Whether you are a manager trying to assemble your new team or an HR looking for the right fit for your company, the Group Fit Report can help to analyze the unique strengths contribution of every individual. Here are a few easy steps you can take to get such a report today.

Step 1: Take the HIGH5 Strengths Test

Step 2: Create A Group

Step 3: Invite The Person To Share Their Strengths With You

The section ‘Invited People’ in the bottom left displays all people who have shared their strengths with you. To invite someone, it’s enough to enter their email address to the corresponding field in the center of the screen and click ‘Send The Invite’


The person will receive an invite in their mailbox with a unique link to share their HIGH5 test results with you. If they haven’t taken the strengths test before, they would be able to do it prior to sharing their results.

Step 4: Preview The Group Fit

When the person, whose fit to the group you want to analyze, took the test, you will be able to click on their profile in the  ‘PEOPLE & GROUPS’ section and visit their strengths profile.  


On their strengths profile, click on the dropdown area below ‘COMPARE WITH’ header and select the group you want to compare the individual results with. 

Step 5: Unlock The Report

To unlock the Group Fit Report on how this specific individual would impact the group strengths profile, simply click on the ‘Unlock Group Fit Report’ button in the top right corner. 




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