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Positive Mindset: How To Think More Positively & 10 Benefits of It

Positive Mindset – Benefits of Thinking Positively, and How to Do It

You have probably heard people speak about the benefits of a positive mindset.

They often recommend “seeing the cup as half full” and ask you to see the good of society, even in overwhelmingly negative situations.

However, a positive thinker is not only speaking from personal experience, for their data and physical reasons to develop a positive mindset.

Doing so increases your quality of life, helps you address your mental health, and decreases how often you feel negative emotions.

Obsessing over positivity can be counterproductive, though, so you may be wondering how to strike an appropriate balance with negative and positive emotions.

Luckily, you do not have to develop a positive thinking method alone.

This article examines the reasons you should invest time into developing a positive outlook in life and how to accomplish this most efficiently.

What is a Positive Mindset and Positive Attitude?

Having such a positive attitude means focusing your energy (mental, physical, spiritual) on the positive aspects of your life.

From doing so, you also anticipate having positive results.

This does not mean you cannot feel negative emotions or have negative thinking patterns at times. However, you must try to make the most out of even the negative and difficult times.

A positive mindset also relates to how you view yourself and those around you.

If using positive thinking, you try to see the best in others and clearly acknowledge your own strengths and talents.

Why is Positive Mindset Important and the Benefits

A plethora of benefits accompanies the development of a positive outlook on life. Mentally, expect to see drops in your stress level.

Optimists see the best in all circumstances. Instead of dwelling on what they cannot change, they choose to make the most out of all situations and remove themselves from stress.

However, positivity has benefits that reach beyond the mind and affect your physical health.

Researchers find that optimistic individuals are more likely to elicit a stronger immune response to the flu vaccine, suggesting stronger immunity.

Older people with positive thought patterns have less problems with their cardiovascular health and rates of depression in positive people are generally low, likely due to the stress decrease.

Resilience comes along with positivity. A positive attitude helps people look to fix problems when under stress.

They do not give up hope and look to surround themselves with a supportive network of people. Even more health benefits come from this attitude.

Anxiety has also been proven to be reduced by positive thinking.

Research has shown that high levels of distress and worry can be replaced with positivity in patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

8 Characteristics and Traits of a Positive Mindset

Understanding positivity, in theory, is quite different than knowing how to execute in practice.

These few traits are part of the positive mindset:


This is consistently putting in effort and taking risks, acknowledging that they may not result in the best ways.

During difficult situations, optimism helps guide you by helping you look on the bright side of things.


You understand things may not be perfect, but that is okay and you can learn from any mistakes you made.

This relates to accepting your own flaws and other’s flaws, as well as eliminating negative self-talk.


You do not give up in distressing situations. Instead, you keep fighting and face your adversities.

8 Examples Characteristics and Traits of a Positive Mindset


You appreciate all the beneficial aspects of life. In fact, you may even repay those you love with acts of kindness to show your gratitude.


The combination of being honest and righteous instead of being malicious, deceitful, and self-centered.

You want to do what is right simply because it is right, not because someone is watching you and it’s “societally acceptable.”


Hone in on your ability to focus and stay productive. Think about ways to improve mental clarity in your daily life.


Positive thinkers do not focus on the fact they make mistakes. If they make a mistake, they quickly learn to it and adapt, even in what may seem like bad situations.


It is not simple or easy to stay positive in a negative world. Every day, you must challenge mainstream thinking and stay solution-focused when many around you will question your ways.

List of 10 Positive Attitudes

Positive attitudes are actions or attitude characteristics that help you remain positive or become positive.

They are what make up positive thinking as well, so if you are wondering what positive thoughts and actions look like, here is a list of activities and traits that contribute to positivity.

  1. Complimenting individuals, even those you do not know.
  2. Accepting to hear others’ opinions, and rejecting to discriminate against other’s ideas based on mainstream black-and-white thinking. Choosing to find a middle ground instead of insulting them in discussions.
  3. Celebrating someone else’s success and not feeling jealous.
  4. Smiling to people.
  5. Not let outside negativity influence you.
  6. Motivating coworkers or employees to achieve their goals.
  7. Being happy and grateful, even if you do not have many assets.
  8. Not complaining about unfair treatment.
  9. Enjoying the unexpected.
  10. Making someone’s day just because you want to make them smile.

9 Ways How To Start Thinking Positively

If you are curious as to how to start thinking positively, see these 9 activities you can perform to start developing a positive growth mindset.

1.) Focus on the good things

All individuals encounter obstacles throughout their lives. Always find the positive parts of a situation, even if they seem insignificant. You never know how a bad situation can become one of your most interesting adventures.

For example, if you are forced to work on a project you dislike, but discover a tool you are fascinated with, focus on using the tool to make the experience more interesting.

2.) Practice gratitude

In and of itself, gratitude helps you stay resilient and improves your self-image. Start each day with positivity by recalling an event or person you are grateful for. It will help you keep a positive attitude towards people, as you acknowledge the many reasons to be thankful for them.

3.) Keep a gratitude journal

If you are trying to be more optimistic, consider keeping a gratitude journal. This type of journal is dedicated to writing down what you are thankful for. Try making a list of such items, or you can write full paragraphs explaining why you feel so grateful for someone or something.

9 Ways How To Start Thinking Positively

4.) Open yourself up to humor

It is said that laughter is a medicine, and this is certainly true to some extent. Laughter helps lower your chances of becoming anxious, depressed or stressed.

It can make you comfortable in unfamiliar settings. In bad situations, allow yourself to laugh so you can lighten the mood.

5.) Spend time with positive people

Beliefs are contagious, and negativity and positivity are both heavily influenced by how you are around.

Just like negative people bring others down, positive people do the opposite by boosting their confidence and cheering others on. Those around you should be supportive and positive.

6.) Practice positive self-talk

Stop being so hard on yourself. This can lead to a negative self-image and distorted self-worth.

You must silence the voice in your head contributing to negative self-talk, and fill your mind with encouraging thoughts instead.

Any time you make a mistake, think about another way to solve the problem instead of blaming yourself for being imperfect.

7.) Find where you think negatively

Ask yourself if there are any areas in life where you are negative, such as at work or in a relationship. If you cannot identify those alone, ask a trusted individual to help you.

They will likely be able to identify this for you. A tip is to look for things you do not enjoy doing but continue to force yourself to do, as most people do such activities with a negative mindset.

8.) Create a positivity ritual

Every morning, remind yourself of a positive quality or tell yourself the rest of the day will be great. Doing so is giving you a positive affirmation, instilling thoughts into your mind.

You can also try listening to a happy song or podcast on the way to work or school. Finally, complimenting others can also help you start the day off on the right foot.

9.) Volunteer

Consider volunteering to help others and see how you can positively impact the world. Assist disabled people with walking, help poor children get access to water, or join a research lab to help find new medicines for respiratory disease.

All of this will help you smile at the ways you can help the world, and you will certainly feel delighted when others smile back at you.

Activities for Developing and Keeping Positive Mindset

Fill Your Mind With Positive Thoughts

Find new experiences, people, and items to be happy and grateful for. Continue to acknowledge them and how lucky you are to have them.

If you created a gratitude journal, write these people or experiences down and remind yourself of why you are grateful for them.

Continuing to do this daily will allow you to maintain a positive mind frame long-term. It boosts your optimism and puts you on the path toward mastering positivity.

Also, positive thinking exercises like reaffirmation can help you with developing positive thoughts.

Create Goals

All of your goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Creating goals gives you a positive ideal you would like to achieve.

You must stay persistent when achieving goals, so you will learn to manage difficult emotions and decide which chunks of time are productive, and which are not.

Sticking to goals is hard, but once you achieve them, you will feel accomplished, satisfied, and optimistic for your future. You will prove to yourself just how capable you are.

10 Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude in the Workplace

So, how you know the basics of positivity. You can certainly use positive thoughts to benefit yourself, but can you do the same in the workplace? Yes, you absolutely can.

Here are just ten ways a positive way of thinking benefits the workplace.

1. Develop a positive and welcoming environment

Both positivity and negativity are contagious. Once some individuals display positivity, others will begin to do the same.

2. Lower stress levels

Almost everyone’s behavior under stress is worse than if they were calm. So, minimizing stress is incredibly important. Individuals react positively to previous stressors and become more productive, thus dropping stress levels.

3. Increased productivity

Optimists believe in themselves more and are not afraid of mistakes, so they take risks and invest time into making themselves better employees.

As positivity increases, employees become more willing to take on challenges as well.

10 Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude in the Workplace

4. More energy

Thinking negatively takes energy away from work. Stopping such thoughts frees up headspace and time, leaving employees with less dread for tasks.

5. Better relationships with customers

The positive approach always resonates more with consumers. They do not wish to deal with negative individuals.

Positivity comforts clients and helps you develop a better relationship with them.

6. Leadership abilities shine

Managers want leaders to support the team and influence them positively. The positive outlook allows employees to be prime candidates for future leadership positions.

7. Sharpen your decision-making skills

As a positive thinker, you will consider more possibilities and positive outcomes. Fear and doubt will no longer cloud your decision-making process.

Instead, you will clearly see the benefits of a choice, leading to clearer thinking and decision-making.

8. Motivate your team

Your positivity can inspire others to stop being so negative and start replicating your attitude.

If you show a good example with results that prove positivity helps you succeed, the entire team may become more positive.

9. Creative thinking flourishes

Previously, you may have denied yourself the pleasure of exploring intriguing ideas because you viewed them as risky. Now, you can evaluate risks better and choose to get involved in business or start a creative project if you wish.

10. Learn from your mistakes

Optimists are not afraid of mistakes. If they are made, you can quickly learn from them and move on without blaming yourself or dwelling.

The Importance of a Positive Mindset for Leadership

A leader’s behavior by definition sets the example for how the rest of the team should think and act. You cannot be negative and expect the rest of your team to radiate positivity.

Developing a positive mindset will not only assist you but will support the rest of your team. Risk-taking will not feel as negative.

If you make a mistake, you will be adaptable enough to learn from it and move on. No longer will you have to be held back by such missteps, leading to a team that is far more efficient.

Also, you will be confident enough to invest in your true desires, leading to more satisfaction. When you adopt a positive mindset, the effect on your team will also be equally impressive.

The Importance of a Positive Mindset for Leadership

Once they see how well positivity helps you work, they will change their own mindset. Increases in productivity and efficiency and to be expected.

A drop in stress levels accompanies those benefits, as they no longer fret about every minute detail if their work. Instead, they will express their gratitude more often.

The increased resilience will drive employees to meet deadlines and achieve their goals.

Every leader wants to motivate their employees, and this mindset change may be the biggest motivator possible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Positive Mindset

How a Positive Mindset Leads to Success

A positive mindset can contribute to your success by helping you build relationships with other workers, employers, or customers.

People generally enjoy speaking to positive people, so they can be attracted to you. Also, you will become more productive as worrying about your mistakes will not be an activity you perform any longer.

Overall Conclusion Of Positive Mindset

Developing a positive mindset is beneficial to nearly everyone.

Whether you are a team leader looking to inspire your employees to develop positive behaviors, or someone simply looking for self-improvement, the positive mindset is right for you.

In a world filled with negativity, you can be a beacon of sunshine that lifts up people around you.

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