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7 Ways How To Identify Your Personal Strengths

7 Ways To Identify & Utilize Your Personal Strengths

Developing your strengths not only serves as a way to improve your performance, but it also helps you learn more about yourself as a person.

Personal strength varies from individual to individual, but one aspect remains constant: strengths benefit you in every industry and almost any situation.

The trouble comes with unlocking your mental strength, which can be complex and difficult to achieve on your own. It takes patience, strategic planning, and self-care that you put in every day at work and at home. However, there are certainly ways to identify strengths that are simply the process. This article will explore ways to develop personal and professional strengths and the top ways to utilize them.

To streamline the process of identifying and developing your personal strengths, HIGH5 offers a precise strengths test designed specifically for personal growth. This tool helps you uncover your unique strengths quickly and effectively, enabling you to utilize them in both personal and professional settings.

What are Personal Strengths?

Personal strengths are skills or personality traits that benefit an individual throughout their life, whether it be in private relationships or formal settings like work.

All people have strengths, but they often go unused. When this occurs, you miss out on an opportunity to succeed. Strengths allow individuals to be more efficient, productive, empathetic, artistic, or so on.

They bring out the best qualities in us. So, they allow us to achieve more and become more satisfied. If you choose not to use your strengths, your career and personal life suffer in a multitude of ways.

If you have a professional strength like communication and it is not utilized, your team can become confused and chaotic. Remember that strengths reach beyond the workplace. At home, your relationship may suffer.

What are Personal Strengths

Without putting the emphasis on strengths, weakness can also overcome you. Take public speaking: you are told to present a project to a group.

However, you did not work to your full potential since your skills were not utilized correctly. So, fearing embarrassment, you become nervous and panic.

Here, your weakness or lack of emotional control is shown. This would not have occurred if you used all of your strengths during the project.

7 Ways How to Identify Your Personal Strengths

Yes, figuring out your strengths on your own can be a bit complicated. However, the following list of strengths provides you with a few tips to make identifying your strong points easier.

1. Take the Strengths Test

It could not get any easier than this: simply take a strengths test, and the results will be provided to you. However, what truly matters is how you interpret the results and what you choose to do with them.

Implement your core strengths that appear in the report in your everyday life. Find new ways to use them even in moments of turmoil.

Considering the pivotal role of strengths in personal and professional development, engaging with a strengths test like HIGH5 offers a straightforward and insightful start. HIGH5 is designed to not only reveal your top strengths but also guide you on how to apply them effectively in various aspects of life.

2. Talk With Your Relatives and Coworkers & Write Down What They Say

Speaking to others, especially individuals you love and trust, can be truly helpful when trying to see your own personal strength.

Ask them about major moments in your life and analyze which strengths help you overcome challenges as a group. Write down what they say to not forget any major points. Keep in mind that they will likely tell you about your external strengths which are more visible to them.

Your internal strengths, which help you overcome internal/personal issues, can be better identified by you. While gathering insights from those around you, complement their perspectives with the detailed analysis from the HIGH5 test. It can provide a broader understanding of your strengths, balancing external perceptions with scientifically backed data.

3. Identify and Acknowledge Your Personal Weaknesses

It sounds counterintuitive: how does searching for weaknesses help me find out about strengths? By understanding weaknesses, you can find ways you overcome them with certain tactics. Ask yourself which personality traits help you overcome your weaknesses.

Acknowledging personal weaknesses is a step toward growth. HIGH5 also helps in this regard by offering a balanced view of your strengths, encouraging you to leverage them in areas where you feel less confident.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Enhance your journey of self-discovery with the HIGH5 Strengths test. This digital tool is designed to seamlessly integrate with your daily life, encouraging you to record and reflect on activities that energize you and those that deplete your energy.

By regularly documenting your feelings and the outcomes of daily tasks, you can identify patterns in how your top strengths manifest and evolve. Note the activities that energize you and those that drain you.

Patterns will emerge, guiding you toward understanding your strengths. Engage in various activities that challenge you in different ways; this experimentation can reveal aptitudes and abilities you might not have been aware of.

4. Find Where You are Productive

During your day, pay attention to when you are most productive. When using your strengths, you will feel like time is passing quickly.

This is because we generally enjoy using our strengths. Consider creating a list of times when your productivity soars, and relate the activities done during that time to your key strengths.

5. Understand Your Passions

If you enjoy a task, strength development in that sphere will not feel like work.

When doing your favorite activities, see which cognitive abilities or physical strengths you use. Even if you are not great at this activity yet, you can improve.

Strength improvement is easier when you enjoy the activity you perform.

6. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

You must become self-aware to find your strengths.

To do this, try new activities, skills, or hobbies. When a project deals with strengths outside of your skillset, take a risk and contribute.

Seek out new leadership roles, shadow mentors, or take classes in a specific strength you would like to develop.

7. Learn from others

You shouldn’t compare yourself with somebody else. You should only compare yourself with yourself from yesterday. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look at others and see their strengths, how they are using them and developing them.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

When taking the HIGH5 test, reflect deeply on the results. Consider how each identified strength has manifested in your life’s successes and challenges. This reflection can provide actionable insights into how to harness these strengths more effectively.

How to Utilize and Leverage Your Personal Strengths

Remember to incorporate ways your strengths can help you accomplish the goal. At work, use your strengths as much as you can.

Pay attention to where, when, and why you use your skills and which behaviors help your strengths become evident.

Think about how both hard and soft skills help you excel at work, and when they truly shine so you can understand which behaviors are most conducive to leveraging your strengths.

Establish new healthy and productive behaviors that allow your strengths to shine. Choose to replace some of your bad habits with strength-enhancing activities.

For example, instead of watching TV alone after work, consider socializing with like-minded professionals. This will build your confidence and social intelligence. Or, you can read books as an alternate activity.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Keep your HIGH5 test results handy as a guide for your personal development. These results outline your natural talents and abilities, providing a clear framework to align your goals with your strengths. Regularly reviewing this information can help you focus your efforts on enhancing areas where you already excel.

List with Examples of Personal Strengths

Now that you know how to develop skills and why doing so is important, you may be wondering which particular strengths you should focus on.

The following list consists of many examples of strengths that are beneficial across nearly all industries.

Personal Strengths Examples

  • Action-oriented
  • Attentive
  • Collaborative
  • Creative
  • Committed
  • Determined
  • Flexible
  • Enthusiastic
  • Empathetic
  • Disciplined
  • Honest
  • Respectful
  • Patient
  • Innovative
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respectfulness
  • Patience

What are personal weaknesses?

Personal weaknesses are traits that prevent you from excelling in your relationships or stifle your ability to use your strengths.

All individuals have weaknesses and ignoring them does not allow you to address the problems properly.

At times, weaknesses can simply be a lack of a crucial strength. For example, if you lack confidence, this can be viewed as a weakness as it stops you from taking control, believing in yourself, taking calculated risks, etc.

Other examples of personal weaknesses include being passive, aggressive,  lazy, impatient, impulsive, greedy, or overly emotional (lack of emotional intelligence can contribute to this).

The severity of weaknesses depends on the individual and the industry/company they work in. If you lack a necessary skill, the pressure to gain that strength is immense and time-bound.

However, most people want to improve their weaknesses for personal growth and career development, not because it will make or break their lives.

It is better to focus on developing strengths while accepting and building up weaknesses on the side, rather than dwelling on your imperfections.

How to turn personal weaknesses into personal strengths?

To shift your personal weakness into a personal strength you must begin by acknowledging and accepting your weaknesses. Being self-aware is a crucial part of self-development. Without self-awareness, understanding how far you have come since beginning your journey is challenging.

Make sure that those around you are not a negative influence, since some individuals may choose to suppress your strengths and foster your weaknesses. Have a discussion about your weaknesses with someone you trust to see if they have ways to let your weaknesses change to key strengths shine at work and in your relationship with them.

How to Enhance Personal Weaknesses into Personal Strengths

Also, reflect back on times when you overcame challenges with your strengths. See which weaknesses made achieving a goal difficult. Then use that weak point along with your strengths to make developing a new strength from a weakness easier.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Take the HIGH5 test and then go back through this article. Then make use of the detailed feedback from the HIGH5 test. This tool not only highlights your strengths but also helps you understand your weaknesses.

Identifying Personal Strengths FAQ

How do you utilize your strengths?

Sometimes, even when you’ve already identified your strengths, you find it hard to make use of them. In order to utilize your strengths, you need to find activities that will allow you to demonstrate your powers and abilities.

For instance, if creativity is your strength but your work doesn’t require anything except for organizational work, try freelancing and engage in fields such as graphic design or copywriting. Or offer your managers some help and tell them you’re interested in performing more creative tasks.

How do you identify your personal strengths and weaknesses?

If you’re looking for ways to identify your personal strengths and weaknesses, all you have to do is ask for feedback. Whether we like it or not, we often tend to be subjective when it comes to our own qualities.

But if you reach out to receive feedback, you’ll see what others think and what your true strengths and weaknesses really are. So, listen to what others compliment you on and pay attention to skills they advise you to improve.

How do you build people’s strengths?

Building people’s strengths involves recognizing and acknowledging their talents and abilities, providing opportunities for them to develop and use those strengths, and giving them support and feedback. 

This could include assigning tasks that align with their strengths, offering training or mentorship in areas where they show potential, and providing encouragement and recognition for their efforts.

How can I practice my strengths?

To practice your strengths, you can start by identifying what they are through self-reflection or assessments. Then, find ways to incorporate them into your daily life and work. 

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Whether tackling a complex problem at work, engaging in a new hobby, or improving personal relationships, these small, actionable tasks are designed to push you gently beyond your comfort zone while leveraging what you do best.

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