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Hard Skills: 20 Examples for a Job Interview & CV [Full Guide]

What are Hard Skills 24 Ultimate Examples & Definitions

During interviews, recruiters constantly evaluate a potential candidate’s skills. They ensure an individual has the proper knowledge to be successful in a job. However, there are two distinct types of skills that companies value: hard skills and soft skills.

Being aware of both one’s hard and soft skills can truly change the outcome of a job interview, potentially resulting in you getting a job you would otherwise not be considered for. It’s key to combine both of these skill sets to make you the most complete candidate. The following article teaches you the difference between these skill sets and how you can apply them to maximize your odds of being hired.

What are hard skills? The definition

Hard skills are technical abilities with technical and specific knowledge that you gain through life experience, education, and practice.

Usually, hard skills are easier to learn and are more tangible than soft skills. The benefits of having hard skills are better employee performance, being more valuable to a team and company, higher retention rate and it makes employees even more competitive in the job market.

20 examples of hard skills

There are a vast number of different hard skills that can truly be beneficial to almost any employee. Here are examples of the most common hard skills along with an explanation of each:

  1. Writing
  2. Design
  3. Computer skills
  4. Medical skills
  5. Lawyering
  6. Marketing
  7. Project management
  8. Data analysis
  9. Engineering
  10. Foreign language
  11. Skills management
  12. Programming
  13. SEO
  14. Hard communication skills
  15. Copywriting
  16. Accounting
  17. Agile software
  18. Corporate management
  19. Leadership
  20. Social media

20 examples of hard skills


The ability to compose clear, structured, and effective written communication for various purposes, such as reports, articles, and emails.


Skills in creating visual content using tools like Adobe Creative Suite, including graphic design, UX/UI design, and product design.

Computer skills

Proficiency in using computers and related technology, including basic software applications, troubleshooting, and navigating operating systems.

Medical skills

Technical abilities and knowledge required for healthcare professions, such as diagnosing, treating, and managing patient care.


Expertise in legal practice, including case analysis, legal research, drafting legal documents, and representing clients in court.


Skills in promoting products or services, including market research, advertising, branding, and developing marketing strategies.

Project management

The ability to plan, execute, and oversee projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within scope, and within budget, often using tools like MS Project or Asana.

Data analysis

The ability to collect, process, and interpret data to derive meaningful insights and support decision-making, often using tools like Excel, R, or Python.


Technical skills and knowledge in designing, building, and maintaining structures, systems, or products, specific to fields like civil, mechanical, electrical, or software engineering.

Foreign language

Proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in a language other than one’s native language, which can aid in communication and translation.

Skills management

The ability to identify, develop, and manage employees’ skills to improve organizational performance and career development.


The ability to write and maintain code in various programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript to develop software applications.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Techniques used to improve a website’s visibility on search engines involve keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.

Hard communication skills

Specific technical communication abilities, such as writing reports, delivering presentations, or creating technical documentation.


The skill of writing persuasive and compelling content for marketing and advertising purposes, aimed at promoting products or services.


The ability to manage financial records, prepare financial statements, conduct audits, and ensure compliance with financial regulations.

Agile software

Proficiency in Agile methodologies for software development, focusing on iterative development, collaboration, and adaptability.

Corporate management

Skills in overseeing business operations, including strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance monitoring.


Leading and motivating a team, managing conflict, and driving organizational goals through effective decision-making and communication.

Social media

Expertise in using social media platforms to engage audiences, create content, and implement marketing strategies to enhance brand presence.

4 real-life scenarios of hard skills in a workplace

Hard skills can be utilized in a variety of ways. The way one uses their skills depends heavily on the industry they enter and the career path they wish to follow. Below is a list of examples where hard skills are used in the workplace:

Data Skills

Data analysis skills are often used in computer science or statistical analysis. It allows one to use data to make more informed decisions.

Technical skills

Technical skills encompass a vast array of abilities. For example, CAD, prototyping, troubleshooting, linear regression, or systems administration are all forms of technical skill. Coding in multiple programming languages, such as Python or JavaScript, is another example.

Marketing/design skills

Design skill examples include UX design, UI design, and graphic design. For marketers, career-specific skills are SEO, PPC, copywriting, email advertising, or social media marketing.

Administrative skills

For managers, administrative skills are immensely important. Business knowledge, finance, accounting, and team management make up this crucial skill set.

How and where to list your hard skills in a resume or a CV?

To effectively showcase your hard skills in a resume or CV, follow these guidelines:

  • Summary or objective section: Mention key hard skills relevant to the job at the top of your resume in the summary or objective section.
  • Skills section: Create a dedicated skills section where you list hard skills relevant to the position you are applying for. Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Work experience: Highlight your hard skills within your job descriptions. Describe how you applied these skills in your previous roles, using specific examples and achievements.
  • Education section: Include hard skills learned during your education, such as degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework.
  • Certifications and licenses: List any certifications or licenses you have obtained that demonstrate your proficiency in specific hard skills.

How can I acquire hard skills?

Acquiring hard skills involves a combination of formal education, practical experience, and continuous learning. You can start by enrolling in relevant courses or degree programs offered by universities or online platforms like Coursera and Udemy.

Gaining practical experience through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering in your field is also crucial. Additionally, earning certifications can validate your expertise in specific areas.

Regularly updating your skills by attending workshops, webinars, and industry conferences ensures you stay current with technological advancements and industry trends. Consistent practice and application of these skills in real-world scenarios will solidify your proficiency and make you more competitive in the job market.

Hard skills for teachers

Teachers need a diverse set of hard skills to manage their classrooms and support student learning effectively. Here are the top five essential hard skills for teachers:


Effective communication is crucial for teachers to convey information clearly and interact with students, parents, and colleagues. It involves not just speaking and writing, but also listening actively and providing constructive feedback.

Time management

Time management skills help teachers plan lessons, grade assignments, and balance various responsibilities efficiently. Being able to prioritize tasks and manage classroom time effectively ensures that educational objectives are met.


Classroom management skills are essential for maintaining a productive learning environment. This includes setting clear rules, managing student behavior, and fostering an atmosphere of respect and engagement.


Organizational skills enable teachers to keep track of lesson plans, student records, and teaching materials. Staying organized helps in planning effective lessons and ensuring that the classroom runs smoothly.


Patience is vital in dealing with diverse student needs and behaviors. It allows teachers to remain calm and supportive, even in challenging situations, and to provide the necessary time for students to understand complex concepts.

Examples of hard skills for students

While soft skills are useful in most job settings, hard skills should not be overlooked. They are the key to your technical success.

10 Examples of Hard Skills Students

You will find a list of hard skills for students that can contribute to your current and long-term success below.

Considerable experience within a field

No doubt, if you can volunteer or become an intern in a field before searching for a full-time job, employers will see that you are dedicated and have more knowledge than other applicants.

Search engine optimization

If you work with a digital company/in marketing, knowing even basic SEO shows you can help the brand rank higher in Google and gain potential clients.

Experience with CRM software

Already knowing about tools a company uses gives you a competitive advantage, for the business does not have to spend as much time teaching you.

Cash flow management

This skill shows you know how to manage and organize business information.

General professional skills

If you go into a specific field, know the specific skills needed by looking at the job description, job duties, and overall company description.


Businesses love it when you can make them money. As a student, selling yourself can be difficult. However, if you master sales techniques you will not only be able to sell yourself to an interviewer but also sell the company’s products.

Knowing another language

Translation can be handy in many fields. If you are bilingual, you can serve as an in-house translator for a specific language and benefit the whole team.

Writing skills

Writing a thorough resume and personal statement can potentially land you a job if your resume skills are at an advanced proficiency level.

Public speaking

You can be a great representative for a team if this skill is strong, making you an appealing leader throughout your career.


This is another hard skill that shows you can manage and organize aspects of a team.

Hard skills for nurses

Nurses require a variety of hard skills to provide high-quality care and ensure patient safety. Here are the top five essential hard skills for nurses:

Patient safety

Ensuring patient safety is a fundamental skill for nurses. This involves following protocols to prevent infections, administering medications accurately, and monitoring patients for any changes in their condition.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills enable nurses to assess situations quickly and make informed decisions. This is particularly important in emergencies, where timely and accurate judgments can significantly impact patient outcomes.

Administering medication

Administering medication safely and correctly is a core responsibility for nurses. This includes understanding dosages, recognizing potential side effects, and ensuring patients take their medications as prescribed.


Empathy allows nurses to connect with patients on a personal level, providing emotional support and understanding. This skill is crucial for building trust and ensuring patients feel cared for during their treatment.


Leadership skills are important for nurses in supervisory roles or when coordinating care among a team. Effective leadership involves guiding and motivating colleagues, managing conflicts, and ensuring high standards of care are maintained.

Hard skills for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs need a diverse range of hard skills to successfully start and grow their businesses. Here are the top five essential hard skills for entrepreneurs:


Effective leadership is crucial for entrepreneurs to inspire and guide their teams. Strong leadership skills involve setting a clear vision, motivating employees, making strategic decisions, and fostering a positive company culture.

Time management

Time management skills help entrepreneurs prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and balance various aspects of running a business. Efficiently managing time ensures that critical business operations are executed smoothly and goals are achieved.


Analytical skills enable entrepreneurs to assess market trends, evaluate business performance, and make data-driven decisions. This includes understanding financial statements, conducting market research, and analyzing competitors.


Problem-solving skills are vital for entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and find innovative solutions. Whether dealing with operational issues or unexpected setbacks, being able to think critically and creatively is essential for business success.

Financial skills

Financial skills are critical for managing budgets, forecasting revenue, and ensuring the financial health of the business. Entrepreneurs need to understand accounting principles, manage cash flow, and make informed investment decisions to sustain and grow their ventures.

Why are hard skills important?

Training to develop hard skills has a multitude of benefits. For starters, consider the value of an education. Employers understand that with a college degree comes knowledge, some degrees of experience, and dedication.

This is why education is often a required aspect of getting a job. Additionally, there are many job-specific hard skills that can benefit your career. Knowing digital marketing can help you boost a business’s revenue, ROI, brand reputation, and potential profits.

Why are Hard Skills Important to Train For

This makes you a valuable employee, which is the true point of learning such skills. There is only so much time you have to spend on learning skills before you start your career. The sooner you get certificates, a thorough education, and job experience, the better.

When interning at a company, you will develop many new skills. These will depend upon the specific brand you intern for but expect these hard skills to be valuable for years to come. No one can unteach you these skills, but make sure you put in the effort to stay up-to-date on your technical skills. Doing so is especially important, as technology is constantly evolving.

Focus on your most relevant hard skills

To impress potential employers and find long-term success in your career of choice, identify your own skills. These should be relevant to the particular field you work in. This way, you are not forced to learn every skill in existence. Rather, you can focus on those which will bring the most benefit to your work.

There is no one definition of an important skill. However, you can easily find the skills an employer demands by looking at a job description. Then, you can easily target these particular skills to develop them further and become a top candidate for the job.

Additionally, finding adjacent skills to work on can make you stand out from the rest of the job prospects. Every industry has a general skills list that applies across employers. Consider the ideal candidate for your employer: what qualities do they have? Does the job description mention specific job duties?

If so, think of skills that can make performing these tasks easier and try to acquire them. This way, you stay focused on only the most relevant skills for your job.

Difference between hard skills and soft skills?

Soft skills are personality traits that candidates have that allow them to succeed in the workforce. Like with hard skills, there is a vast amount of soft skills that differ from person to person and industry to industry. However, common soft skills include communication skills, interpersonal skills, and collaboration skills.

Notice that these are traits, not technical skills or experience. Because of this, it is often stated that soft skills are more difficult to teach. They require a person to truly change their personality rather than simply observing information to acquire the skill. Having both soft and hard skills is key to career success, as they both allow a candidate to develop strengths and become more connected with their work. Hard skills are more tangible and easier to teach, hard skills are far more tangible, and it is easier to assess whether someone has a hard skill.

They include job training, education, life experience, certificates, and skills gained through prior employment. Popular hard skills that employers value include knowing a trade, being bilingual, knowledge of cloud networks, social media management, and undertaking a variety of current software and programming languages, such as Python or JavaScript.

How to use hard skills to be a more effective teammate?

Now that you know how to display your skills on a resume, you may be wondering how to do the same in a real work environment. These are two completely different tasks, but you can achieve both in a variety of ways. One soft skill you can start incorporating into your daily work is strategic thinking.

Create strategies that help you succeed and think clearly. This skill can guide you when making important decisions, delegating tasks, and leading for the long term. If you plan to work with computers and become and/or become an engineer, data science is a great skill to use.

How to Use Hard and Soft Skills to be a More Effective Teammate

Collecting data on your team can give you immense insights into productivity, and work-life balance, and will ultimately help you make any necessary changes in employment and delegation. Two soft skills that go hand in hand are collaboration and communication.

No matter what your position is, speaking clearly and honestly to your colleagues is key. If you are a manager, ensure you describe tasks clearly so no one is confused. If you are in need of assistance, communicate this to others instead of hiding your struggles.

And if someone needs assistance from you, collaborate to move the team forward. Another hard skill that could be beneficial toward becoming a better team member is UX design. Using this skill, you can get a clearer understanding of your customer base.

With this, you can give your team more information on how to improve a user’s experience. Also, once you begin to understand the customer, apply the same strategies you use to understand and collaborate with your team. Presenting data clearly and communicating are just two strategies that can contribute to your relationship with your colleagues.

What are hybrid skills?

If a candidate has hybrid skills, they possess both hard and soft skills. Each employer will have a different definition of what an ideal hybrid candidate looks like. If you are looking to determine how much of each skill an employer believes is ideal, take a look at the description of duties the employer provides on the job description.

See which skills are required to perform these duties well. Additionally, visit the employer’s website to see if they mention any soft skills they value and what their company culture demands. Having hybrid skills does not mean that 50% of your skills are hard and the other 50% are soft. It is more about having a mix of both skills that will contribute to your workplace. You can still have these strengths in varying proportions, so long as both hard and soft skills contribute to your success at work.

Conclusion for hard skill

Obtaining both hard and soft skills is a crucial aspect of developing as an employee and becoming a competitive job candidate. Every industry requires some level of these two skills, and it is up to job seekers to determine how to build their knowledge in those fields.

If individuals fail to harness the power of either skill, they risk not being hired or progressing in their careers. Having hard and soft skills also contributes to your long-term happiness and job satisfaction, making them even more of a powerful tool for self-development.

Hard skill FAQ

What is a good hard skill?

All hard skills can be beneficial. However, to find which hard skills are truly beneficial to you, you just focus on your specific industry. Carpentry is a hard skill that is absolutely crucial to carpenters, but almost useless to doctors.

An MD is crucial to doctors, but useless to carpenters. So, you must research the education requirements for your industry and acquire them. Then, see which hard skills are listed under jobs in your industry and focus on acquiring them.

What are your top 5 skills?

Hard skills are industry-specific (more so than soft skills). However, some hard skills are becoming more and more needed in virtually all industries. The ability to type and use computers is crucial in the modern era, for instance.

Budgeting and accounting are also necessary for most professions. Knowing how to speak a foreign language will benefit you regardless of your industry. Knowing how to write and market is also key in most industries.

What is a hard skill in a CV?

A hard skill in a CV is a specific, teachable ability or knowledge set that is measurable, such as coding, data analysis, or project management.

Is critical thinking a hard skill?

Yes, critical thinking is considered a hard skill as it involves specific, teachable techniques for analyzing and evaluating information.

Is driving a hard skill?

Yes, driving is a hard skill because it requires technical knowledge and practice to operate a vehicle safely.

How do I find my hard skills?

Identify your hard skills by reflecting on your education, training, work experience, and any certifications or technical abilities you possess.

What are hard skills to include on a resume?

Hard skills to include on a resume depend on the job but commonly include computer skills, data analysis, project management, technical skills, and foreign languages.

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