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Strengths In Public Speaking: Qualities of a Great Public Speaker

Strengths In Public Speaking Qualities of a Great Public Speaker

While most people don’t believe as much as they should in their strengths in public speaking, being able to identify and leverage your unique strengths can help you become a more effective and confident speaker. The HIGH5 strengths assessment is a powerful tool that can reveal your natural talents and abilities in public speaking, providing valuable insights to build upon.

With public speaking being one of the key ways people communicate, whether it’s for work or personal reasons, utilizing a strengths-based approach facilitated by the HIGH5 test can make a significant difference in your overall effectiveness and impact.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the key strengths that people have when it comes to public speaking, and how you can use them to your advantage. Let’s dive deep into this topic.

Why Is It Important To Recognize the Strengths of Public Speaking & Their Benefits?

Public speaking is undoubtedly one of the most underrated, yet crucial skills to possess in today’s world. It is a process of communication in which a speaker addresses an audience to deliver a message, whether it’s a group presentation, a speech at a wedding, or any other occasion. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment, you can gain valuable insights into your natural talents and abilities as a public speaker, enabling you to leverage your strengths more effectively. This can lead to more impactful and engaging presentations, ultimately enhancing your overall communication skills and confidence.

Most people think that public speaking is only for extroverts or people who are natural-born leaders. However, this could not be further from the truth. Public speaking is a skill that can be learned and perfected by anyone, regardless of personality type.

There are many benefits to public speaking, both personal and professional. Recognizing your strengths as a public speaker can help you unlock these benefits and use them to your advantage.

Some of the personal benefits of public speaking include:

  • Public speaking helps you gain confidence
  • Public speaking helps you improve your communication skills
  • Public speaking helps you connect with people
  • Public speaking helps you build relationships
  • Public speaking helps you persuade people
  • Public speaking helps you articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly
  • Public speaking gives you a chance to share your knowledge and expertise with others
  • Public speaking allows you to practice your presentation skills
  • Public speaking can help you overcome your fears and anxiety

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Identify your top strengths in public speaking by taking the HIGH5 assessment. Once you know your strengths, focus on developing and leveraging them to maximize your impact and effectiveness as a speaker.

10 Examples of Strengths In Public Speaking (Described In Details)

Let’s now go into more detail about what we mean by strengths in public speaking.

Here are 10 examples of strengths you can use to make your next presentation more engaging and effective.


Confidence is a key skill in any area of life, and public speaking is no different. When you’re confident in your abilities, it shows in your voice and body language, which makes audiences more likely to trust and connect with you.

To build confidence before a presentation, try visualization: picturing yourself confidently delivering your talk can help increase your actual confidence when it comes time to speak. You can also boost your confidence by practicing regularly and knowing your material inside and out.


When you’re passionate about your topic, it comes through in your delivery—and audiences can feel it. If you’re not genuinely interested in what you’re saying, it’ll be difficult to keep people engaged.

To make sure you’re passionate about your presentation topic, choose something you care about deeply. If you’re not interested in the subject matter, try to find a way to make it personal for you—find a connection that you can share with your audience.


One of the best ways to improve as a public speaker is to constantly examine and critique your performance. After each presentation, ask yourself what went well and what could be improved upon. Be honest in your assessment—it’s the only way you’ll be able to learn and grow as a speaker.

If possible, get feedback from others after your talks, too. Ask trusted friends or colleagues for their thoughts on your delivery, and consider recording yourself so you can watch (and listen to) your presentations from an audience perspective.

Able To Motivate An Audience

An effective public speaker is able to motivate and inspire their audience. If you can tap into what your audience cares about and connect it to your presentation, you’ll be more likely to engage and energize them.

When crafting your presentation, think about what you want your audience to walk away from feeling or thinking. What do you want them to take action on? Keep that goal in mind as you put together your talk, and make sure every element supports it.

Get To Know Your Audience

One of the best ways to connect with an audience is to get to know them before you even step onstage. Find out as much as you can about who will be in the room – their backgrounds, interests, and needs.

The more you know about your audience, the better you’ll be able to tailor your presentation to them. You can use that information to choose a topic that’s relevant to them, select examples that resonate, and even adjust your delivery style to better connect with them.

Use Of Humor

Humor is a great way to connect with an audience and keep them engaged—but it has to be used carefully. If you’re not sure your jokes will land well, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

When used effectively, humor can lighten the mood, make complex topics more accessible, and help audiences remember your talk long after they’ve left the room. Just be sure to use it sparingly, and only if you’re confident it will work.

Vocal Variety

Using different vocal techniques can help you keep your audience’s attention and make your message more memorable. Vary the volume, pitch, and pace of your voice throughout your presentation to emphasize key points and add interest.

You can also use vocal variety to convey emotion – a softer voice can convey sadness or compassion, while a louder, more forceful voice can show excitement or anger. Just be careful not to overdo it—too much variation can be distracting.

Appropriate Body Language

Your body language plays a big role in how audiences perceive you as a speaker. Standing up straight, making eye contact, and using gestures can make you seem more confident and engaging.

On the other hand, slouching, avoiding eye contact, and crossing your arms can make you seem disinterested or even hostile. Pay attention to your body language throughout your presentation, and adjust accordingly if you notice yourself starting to tense up or slouch.

Effective Use Of Props

Props can be a great way to add interest and engagement to your presentation. But using them effectively takes some planning – you don’t want your props to end up being a distraction.

Think about what props would best support your presentation and help make your points more clear. Then, practice using them so you’re comfortable with them before you get onstage.

Passionate About Your Topic

If you’re passionate about your topic, it will come through in your presentation. Enthusiasm is contagious, so if you’re excited about what you’re talking about, your audience will be, too.

Again, as you’re putting together your presentation, think about what aspects of the topic excite you the most. Share that passion with your audience, and they’ll be more likely to be engaged with your talk.

How To Identify & Master Your Public Speaking Strengths

Public speaking is an essential skill for anyone looking to advance their career. To identify and master your public speaking strengths, you need to understand what makes you effective when speaking in public.

Here are a few tips:

  • Determine your key strengths. What are you good at when speaking in public? Do you have a powerful voice? Are you able to engage your audience? Identify the things that make you successful and focus on developing these skills further.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you speak in public, the better you will become. It’s important to get comfortable with the material you are presenting and the delivery of your speech.
  • Get feedback. Seek feedback from friends, family, and colleagues about your public speaking skills. This feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
  • Join a Toastmasters club. Toastmasters is an organization that helps people improve their public speaking skills. Joining a local club can allow you to practice your skills and receive feedback from experienced speakers.
  • Check out various strength tests that can help you identify your strengths in public speaking. After taking a test, review the results and focus on developing the skills that will make you a more effective speaker. For example, can help you identify your top strengths when it comes to public speaking.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Take the HIGH5 strengths assessment to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique strengths in public speaking. Use this knowledge to create a personalized development plan that focuses on mastering and maximizing your strengths, rather than trying to fix weaknesses.

How To Improve Strengths Of Public Speaking

In general, to improve strengths in public speaking, one should become well-versed in the topic they will be speaking about. They should also practice and rehearse their speech as much as possible. Additionally, it can be helpful to get feedback from others on how to improve the delivery of the speech.

In addition to practicing and refining the content of the speech, it is important to pay attention to delivery when giving a public talk. This includes such things as vocal variety, eye contact, and body language. Public speakers should also be aware of their audience and try to connect with them on a personal level.

Experimenting with different techniques and strategies is often the best way to find success in this area.

How To Highlight Public Speaking Strengths In Resume & Job Interview

When you are discussing your public speaking strengths with a potential employer, be sure to focus on your ability to engage and connect with your audience. You may also want to highlight your ability to manage difficult conversations and deliver difficult messages.

In addition, discuss any awards or recognitions you have received for your public speaking skills. Finally, be prepared to talk about how you use your public speaking skills in your current job or previous jobs.

Speaking about your ability to engage and connect with your audience, you may want to say something like:

“I have a natural ability to connect with my audience members and make sure that they are engaged in what I’m saying. This helps ensure that they understand my message and can relate to it on a personal level.”

When discussing your ability to manage difficult conversations, you may want to say something like:

“I am very confident in my public speaking abilities and this allows me to handle difficult conversations without getting flustered or becoming defensive. I know how to keep my cool under pressure and deliver the message effectively.”

If you have received any awards or recognitions for your public speaking skills, be sure to mention them! You may want to say something like:

“I was recently recognized by my company as the ‘Employee of the Month’ for my exceptional public speaking skills. This award is a testament to my ability to engage an audience and deliver a message effectively.”

Finally, when you are asked about how you use your public speaking skills in your current job or previous jobs, be sure to give specific examples. You may want to say something like:

“I frequently have to present to large groups of people at work and I’m always confident and poised when doing so. My public speaking skills have also come in handy when leading training sessions or facilitating group discussions.”

By discussing your public speaking strengths in a resume or job interview, you will be able to show a potential employer that you have the skills and abilities they are looking for in a candidate.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Leverage the insights from your HIGH5 strengths assessment to articulate your unique strengths as a public speaker during job interviews. Provide specific examples of how you’ve leveraged those strengths in previous roles or situations to demonstrate your value and capabilities.

Bonus Tip: 5 Examples of Weaknesses of Dyslexia

Here are the top five weaknesses of public speaking, along with some tips on how to overcome them:

  • Lack of confidence is one of the most common weaknesses of public speakers. If you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard to convince your audience that you know what you’re talking about. Practice your speech beforehand and focus on building up your confidence by picturing yourself succeeding.
  • Nervousness or stage fright is another common weakness among public speakers. This can be caused by a lack of preparation or simply being unsure of oneself. To overcome this, try to relax and take deep breaths before going onstage. It’s also important to remember that everyone gets nervous sometimes, so don’t let it stop you from doing your best.
  • Lack of preparation is one of the main reasons why people fail at public speaking. If you don’t take the time to prepare, you’ll likely stumble over your words and forget what you want to say. To avoid this, create an outline of your speech and practice it as much as possible before the big day.
  • Being too informal is another common mistake made by public speakers. While it’s important to be relatable, you don’t want to come across as too casual or unprofessional. Stick to using proper grammar and avoid using slang or jokes that might not be appropriate for the occasion.

Strengths In Public Speaking FAQ

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Speaker?

The following are the top qualities of a good speaker:

  • Confidence
  • Enthusiasm
  • Poise
  • Passion
  • Eye contact
  • Clarity
  • Brevity
  • Authenticity
  • Q&A skills
  • Storytelling ability

What Are Some Strengths Of A Presentation?

Some strengths that can make a presentation more effective include: using visuals to support your points, using humor to engage the audience, being clear and concise in your delivery, and using personal stories or examples to illustrate your points.


Being able to speak in any situation, whether it’s in front of a large audience or just a small group of people, is a skill that can be very useful in many different situations. If you’re looking to improve your public speaking skills, keep in mind the above-mentioned strengths that can help you become a better speaker.

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