Participate In The Positive
Psychology Research

You are invited to take part in a research study on positive leadership.

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a new positive leadership scale. Your role is to anonymously answer the provided questions about your current and direct manager or supervisor. 

You will not be asked to provide your or your manager’s name, so the survey process is completely anonymous. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey.  

Research - PL EFA 73

The following statements describe the behaviours of your current, direct manager or supervisor.

For each statement, please indicate how frequently this person displays the described behaviour from 1 (Never) to 7 (Always).

If a statement describes a situation you haven't personally experienced, please imagine how your manager would likely behave based on your knowledge of them.

Please do not answer these questions about yourself.

Never (1)Very Rarely (2)Rarely (3)Sometimes (4)Often (5)Very Often (6)Always (7)
actions consistently reflect a commitment to serving others rather than self-promotion.
encourages us to think beyond our immediate tasks and consider our long-term positive influence.
shows genuine concern for my well-being and personal growth.
creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels part of the group.
fosters a sense of belonging and team spirit within our group.
expresses confidence in my abilities to tackle challenging tasks.
shows genuine appreciation for the work I do.
engages in honest conversations, even when the topics are difficult.
helps me find meaning in difficult tasks or situations.
offers continuous feedback to help improve my performance.
helps me identify and develop my personal strengths.
challenges me in ways that foster my professional growth.
demonstrates a willingness to learn by seeking feedback from others.
behaviour aligns with the values and principles they advocate.
provides coaching and mentoring to help employees grow.
reframes challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth and development.
communicates a clear vision that gives me a sense of purpose in my work.
helps me see how my work contributes to a greater purpose.
unites the team around a shared mission that is significant and meaningful.
initiates projects and activities that aim to make a positive difference in society.
treats all team members fairly and equally, regardless of their position.
demonstrates honesty in all professional interactions.
holds themselves accountable to the same high standards they expect from others.
celebrates small wins and progress along the way to larger objectives.
builds my confidence through supportive and encouraging communication.
in times of crisis, remains calm and helps others stay focused.
highlights the positive aspects of any situation even if it is a difficult one.
instils a sense of hope and optimism about the future.
respects and reinforces boundaries between work and personal time to promote work-life balance.
dedicates time to their mental and physical health and encourages others to do the same.
creates a sense of unity and belongingness within our team.
quickly addresses any bullying or negative behaviours in the team.
fosters a psychologically safe environment in our team where we can trust one another.
treats me as a person first, not just as an employee.
to ensure data quality, please select rarely as the answer to this question
helps me understand how my work contributes to the organization's goals.
helps me recognize my own growth and development over time.
expresses trust in my capabilities to handle important tasks.
provides support and guidance that are personalized to my needs.
balances achieving results with caring for the team's well-being.
shows genuine care and concern for all team members.
responds with understanding and forgiveness, when team members make mistakes.
actively listens to team members' concerns without judgment.
demonstrates empathy by trying to understand situations from others' perspectives.
performs acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.
generously shares knowledge and expertise to help others grow.
encourages a culture of kindness within our team.
care extends beyond work-related matters to personal concerns.
provides negative feedback in supportive ways and with a true intention to help.
is authentic in their acts of kindness.
care and concern for me are sincere.
listens to me because they truly want to understand.
effectively aligns our team towards common goals, fostering a sense of unity.
actively promotes collaboration among team members.
creates an environment where team members genuinely care about each other's success.
publicly recognizes team members' achievements during meetings.
fosters a culture where everyone appreciates each other's efforts and contributions.
celebrates the unique strengths each team member brings to the team.
acknowledges the value I bring to the team.
shows gratitude for the efforts I put into my tasks.
encourages open dialogue to promote mutual understanding among team members.
fosters an environment where different viewpoints are respected and valued.
acknowledges and celebrates the different perspectives and backgrounds within the team.
creates an environment where I feel safe to express my opinions openly.
promotes transparent communication within our team.
cultivates an environment where asking questions is viewed positively.
creates an environment where I feel confident being myself around them and team members.
creates an environment where I feel safe to tell the truth to them without fear of judgment.
communicates a clear and inspiring vision for our future.
communicates with enthusiasm and energy that inspires the team
builds strong, personal connections with each member of the team.
maintains a positive outlook, even during challenging times.
optimism is contagious and motivates our team.
helps the team reframe difficult situations into positive outcomes.