and reduced time spent on tasks.


Everybody has biases, whether they are conscious or subconscious. They can come from past experiences, societal stereotypes, or anywhere else. By recognizing these beliefs, you can improve your decision-making ability and become more open-minded. Try listening to others for their input on your strategies or decisions for a more open-minded approach to leadership.


Once problems are identified, asking the right questions can lead to better outcomes. For instance, open-ended questions can help you identify the root of a problem for a more relevant answer than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ You can also learn how items work by asking structural questions. Structural questions take complex systems and break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. In general, a better understanding of a problem can help you formulate more accurate solutions.


Self-reflection is the process of reassessing the way you approach problems and think about solutions. This analysis can help you spot your problem-solving and critical-thinking weaknesses. This empowers you to address these issues and streamline your critical thought process, providing you with other ways to approach situations.

Reasoned judgment

Reasoned judgment is the process of making decisions or forming opinions based on careful consideration of evidence, logic, and arguments. This requires a keen understanding of the situation at hand, the ability to identify relevant factors, and the capacity to evaluate the potential outcomes of different courses of action. By carefully considering all aspects of a decision, individuals can increase their chances of making sound judgments and achieving desired results.

Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition is a vital component of critical thinking. It involves the ability to identify and understand recurring patterns, trends, or relationships within data or information. By recognizing patterns, individuals can make informed predictions, anticipate future outcomes, and develop effective strategies. This skill is particularly valuable in fields such as data analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making. For example, a business analyst might use pattern recognition to identify trends in sales data and forecast future demand.


The last step of a plan is nearly always execution. However, you cannot expect everything to go according to plan. Being able to solve any of the inevitable challenges you may face requires sound logic and problem-solving abilities. If you determine your original plan is no longer satisfactory, you will have to formulate a new plan using your problem-solving skills in combination with your critical thinking.

How to showcase critical thinking skills in a job interview?

To showcase your critical thinking skills in a job interview, provide specific examples of past experiences where you successfully identified problems and devised effective solutions. Highlight your ability to analyze information, weigh pros and cons, and make reasoned decisions. Demonstrating your reflective thinking and ability to identify biases can further emphasize your critical thinking capabilities.

How to highlight critical thinking skills in a resume?

To showcase your critical thinking skills in a resume, include specific examples in your experience section where you solved complex problems or improved processes. Highlight achievements that required analytical thinking, such as optimizing workflows, developing strategic plans, or implementing innovative solutions. Use action verbs like “analyzed,” “evaluated,” and “strategized” to convey your critical thinking abilities.

How to start developing critical thinking skills at work?

Developing effective solutions can be challenging, but everyone has the potential to enhance their critical thinking skills and boost their career performance. One powerful tool for both individuals and teams is the HIGH5 strengths assessment. When individuals understand their own strengths, they can more effectively share fresh perspectives and develop innovative solutions by challenging cognitive biases. Biases can come in the form of stereotypes or simply sticking to the same plan over and over again. Hidden biases often lead to mistakes in reasoning that can be easily avoided.

Impulse can become an obstacle to thinking clearly. Make sure you collect as much data as necessary before making a decision. After committing to a plan, make a conscious effort to reevaluate your idea. If you see the outcome is not optimal, reassess your strategy. Adapting to the evidence is a key part of critical thinking in the workplace. Prepare for future situations by understanding the outcomes of your prior and current decisions. Always try to learn from your mistakes as well as the mistakes of others, and do not be afraid to venture out of your usual critical thinking strategies. Actively listen to your coworkers to gain additional insight from them. Their help can be instrumental in making the most beneficial decisions.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

As a team, discuss how each member’s strengths can contribute to critical thinking in the workplace. Encourage team members to share their perspectives and ideas based on their unique strengths, creating a more well-rounded approach to problem-solving.

How to improve current critical thinking skills in the workplace?

Once you acquire some critical thinking abilities, it is time to consider ways to optimize them. As with any personal growth, becoming a better critical thinker involves constant practice. Critical thinking is not solely related to soft skills. By improving your technical abilities and getting better at industry-specific tasks, you will increase your value in the workplace. Another great way to gain critical thinking insight is by furthering your education in your field. You do not have to go back to college. Simply taking a few online courses can expose you to new ideas and problem-solving tools. Getting advice from other professionals also can be especially useful.

Stay actively involved at your workplace. Whenever a problem arises, be the first person to volunteer a solution. Talk to your team about the strategy you find most efficient during meetings, and do not be afraid to share your opinion.Outside of work, games can serve as training for critical thinking skills. Many board games require rapid decision-making, rational thought, and inferencing. If, after intentional practice, you are still having a hard time with decision-making, do not hesitate to speak with a mentor or coworker. They can provide you with a more objective outlook on your strengths and weaknesses. Plus, your supervisor can compare your strategies to others they have seen and tell you how effective your thought process is.

What are critical thinking skills for students?

Critical thinking is a crucial skill set for academic success, and the HIGH5 strengths assessment can be a valuable tool for students looking to develop these abilities. By identifying their unique strengths, students can gain a deeper understanding of how they learn, process information, and approach problems. Self-awareness can help students more effectively apply critical thinking skills in their studies, such as recognizing patterns, weighing pros and cons, and defending their ideas. Incorporating the strengths-based approach into their academic journey can lead to greater engagement, motivation, and overall success.

Critical Thinking Skills for Students

To think critically, students must start to:

  • Understand patterns as well as use deductive reasoning to form connections between ideas.
  • Determine how important certain data is to decision-making and weigh the pros and cons of certain choices. This helps make decision-making faster and more accurate.
  • Recognize and formulate arguments while being respectful to those who disagree. Respect is crucial for maintaining relationships, while logical argument creation helps in persuasion and making your ideas clear.
  • Recognize faulty reasoning. It is important for students to understand logical fallacies [1] and illogical conclusions so they do not make decisions based on flawed statistics or information.
  • Be willing to adapt and use more than one strategy to approach problems. Students will have to adapt to problems when the outcome does not follow their plan.
  • Defend their ideas and choices. When students are asked to explain their ideas, which happens often in school and on teams, they should be polite and honest. If they do this, other people will believe what they say.

3 practical examples of critical skills in use


A customer service associate using keen observation skills can help identify recurring issues in customer complaints. By noticing patterns, a team member can propose changes to the process or product, leading to improved customer satisfaction and reduced complaint rates.


A team conducting a post-project review evaluates what went well and what didn’t. Through self-reflection, each team member identifies areas for personal improvement and suggests strategies for team development. This enhances future project outcomes and team performance.

Decision-making in the workplace

During a budget crisis, a department head analyzes current expenditures and forecasts future impacts. By making informed decisions to cut non-essential costs and reallocate resources, they ensure the department remains functional without compromising essential services.

Critical thinking skills FAQ

How do you become a critical thinker?

To become a critical thinker, practice analyzing information objectively, questioning assumptions, and considering multiple perspectives. Engaging in reflective thinking and continuous learning also enhances critical thinking skills.

What makes a person a critical thinker?

A critical thinker is someone who consistently evaluates information and arguments with an open mind and logical reasoning. They possess the ability to recognize biases, think independently, and make well-informed decisions.

What are the top 5 critical thinking skills?

A multitude of sub-skills can contribute to one’s ability to think critically. However, five skills are recognized as the most crucial for seamless critical thought. These skills are observation, analysis, inference, open-mindedness, and self-reflection. Other skills like curiosity and self-regulation are powerful competencies as well and greatly enhance critical thinking.

How do you demonstrate critical thinking skills?

First, ensure that a section of your resume is dedicated to listing your soft skills. Putting critical thinking in this list will show the hiring manager you are proud of your strengths. However, that will not be enough. To truly demonstrate your abilities, you must come into the interview prepared with specific examples of you using your critical thinking skills. Be sure these examples also show the positive impact your critical thought had on the business. Try to use statistics when supporting the claim that you are a critical thinker.

Why is critical thinking important in a job interview?

Demonstrating critical thinking is important in a job interview because most employers value critical thinking highly. In a recent survey of employers seeking to fill positions, 90% of respondents named problem-solving as a desirable employee trait [2]. This is so because critical thinkers give their company a competitive advantage in the market. Critical thinking leads to more efficient problem-solving, creative ideas, and rational discussions among employees.


  1. Ruggeri A. (10 July 2024). Logical fallacies: Seven ways to spot a bad argument. BBC.
  2. Gray K. (January 16, 2024). The Key Attributes Employers Are Looking for on Graduates’ Resumes. National Association of Colleges and Employers.
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