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21 Human Resource Interview Question & How To Prepare

Answering interview questions for HR managers can be essential for landing a role at an organization. With many jobs requiring a solid background in dealing with people and managing teams, it’s vital to ensure you’re prepared for any potential questions.

This article will cover key HR interview questions you should be ready to answer. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to prepare for your HR interview and make sure you’re ready for any questions that may come your way.

21 Human Resource Interview Question & How To Prepare

Let’s get right into it.

What are employers and hiring managers looking for when interviewing people for a human resource manager role?

Employers and hiring managers are looking for people with solid backgrounds in dealing with people and managing teams. They are also looking for people who can demonstrate strong problem-solving and excellent communication skills. Knowing which HR skills to work on and highlight in the interview will be necessary for convincing employers that you are the right person for the role.

Here are the primary skills to consider.

Time management

The person who can split their tasks effectively between the days and work with a sense of urgency will wildly succeed in this role. Being able to prioritize tasks, delegate them when necessary, and finish on time sets you ahead of most other candidates.

Communication skills

HR professionals need to be able to communicate with all levels of personnel in an organization. They should know how to listen carefully to understand instructions and explain processes clearly. People skills are essential in this role, and connecting with people from different backgrounds is beneficial for any HR manager.

Accountability and organization

Organizational skills are also critical for a successful HR manager. Being organized and efficient helps managers keep track of important documents such as employee contracts and benefits information. Good organizational and record-keeping skills are also crucial for managing payroll, performance evaluations, and other HR documents.

Soft skills

Soft skills such as empathy, understanding, patience, conflict resolution, and a people-focused mindset will be highly beneficial for any HR manager. Reaching out to employees in difficult situations with kindness and respect is essential for creating an inviting work environment.


Finally, any HR professional must adapt quickly to changing work environments. Adapting to different scenarios while still meeting the job requirements will demonstrate that you can take the initiative even when faced with unexpected obstacles.

By understanding these five main competency areas before the HR interview, you’ll be more than prepared to answer any questions they may have.

21 Interview Questions for a HR Manager

Let’s now go into some of the most common questions in an HR interview. We’ll also cover why they are essential to consider and provide model answers for each question.

21 Interview Questions for a HR Manager

1. How do you guarantee that the candidates you present to your hiring managers are the best possible for the job?

This question tests your ability to understand the job requirements and identify the best candidates for the role.

Answer: I guarantee that candidates are the best possible for a job by taking my time to review applications carefully and thoroughly. I read through resumes, cover letters, and portfolios before making any selections to understand their qualifications, skill sets, and experience.

Additionally, after narrowing down some potential, I like to do interviews in-person or over video call to gauge further if they are a good fit for the job. This way, I can ensure that all of my recommendations align with what the hiring manager is looking for.

2. Which technology do you think is necessary for a recruiting department to run efficiently?

This question helps to assess your knowledge of current technology used in recruiting and how it can help streamline processes.

Answer: I believe a combination of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and modern recruitment software is necessary for an efficient recruitment process. An ATS can help save time while screening resumes and applications by automating the process and keeping track of all candidates throughout the recruitment journey.

Additionally, modern recruitment software such as video interviewing platforms, chatbots, and candidate relationship management systems are essential for streamlining department operations. These technologies make things easier for recruiters and increase job seekers’ engagement. 

3. Would you prefer to handle recruitment solo or with the help of others?

This question tests your ability to work as part of a team and collaborate on projects.

Answer: The answer to this depends on the recruiting project’s size and scope. In some cases, it would be more efficient to handle recruitment alone if there is not enough time or resources available for a collaborative approach.

However, in most situations, I prefer to work with others as I believe that two heads are better than one when tackling complex tasks. Working together on projects also helps promote creativity, insight sharing, and knowledge exchange which can ultimately result in better candidate sourcing and selection decisions. 

4. What are some things you’ve done in the past to build a strong employer brand for your company?

This question tests your understanding of employer branding and how you can use it to boost a company’s reputation.

Answer: I have implemented many strategies to build a compelling employer brand for my company. Firstly, I ensure that all job postings accurately reflect our company culture, values, and mission statement.

Additionally, I like to tap into multiple channels, such as social media platforms, to create more visibility for our organization and increase engagement with potential candidates. Finally, I always ensure that our recruitment processes are transparent and fair so that candidates feel respected throughout their journey with us.

All these steps help ensure that we maintain a positive image in the eyes of both current and future employees. 

5. How do you ensure that both HR and recruiting departments are on the same page when hiring?

This question tests your understanding of managing different departments and collaborating effectively with colleagues.

Answer: I believe collaboration is vital in ensuring that both HR and recruiting departments are on the same page when hiring. To achieve this, it is essential to have regular and open communication between these departments.

This helps ensure that recruitment policy or practice changes can be quickly discussed and communicated across both teams. Shared performance metrics and clear goals will also help keep both teams aligned toward achieving the desired result.

Finally, setting aside time for joint team meetings or brainstorming sessions can help keep everyone informed about the progress of each hiring project.

6. What talent management system do you prefer and why?

This question tests your understanding of the different talent management systems and which best suits your needs.

Answer: My preferred system for managing talent is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). An ATS helps streamline the recruitment process, allowing recruiters to efficiently manage job postings, track applications, communicate with candidates, and store their records in an organized way.

It also allows companies to better analyze hiring trends over time to identify improvement areas.

Additionally, most ATSs can be integrated with other HR tools, such as performance management or learning and development platforms, helping organizations have a more holistic view of their employees.

7. How do you prioritize the various strategic and day-to-day administrative tasks that make up your work week?

This question tests your understanding of managing time effectively and prioritizing tasks.

Answer: I like to use a combination of planning tools such as calendars, task lists, and goal-setting exercises to ensure that the most critical tasks are completed first. To start with, I create a daily ‘to-do list that includes strategic and day-to-day activities.

Then, I break down each task into smaller subtasks so that it’s easier for me to track my progress. I also like to plan by creating weekly or monthly plans that include deadlines for specific projects or goals. Finally, when there are too many tasks to juggle, I prioritize the ones most urgent or important.

8. How do you get moving when you need to do something tedious or difficult?

This question tests your ability to motivate yourself and stay focused in difficult situations.

Answer: Whenever I find myself needing to do something tedious or difficult, I try to focus on the result of completing it. This gives me a sense of direction and helps me stay motivated by seeing the progress that I’m making.

I also like to break down large tasks into smaller chunks, so they don’t seem as daunting. That way, even if one part is particularly tedious, I can still stay focused on the smaller goal of completing that specific subtask. Finally, I also like to set small rewards to keep me motivated and help me get through complex tasks.

9. What is an instance where you used training and development programs to help create a career path for an entry-level or junior employee? What happened as a result?

This question tests your ability to create practical employee training and development programs.

Answer: I recently used a training and development program to help create a career path for an entry-level employee. We created a personalized learning plan based on their goals, skillset, and experience. We then provided them with resources such as books, tutorials, workshop programs, or seminars to further develop those skills.

We also created one-on-one mentoring sessions where they could discuss any questions or difficulties. The result was that the employee was more engaged and motivated in their work, leading to improved performance and, eventually, a promotion within the company.

10. What processes do you follow to train new employees?

This question tests your ability to create and implement effective employee training programs.

Answer: When training new employees, I try to ensure that every aspect of the job is covered in detail. I want new employees to have all the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their job effectively.

To do this, I usually begin an extensive orientation process with the new hire so they know the company policies and procedures. After that, I set up a structured program where they can learn about their roles within the organization through hands-on activities, workshops, and seminars. 

I also like to assign a mentor for each new hire who can guide any questions or difficulties that arise throughout their training. Finally, I make sure to evaluate their progress regularly so we can identify any areas that need improvement. 

11. Do you use training and development to offset the impact of employees leaving your company?

This question tests your ability to create and implement strategies that ensure the continuity of a company’s operations despite personnel changes.

Answer: Yes, I use training and development to offset the impact of employee turnover. For example, when an experienced employee leaves our company, I make sure to have their skillset documented through detailed job descriptions so that new employees can easily understand what is expected of them.

12. What metrics do you use to gauge the effectiveness of employee training?

This question tests your ability to measure and evaluate the success of a company’s employee training program.

Answer: To gauge the effectiveness of our employee training program, I typically use a combination of metrics such as survey responses from the employees, overall job performance, feedback from other team members, and cost savings associated with the implementation of improved work processes. 

Additionally, I like to include qualitative measures such as employee motivation and engagement to understand how successful our training programs are accurate. Overall, this helps me determine whether we are meeting our objectives regarding developing our employees’ skill sets. 

13. What processes do you implement to guarantee that various departments accurately measure employee productivity?

This question tests your ability to create and implement processes that accurately track employee performance.

Answer: To guarantee the accuracy of employee productivity measurements across various departments, I typically set up a standardized system for tracking progress. This includes establishing measurable performance goals and assigning team members to these goals from the outset. I also make sure to have regular feedback sessions with each department so that any issues or discrepancies can be quickly addressed as necessary.

14. How do you streamline performance reviews for different departments?

This question tests your ability to create and implement processes that ensure timely and efficient reviews.

Answer: To streamline performance reviews for different departments, I typically create templates that all employees can use. This helps standardize the process, making it easier to compile data consistently across other teams. 

I also automate certain parts of the performance review process, such as sending out reminders for upcoming deadlines or notifying team members when their reviews are due. Finally, I provide clear guidelines on how each study should be conducted and what information should be included. All these measures help ensure that everyone understands what is expected from them during the review process.

15. What is your course of action when an employee isn’t meeting expectations?

This question tests your ability to handle employee discipline and address underperformance.

Answer: When an employee isn’t meeting expectations, my first action is to have a conversation with the individual to understand their performance issues better. I also make sure to document any relevant information related to the problem. If necessary, I will provide additional resources or training opportunities to help employees reach their goals. 

Suppose the employee fails to meet expectations despite all these efforts. In that case, I may choose to take disciplinary action, such as issuing verbal or written warnings or even termination, depending on the severity of the situation. Employees must be held accountable for not meeting expectations, but it’s also vital that we provide the necessary support for employees to succeed.

16. What strategies have you seen that connect performance management and compensation packages in a way you like? Would you try to implement something similar here?

This question tests your understanding of how performance management and compensation can be linked to motivating employees.

Answer: I believe that the best strategies for connecting performance management and compensation involve creating incentives for employees to go beyond their assigned duties. For example, I have seen organizations offer bonuses or stock options when an employee exceeds expectations or completes a project early. 

This reward system encourages employees to take the initiative and strive for excellence in their work to earn additional rewards. I would consider implementing something similar here if feasible, as it can help drive better results from our team members.

17. How do you guarantee that your newest employees have an excellent onboarding experience?

This question tests your ability to create a positive and productive onboarding experience from the start.

Answer: To ensure that my newest employees have an excellent onboarding experience, I focus on creating an environment of support and understanding. I provide clear expectations of their roles, tasks, and goals from the start. I also strive to establish strong relationships with new hires by taking the time to answer any questions they may have. 

Throughout the process, I check in with them frequently and offer feedback where applicable. I make sure to recognize their achievements, no matter how small, as this helps build their confidence and encourages them to keep going. All these measures help create a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for new employees, leading to a successful onboarding experience.

18. What systems have you set up to monitor new hires’ progress during their first three months?

This question tests your ability to track and measure the performance of new employees.

Answer: To monitor new hires’ progress during their first three months, I use a combination of structured activities and performance metrics. During this period, I schedule regular check-ins with them to assess how they meet expectations or understand company policies. I also collect feedback from colleagues with whom the new hire has interacted to get an overall picture of their progress. 

Finally, I regularly review data points such as attendance, task completion rate, and feedback from team members to track progress. All these measures help me keep an eye on how new hires are doing during their first few months with the company.

19. What metrics do you use to gauge the success of your onboarding program?

This question tests your ability to measure the effectiveness of your onboarding process.

Answer: To gauge the success of my onboarding program, I collect a variety of metrics. I track retention rates for new hires to see how successful our hiring process is and if we are bringing on employees that stay with us long-term. 

I also review surveys given to new employees shortly after their joining date to assess their overall satisfaction with the onboarding process. I measure employee performance before and after joining in tracking any improvement or decline in their work output. Using these metrics, I can accurately picture our onboarding program’s success and identify areas for improvement if necessary.

20. What does an ideal onboarding experience look like?

This question tests your ability to create a practical onboarding experience.

Answer: An ideal onboarding experience should be tailored to the individual’s needs and interests while providing clear objectives, expectations, and timelines. I believe it should involve a mix of formal activities such as training sessions in company policies and processes, open discussions with senior staff, and direct mentorship by experienced team members. 

It should also involve informal activities like team building events or even lunch-and-learns where new hires can interact with their colleagues on a personal level.

By having both formal and informal activities during onboarding, new hires understand their roles better and feel more comfortable with their peers, which leads to better engagement overall. 

21. What was the most dreadful onboarding experience you ever had, and how would you have changed it if given a chance?

This question tests your ability to identify weaknesses in existing onboarding programs.

Answer: The most dreadful onboarding experience I ever had was when I was expected to learn everything independently without guidance or assistance. No formal training sessions were conducted, nor were any open discussions with senior staff members. As a result, I felt lost and overwhelmed as I had no idea what was expected of me and how to proceed. 

If given a chance, I would have implemented a more structured approach, including formal training sessions for new hires and open discussion sessions with senior staff to help new hires better understand their roles.

Furthermore, I would have also implemented a mentorship program where experienced team members could provide direct guidance and support to new hires.

This would help them adjust to their role more efficiently. All these measures are essential for creating an effective and successful onboarding experience that leads to greater employee engagement.

Questions for You to Ask in a Human Resource Role Interview

Now that you have an idea of the types of questions you might be asked during a human resources role interview, let’s explore some questions you should consider asking the interviewer.

Questions for You to Ask in a Human Resource Role Interview

When do you plan to hire someone?

Why this is important: This question tests your ability to understand the timeline of staffing needs. You can better prepare yourself for the interview by figuring out when a role needs to be filled.

To whom will I report?

Why this is important: This question tests your understanding of the organizational structure and hierarchy of the company. Knowing who you would be reporting to helps establish expectations and provides insight into how decisions are made.

Can you describe your process for training new employees?

Why this is important: This question tests the company’s knowledge of best practices when onboarding new hires. By understanding the company’s approach to onboarding, you can better gauge what kind of experience working with them would be like.

 How often do you perform performance reviews?

Why this is important: This question tests the company’s evaluation and feedback processes. Knowing how often performance reviews are conducted allows you to plan your professional development better and set appropriate goals.

What is the management style of your team/company?

Why this is important: This question helps you understand the culture and values of the organization. With various management styles that may exist within the company, it is essential to understand the general atmosphere and environment in which you may be working.

What kind of candidate would excel in this role?

Why this is important: This question clarifies your understanding of the job requirements and the qualities required for success. Knowing what kind of qualities and skills are valued by the organization can help you gauge how successful you might be in the role.

Tips For Preparing for an HR Manager Role Interview

Here are the best tips to prepare for a human resources management role:

  • Research the Company: You should thoroughly understand the company’s history, products, services, and culture.
  • Prepare Questions: Think of thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest in and knowledge of the job and show that you are organized and prepared.
  • Refresh Your Skills: Review relevant topics such as labor laws, organizational development principles, and training methods.
  • Practice Interviewing: Make sure you’ve practiced answering common HR interview questions ahead of time so you can feel more confident on the day of the interview.
  • Capture your Experiences: Create a portfolio that showcases your successes in past HR roles.
  • Connect with Current Employees: Reach out to current employees and ask them about their experience working with the company. This can provide valuable insight into what it is like to work there.
  • Practice Your Soft Skills: An essential factor in a successful interview is excellent interpersonal skills, so practice communicating and networking effectively before your interview.
  • Dress Professionally: Make sure you’ve dressed appropriately for a professional setting and that all clothes are clean, ironed, and fit well.


Getting a job in human resources management can be a daunting task. However, with the proper preparation and a good understanding of your strengths, you increase your chances of success.

The above tips are just a few ways to prepare for the HR management role interview process. With these tips and by doing your research, you can better prepare yourself for the interview and have more confidence when it comes to being interviewed.

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