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19 Diplomatic Skills That Every Great Diplomat Must Have

Why Is It Important To Recognize Diplomatic Skills & Their Benefits

Your diplomatic skills play a crucial role in many different aspects of your life. Diplomacy can help you resolve workplace conflicts, boost your productivity, increase the revenue you generate, and so much more. With so many tasks to focus on, employees often overlook the importance of diplomacy skills. While some might think cutthroat competition is necessary for success, this mindset overlooks the power of diplomatic skills.

At HIGH5, our strengths assessment reveals your natural talents for diplomacy, empowering you to navigate challenges with grace. By understanding and leveraging your diplomatic strengths, you can achieve your goals while fostering positive relationships – a win-win approach that doesn’t have to be complicated. In this article, we will discuss what workplace diplomacy is and why it is so beneficial.

What are diplomatic skills?

If you are interested in building this key skill, learn about the meaning of diplomacy first. Diplomatic skills are a type of soft skill. They allow individuals, most often company leaders, to navigate and overcome conflict. Conflict resolution can be utilized within the individual’s team, too. If you want to be a leader, you must have diplomatic skills. Diplomacy also relates to how managers and leaders deal with workplace relationships. They try to maintain strong bonds and consistent communication with members of their team, partners, and even sometimes competitors.

Diplomatic skills encompass a wide range of abilities, from forming effective communication strategies to resolving conflicts. At HIGH5, our strengths assessment pinpoints your natural talents in areas like empathy, active listening, and creative problem-solving – the cornerstones of successful diplomacy. Understanding your unique strengths profile allows you to leverage your innate abilities to navigate challenging situations with poise and finesse.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Identify your key diplomatic strengths using the HIGH5 assessment, and intentionally apply them in your day-to-day interactions. For example, if active listening is one of your top strengths, make a conscious effort to fully engage and understand others’ perspectives before responding. This simple practice can defuse tensions and foster mutual understanding.

Why is it important to recognize diplomatic skills?

Focusing on your strengths, regardless of what they may be, is generally beneficial to you and your entire team. This is especially true when it comes to diplomatic abilities. While developing diplomatic skills takes time and effort, the rewards are truly immense and long-lasting. At HIGH5, our strengths assessment helps you identify your natural talents in areas like conflict resolution, empathy, and effective communication. By understanding your unique strengths profile, you can intentionally cultivate and leverage these diplomatic abilities, unlocking a plethora of benefits in your personal and professional life. You should be aware of the following workplace diplomacy skill benefits:

  • Creating a more positive work environment, that is both inclusive but also focused
  • Helping you start a dream career path by helping boost your resume and interview skills
  • Managing workplace conflicts and dealing with difficult coworkers or employees in an effective manner and creating win-win outcomes
  • Boosting your productivity and efficiency, thus helping you generate more revenue as well as profit
  • Getting more confidence because of your strong abilities, which helps you with taking calculated risks and making decisions
  • Increasing your ability to meet as well as exceed goals, thus boosting career success
  • Helping you develop numerous skills adjacently, such as learning to become a more empathetic person
  • Decreasing your stress levels leads to greater mental health and even physical health outcomes
  • Allows you to stay objective and better control your emotions
  • Gives you more passion for your work, which is especially useful when dealing with challenging situations

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Once you’ve identified your diplomatic strengths with the HIGH5 assessment, set specific goals for how you’ll intentionally apply them. For instance, if emotional intelligence is one of your top strengths, commit to actively listening and validating others’ perspectives in your next team meeting. Small, intentional steps like these can have a profound impact on your ability to navigate challenges diplomatically.

19 examples of key diplomatic skills

Now that you are aware of the many benefits tied to using diplomatic skills, you may be curious: what skills are included as part of ‘diplomacy’? After all, diplomacy is not just one ability. It encompasses many different strengths that work together. Because of this, to truly be a diplomatic person, you will need to use many of these abilities in your day-to-day work. Some of the top diplomatic skills for boosting successful outcomes at work include:


Being aware of your surroundings and the emotions of others helps in navigating complex social and professional environments effectively.

Relationship skills

Building and maintaining positive relationships is crucial for fostering cooperation and mutual respect in the workplace.


Effective leadership involves guiding and inspiring others toward achieving common goals while maintaining a harmonious work environment.


Working well with others, making compromises, and ensuring all team members are engaged and satisfied are key aspects of collaboration.


Maintaining a calm and collected demeanor during stressful situations helps in making rational decisions and resolving conflicts smoothly.

Operational skills

Understanding and managing the day-to-day operations of an organization ensures smooth functioning and efficiency.


Efficient management involves organizing, planning, and overseeing tasks to ensure team productivity and goal achievement.


Introducing new ideas and creative solutions to problems can give a competitive edge and improve overall team performance.


Effectively advocating for yourself and others involves clearly communicating needs and ensuring that all voices are heard and considered.


If you want to be a great leader, you need to effectively communicate. Having great communication skills means being able to connect with others when you speak, being clear, and communicating in a professional manner. However, you also need to change your communication style depending on who you are talking to. The communication strategy you use with your boss should be different than how you speak with your employees or networking partners, for instance.

Critical thinking skills

Critical thinking abilities can help you in numerous ways. They allow you to overcome problems easier, find the best way to approach problems, and much more. When trying to increase your conflict resolution skills (which are crucial for diplomacy), try working on critical thinking. Critical thought can also help you become more creative, thus finding solutions that other individuals would miss. If you can think critically, you will be more adept at staying calm in troubling situations.

Customer service

You need to effectively communicate with customers to be a diplomatic employee. This is especially true if you have a job in customer service. Customer service skills involve being empathetic to client needs, finding the best solutions to their problems, and being memorable. Great sales representatives use customer service skills to build long-lasting bonds with their clients. By developing customer service abilities, you will have the right toolset to approach other work-related problems in a diplomatic way.

Analytical skills

When you are presented with a tough situation, you need to reach with speed and precision. The ability to do this requires using analytical skills to consider the situation and weigh potential options for you to choose from. Even data analysis ties into diplomacy. When you analyze large pieces of data, you consistently check the data for its accuracy. To boost your efficiency, you may consider reaching out to others for support. Doing this involves diplomatic skills, just one of the many ways analytical skills are benefited by diplomacy and vice versa.


Being able to solve problems is crucial no matter what job you have or the industry you work in. Regardless of how well you prepare, there will always still be a few issues with your work. If you want to be diplomatic, learn to control your emotions and use critical thinking to solve problems. This will help you stay away from hotheadedness, which is a trait you surely do not want to develop.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts will occur on every team, even the most successful and productive ones. However, you can boost team efficiency and save your team frustration if you use conflict resolution skills. Conflict resolution is one of the most commonly used diplomacy skills. This ability allows you to effectively overcome problems with employees and deal with rude coworkers as well. By using conflict resolution skills, you will not only boost positive outcomes for yourself but also for the entire team.


Being empathetic allows you to become more diplomatic. When trying to resolve conflicts or working to maintain positive relationships with others, empathy can come in handy. It allows you to strengthen bonds with individuals and helps you see the world from someone else’s perspective. Empathy can also help you feel more fulfilled, as it helps you build long-lasting relations that are truly meaningful.


Diplomatic people know how to work well with others. At times, this requires making some compromises. With diplomacy, individuals can make compromises that still benefit themselves and help them achieve their goals. However, they can also maintain a positive relationship with the other party and ensure they are satisfied, too. Working well on a team is a great skill to have for your resume, too. It shows you can be productive, communicate well, stay focused as well organized, and more.


If you are creative, you can find a new way to approach problems. This gives you a greater chance to overcome problematic situations, even when others struggle. Being creative can give you a competitive advantage over other employees or business owners, too. Instead of struggling with difficult situations, you may start to find the problem-solving process exciting with your creative skills.


If you are overly scared to communicate with others, you cannot be a diplomatic employee. Be confident in your abilities. This will allow you to stay calm under times of pressure. Thus, you can refine your conflict resolution techniques by avoiding emotional outbursts. Confidence can also help you simultaneously boost some other critical diplomatic abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and even communication.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

If effective communication is one of your top HIGH5 strengths, reflect on situations where you’ve excelled in this area. What specific behaviors or strategies did you employ? For example, did you ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding? Or did you adapt your communication style to resonate with your audience? Identify these success patterns and consciously apply them in future diplomatic situations.

How do you identify diplomatic skills?

After reading about the many benefits and types of diplomatic abilities, identifying your current diplomacy skills may have piqued your interest. However, not many people know how to acquire or identify their skills in general, let alone a specific subcategory like diplomatic ability. Do you have to buy any books to learn these skills? Can they only be learned through education, such as with years of career experience or college education? These are the questions many people have when first embarking on their diplomacy skill development journey.

The good news is that you do not have to invest hundreds of dollars to get these skills. Neither do you have to spend years committed to a career before getting these skills. In fact, you most likely already have a few of these skills. To find out which of these skills you already have and how developed your diplomacy skills are, consider simply taking an online assessment. That way, all you need is a connection to the internet. If you are trying to find the best online test to find your diplomacy skills, consider the HIGH5 test. You will not only realize what your diplomacy skills are, but you will also get an entire strengths profile, too. The test is straightforward and quick. You will likely finish within 20 minutes. Best of all, the test is completely free.

Another way you can find your diplomatic skills is by reflecting back on your prior diplomatic successes. Think about times when you dealt effectively with tough coworkers or clients, or when you overcame a conflict with coworkers. How did you overcome the challenges you encountered there? Did you communicate well, use critical thinking, or some other strategy? Notice if there is a pattern between your successes. If there is, you can deduce your skills from there. Do know, though, that this strategy is less effective than simply taking a test like HIGH5.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

After taking the HIGH5 assessment, reflect on situations where you’ve successfully applied your diplomatic strengths. Celebrate these victories and use them as a blueprint for future challenges. For example, if conflict resolution is a top strength, recall a time when you effectively mediated a disagreement. What specific strategies did you employ? Identify these success patterns and consciously integrate them into your approach moving forward.

How do you improve diplomatic skills?

Once you know what your existing skills are, consider improving upon those abilities. There are many benefits that come with doing this. You will become more productive and satisfied as well as a better team player. To improve your diplomatic skills in the workplace, there are numerous strategies you could use. First of all, ensure you do not limit yourself or work against your goals by being too timid. Confidence is key when trying to develop your skills. Take every opportunity you can get to use your skills. Do not be afraid to speak out or advocate for yourself when you need to.

For example, many individuals would be scared of making suggestions or getting involved in the conflict. However, if you are trying to boost your diplomacy skills, you need to overcome that fear. In addition, you should also realize that focusing on turning your weaknesses into strengths is an inefficient approach to building your skills. It will make you less confident and less motivated. On the other hand, using a strength-based approach will allow you to focus on doing what you do best.

Identify what your current strengths are, and make a list of ways you could incorporate them into your work more often. If you need assistance in doing this, consider asking for support from coworkers you think also have these skills. Observe (or ask them directly) how they achieved certain diplomatic successes. Try to emulate their success while adding your unique creative decisions.

How do you highlight diplomatic skills in a resume & job interview?

When you gain any skill, whether it be diplomatic or otherwise, your natural tendency is likely to flaunt it. This is natural and logical. After all, the purpose of acquiring these skills is to bring you some personal benefit. And, one of the greatest personal benefits of acquiring skills is the boost in career opportunities. These increased career opportunities can be tied back to your resume and interview. The most straightforward way to present your diplomatic skills is by simply listing them. However, this may not lead to your preferred outcome. Keep in mind, the interviewer does not know you. They have no reason to simply trust your word when you claim to have a skill. Thus, you need to provide some backing to your claim.

Use specific information when writing or speaking about your skills. If you have statistics, ensure you use them. For instance, if you know that by leading your last team, 25% fewer conflicts were reported, mention this during the interview. Ensure you exhibit some confidence in your skills, too. Maintain good eye contact and body language. When discussing diplomacy skills, try to highlight the specific diplomacy skill you used (problem-solving skills, active listening, emotional intelligence, effective communication, etc.) and how it benefitted your last team.

On your resume, you could include diplomatic skills under your prior work experiences. Describe the benefits that your team acquired by you maintaining this skill. Try to highlight how this skill could benefit your desired employer by making parallels between your past experiences and your new potential job. This will further compel the interviewer to remember you and choose you for the job.

Diplomatic skills FAQ

What are good diplomacy skills?

Good diplomacy is a skill that benefits many different aspects of an individual’s work. Diplomacy is a type of soft skill that allows individuals to effectively navigate conflicts without turmoil and build strong relationships. There are many different types of skills that are included within the broad category of diplomacy.

For instance, conflict resolution, effective communication, listening skills, collaboration, customer service, empathy, collaboration, creativity, and analytical skills are all just some of the skills that a good diplomatic employee needs to have.

What does a good diplomat do?

A good diplomat is an individual who can effectively harness their diplomacy skills to benefit an entire team. They know how to turn a difficult situation into a more relaxed one. For instance, when presented with a problem, diplomats try to find solutions that benefit all parties. They work hard to use creative strategies and critical thinking to help them do this.

In addition, great diplomats also know how to build long-lasting relationships. They connect deeply with others and are incredible team players. Individuals who are diplomatic are professional, courteous, and positive. They use skills such as collaboration, effective communication, empathy, active listening, and more to benefit their teams.

What are diplomatic skills in everyday life?

Diplomatic skills in everyday life involve effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution to build positive relationships and navigate social situations smoothly. They help in resolving disagreements, understanding different perspectives, and fostering cooperation.

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