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30 Property Manager Interview Questions & Answers

30 Property Manager Interview Questions & Answers

While there are many property manager interview questions you can get asked during an interview, knowing the key ones can help you prepare your responses and give yourself the best chance of success.

Doing so can ensure you understand the role and demonstrate your industry knowledge.

This article covers the top questions you should anticipate when interviewing for a property management position.

30 Property Manager Interview Questions & Answers

What Skills are Important for a Property Manager Role?

Let’s first start with the skills and qualities employers and hiring managers are looking for when they interview people for a property manager role.

Organizational Skills

Since this position requires managing many tasks and deadlines, employers will look for a candidate’s ability to stay organized. Experience in juggling multiple tasks and projects is a bonus, as is the ability to prioritize work.

Communication Skills

Property managers must communicate effectively at all levels of their organization, from tenants to maintenance workers and upper management. They will need excellent interpersonal skills to handle tenant complaints and resolve conflicts.

Selling And Negotiation Skills

Property managers should also have excellent selling and negotiating skills to close deals with potential tenants or find alternative solutions for existing tenants. Thinking on one’s feet while staying professional and courteous is critical here.


Patience is an essential quality for property managers because they are often dealing with difficult tenants and delicate situations. They must remain calm and composed in tense situations and show empathy for the tenant’s Situation.

Problem-Solving Skills

Property managers are problem solvers who can quickly assess issues and develop creative solutions. It’s essential that they can think on their feet and come up with innovative ideas to fix problems or prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Market Knowledge

Property managers must understand the local market conditions to make informed decisions about price and rent units effectively. They should also be knowledgeable about regulations related to rental properties, zoning laws, fair housing rights, etc.

By thoroughly understanding the above questions, you can be sure that you will prepare for your interview and demonstrate to employers and hiring managers that you are the right candidate for the job.

30 Property Manager Interview Questions and Answers

Let’s get into the main questions you might be asked during an interview. Note that for each question, we’ll provide the reason why the question is essential, along with a model answer you can use to help you prepare.

General Interview Questions

1. Please provide information about yourself, such as your name, background, interests, or professional experience.

Why this is important: This gives the interviewer an idea of your background, experience, and any personal qualities you may bring to the role.

Model answer: I am John Smith, and I have worked in property management for five years. I am passionate about providing excellent customer service and ensuring all tenants feel comfortable in their homes. I enjoy hiking, reading, and spending time with my family in my free time.

2. As a property manager, what are your most vital skills or qualities?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand the qualities that make you unique and qualified for the role.

Model answer: I have excellent communication skills essential for a property manager, as it allows me to effectively communicate with tenants, upper management, and maintenance workers alike.

Additionally, I have great problem-solving skills that enable me to quickly assess issues and develop creative solutions. I am also attentive to detail and highly organized in my approach to work, meaning nothing slips through the cracks.

3. As a property manager, what weaknesses do you have?

Why this is important: Interviewers want to understand your areas of improvement so they can ensure that you can handle the job.

Model answer: I am still developing my market knowledge and understanding of local regulations related to rental properties, zoning laws, fair housing rights, etc.

Additionally, I find it challenging to take a step back when it comes to work-related issues so that I can view them from a different perspective. However, I am actively improving both areas by staying up-to-date with industry news and discussing challenges with colleagues.

4. What is your reason for applying for this job?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand why you are interested in this particular role and what motivated you to apply.

Model answer: I have always been passionate about property management and was excited when I saw this position available at your company. From my research, it seems like a great opportunity to grow in the industry while continuing to provide excellent customer service. My experience and skill set make me an ideal fit for the role.

5. What attracts you to our company?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand your interest in their company.

Model answer: I am impressed by your company’s commitment to customer service and the positive feedback from current tenants. Additionally, I have heard great reviews from colleagues about your company’s working environment and team culture. This makes me confident that I could thrive within this organizational setting.

6. What was the source of information that led you to apply for this job?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know where you found out about this particular role so they can assess their recruitment methods’ effectiveness.

Model answer: I first came across the LinkedIn listing, but then I researched your company’s website and other online sources to learn more about the role. After reading through the job requirements and learning more about your company, I was convinced that this would be an excellent opportunity for me.

7. Could you tell me some information about our company?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how much research you have done into their company before applying for the job.

Model answer: Your company has been in business for over 20 years and provides professional property management services in multiple states across the U.S.

You are known for offering excellent customer service and maintaining high standards of safety and security at all properties your team manages. Additionally, you offer a variety of amenities, such as on-site maintenance and 24/7 emergency support.

8. What do you hope to achieve in the first 90 days of this position?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand your goals for the role so they can assess whether or not you have realistic expectations.

Model Answer: In my first 90 days, I want to thoroughly understand all of the properties managed by your company and build strong relationships with tenants and colleagues.

Additionally, I want to ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed and that any problems or concerns are addressed quickly and efficiently. Lastly, I hope to identify cost savings or enhancement opportunities within the current property management procedures.

9. Could you please let me know your expected salary?

Why this is important: The interviewer needs to understand what pay you expect to ensure that it aligns with the budget for the role.

Model answer: Based on my research and experience, I expect a salary range between $50,000-$60,000 per year for this position. Of course, I am open to discussing any additional benefits that could be included in an employment package.

Thank you for considering me as a candidate, and I look forward to hearing more about the job details.

Experience and Background Interview Questions

10. As a property manager, how many years of experience do you have?

Why this is important: The interviewer needs to understand your level of experience in property management.

Model answer: I have been a property manager for seven years. During this time, I have managed residential and commercial properties of various sizes with a wide range of amenities and services. My responsibilities included tenant relations, leasing, maintenance oversight, budgeting, and financial reporting.

11. Could you please share your experience as a property manager with me?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand the specific skills and experiences you have acquired in property management.

Model answer: Throughout my seven years of experience as a property manager, I have gained extensive knowledge of building codes, fair housing laws, tenant relations, maintenance oversight, budgeting, and financial reporting.

Additionally, I have used various property management software programs to assist with record-keeping and other administrative tasks. I am confident that these experiences will be beneficial in my new role as a Property Manager.

12. Could you please share where you were trained to become a property manager?

Why this is important: The interviewer must understand your qualifications.

Model answer: I have a Bachelor’s degree in Real Estate Studies from XYZ University. In addition, I am a Certified Property Manager (CPM), an accreditation that focuses on property management principles. I also regularly attend conferences and seminars related to the real estate industry to ensure that my knowledge is up-to-date with the latest trends in this field.

Additionally, I have gained valuable experience through my previous roles as a property manager, allowing me to develop my skills and competencies in this area.

13. Can you share with me what you know about the building codes in our area?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand if you know the local building codes and regulations.

Model answer: Absolutely. I am familiar with the building codes in your area as I have managed properties in similar locations before. I am aware that these include requirements related to safety, fire protection, accessibility, and other relevant matters.

In addition, I stay up-to-date on changes made to these laws so that my properties are always compliant with regulations. I am confident that my experience and knowledge will be an asset in this position.

14. Are you familiar with the fair housing laws in our state?

Why this is important: The interviewer needs to know if you are familiar with the fair housing laws in the state.

Model answer: I know our state’s fair housing laws and have worked with them extensively when managing properties. Additionally, I am aware of the implications of these laws for landlords and tenants, which allows me to properly advise both parties on their rights and responsibilities to ensure a positive rental experience.

All tenants should be treated equally regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or other protected characteristics.

15. Can you describe your past responsibilities as a property manager?

Why this is important: The interviewer needs to understand your responsibilities as a property manager.

Model answer: During my past experiences as a Property Manager, I have been responsible for developing and enforcing policies and procedures related to tenant relations, maintenance oversight, budgeting, and financial reporting.

Additionally, I have worked with vendors to ensure that repairs are completed promptly while adhering to the established budget. My primary goal has been to create an environment where landlords and tenants can thrive.

16. What are the crucial abilities that property managers should possess?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand what skills you think are essential for a successful property manager.

Model answer: In my opinion, the most crucial abilities that property managers should possess are strong interpersonal and communication skills, excellent organizational and time management skills, an eye for detail, and the ability to work with people from different backgrounds.

Additionally, a property manager must multitask efficiently and remain calm under pressure to handle unforeseen issues or disputes. Furthermore, knowing relevant laws and regulations related to the industry will give them credibility when dealing with tenants or landlords.

I believe these qualities will help any property manager succeed in this role.

17. Have you used any property management software to maintain records?

Why this is important: The interviewer needs to know if you are familiar with the software used for property management.

Model answer: I have experience using various property management software programs, including Yardi and AppFolio. With these platforms, I can easily keep track of leases, maintenance requests, and rental payments. Additionally, they help me generate reports on financial performance and any other data related to my properties necessary for making decisions or filing taxes.

18. Can you provide more information about the state where you previously worked?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand your level of knowledge regarding the fair housing laws in the state you worked in previously.

Model answer: Yes, I am very familiar with the fair housing laws in the state I previously worked in. These laws protect tenants from discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.

Additionally, they set out requirements for landlords, such as providing reasonable accommodation requests or protecting tenant privacy.

As a Property Manager, I was essential to be aware of these laws and their implications when dealing with tenants and landlords so that everyone could have a positive rental experience. Overall, I believe that having an understanding of these regulations is essential for any property manager.

19. What is the percentage of your previous tenants you have had to evict?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how good you are at avoiding evictions.

Model answer: During my previous experiences as a property manager, I maintained low eviction rates due to my proactive approach and dynamic tenant screening process. In most cases, I could resolve any issues without legal action.

On average, over the past three years, less than 3% of tenants were evicted due to nonpayment or other violations of their lease agreements. Ultimately, this speaks to my ability to successfully manage a property portfolio while ensuring tenants comply with all regulations and laws.

Role-specific interview questions

20. Can you share an experience where you disagreed with your supervisor and how you resolved it together?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you handle disagreements with your superior and if you can resolve conflicts professionally. Answer: Yes, I have had disagreements with my supervisor before. We disagreed on the best course for dealing with a problematic tenant situation a few years ago.

We both felt strongly about our respective positions, so I spoke to him openly and calmly about why I thought my solution was the best option.

After listening to my argument and understanding my point of view, he was willing to compromise, and together we came up with an effective resolution that satisfied both parties. Ultimately, it showed me that despite our differences of opinion, it’s possible to work together to reach a successful outcome.

21. Did you face any disagreement with a fellow property manager? If so, what steps did you take to resolve it?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you handle disagreements or conflicts with your colleagues and if you can resolve them professionally.

Model answer: Yes, I have disagreed with fellow property managers before. Recently, another manager and I disagreed on the best approach for a tenant issue. We both felt strongly about our respective policies, so we discussed the Situation openly and objectively until we understood each other’s perspective.

After agreeing, we decided that the best course of action would be a combination of our two solutions. This allowed us to implement a strategy that satisfied everyone involved and resolved the conflict quickly and efficiently. It was a valuable lesson in understanding others’ points of view and working together to achieve a successful resolution.

22. If a tenant insists that the damage in their rental is the responsibility of the management, what actions would you take?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you handle tenant disputes and if you can remain calm under pressure while taking appropriate action.

Model answer: If a tenant insists that the damage in their rental is the responsibility of management, I would first investigate and assess the situation by discussing it with both parties involved.

After gathering all relevant information and evidence from each side, I would analyze them carefully to determine who was responsible for causing or contributing to any damages.

Once I had concluded who was liable, I would explain my findings to both parties and define the next steps for resolution. I would also provide detailed information about the legal obligations of each party and ensure that they understood the process in the future.

If necessary, I would work with both parties to develop an equitable solution that complies with all applicable laws.

A property manager needs to have strong problem-solving skills and be able to handle difficult conversations while making sure all parties understand their rights and responsibilities. I am confident that I can successfully and effectively manage tenant issues by demonstrating my ability to remain objective and fairly analyze disputes.

23. Can you describe any tools or systems you use to increase your job performance?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand what tools and systems you use to increase your job performance, as this shows your ability to utilize technology while managing rental properties effectively.

Model answer: To improve my job performance, I use various tools such as maintenance management software that helps me track the completion of tasks and a budgeting tool that allows me to plan for upcoming expenses.

I also use customer relationship management (CRM) software that will enable me to keep track of tenant information such as contact details and payment history.

Additionally, I utilize automated marketing tools like email newsletters and social media platforms to reach out to potential tenants and inform them about our available units.

These tools help me stay organized and efficient with my day-to-day duties while enabling me to be proactive with tenant outreach and engagement. Overall, these tools have been beneficial in increasing my job performance as a property manager.

24. What do you do to make sure that a property meant for earning income generates enough profits?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you can generate enough income from your rental properties.

Model answer: To ensure a property generates enough profits, I maximize the rental rate by researching comparable listings and pricing them appropriately.

Additionally, I strive to keep operational costs low through proactive maintenance programs and effective resource management. I also try increasing occupancy rates by utilizing marketing practices such as online advertising, promotions, and referral programs. Furthermore, I always stay up-to-date with industry trends to make adjustments or improvements when needed. By employing these strategies, I am confident I can maximize profitability for any rental property.

25. Can you provide an example of a situation where you had to address a tenant causing disruptions? How did you resolve the issue?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you handle difficult situations with tenants.

Model answer: In my experience as a property manager, I have encountered several tenants who caused disruptions. For instance, I remember one situation where a tenant was consistently late on payments, causing disturbances for other residents.

To address this issue, I approached the tenant in a friendly yet assertive manner and discussed the consequences of their actions. In addition, I provided them with resources such as budgeting tools to help them stay on track financially.

Once we developed an actionable plan to rectify past due payments and refrain from disruptive behavior, I followed up with them regularly to ensure the tenant met their obligations. Ultimately, this approach successfully resolved the issue without any further disruptions.

26. Can you explain how you address noise complaints from different tenants?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to understand how you handle noise complaints from tenants, as this demonstrates your ability to mediate disputes and find solutions for all parties involved effectively.

Model answer: Whenever there are noise complaints from tenants, I always take them very seriously. First, I investigate the situation by talking to both parties and gathering evidence such as video recordings or witness statements.

Based on what I learned, I devised a plan of action that included creating a clear policy for handling noise complaints in the future and implementing measures such as soundproofing or alternate payment plans.

I also make sure that all parties are aware of the new policies, and if necessary, I offer additional resources such as counseling or mediation services. By proactively addressing these issues, I am confident that I can ensure a quiet living environment for all tenants.

27. How do you determine who is responsible for repairs and maintenance tasks?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how you decide who will be responsible for repairs and maintenance tasks in a rental property.

Model answer: Regarding repairs and maintenance tasks, I always strive to provide tenants with the highest quality of service at minimal costs. To determine who is responsible for such charges, I consider factors such as the cause of the issue, the tenant’s lease agreement, and applicable laws or regulations.

For example, if the tenant caused damage due to negligence or lack of upkeep, they would usually be held accountable. However, if it were beyond their control (e.g., faulty wiring), I would work with both parties (the tenant and the owner) to create an equitable solution.

28. If a tenant is one week overdue on their payment and has also been late for the previous two months, what actions would you take?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how you handle tenants who are consistently late with rent payments.

Model answer: If a tenant was one week overdue on their payment and had also been delinquent for the previous two months, I would first contact them to discuss the issue. My goal in doing so would be to understand why they have not been able to make timely payments and come up with an actionable plan that both parties can agree on.

Depending on their situation, I may offer resources such as budgeting tools or flexible payment options to help them get back on track. If necessary, I may also need to take further action, such as filing an eviction notice.

In any case, my goal is to work with the tenant and find a mutually beneficial solution that ensures their rent payments are received promptly.

Behavioral interview questions

29. Can you describe a situation where you had to handle a tenant causing problems? What actions did you take to resolve the issue?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how you handle difficult or disruptive tenants.

Model answer: I once had a tenant who constantly made noise late into the night and disrupted other tenants in the building. To resolve this issue, I first gathered evidence, such as video recordings of the disturbance, and spoke with both parties involved.

After assessing the situation, I created a clear policy for handling noise complaints and implemented soundproofing measures to reduce the noise.

Additionally, I offered counseling services or mediation if needed. Ultimately, we came up with an agreeable solution that ensured a quiet living environment for all tenants.

30. Can you share your experience dealing with a challenging resident and how you managed the situation?

Why this is important: The interviewer wants to know how you handle difficult or disruptive tenants.

Model answer: I once had a tenant constantly breaking the rules, such as having unauthorized guests stay in their unit and smoking inside the building. To resolve this issue, I first discussed the regulations with the tenant and outlined what would happen if they continued to break them.

Additionally, I offered resources such as counseling or mediation to help them understand why these rules were implemented. After establishing this clear boundary, we devised an agreeable solution that ensured a safe living environment for all tenants.

Questions for You to Ask in a Property Manager Job Interview

Asking the right questions when interviewing for a property manager job can give you an idea of the company culture and what is expected from you as an employee. By asking questions such as these, you can gain insight into the job responsibilities, expectations, and team dynamics that may be present in the role. Here are some questions to consider.

What is the expected timeline for the hiring process?

Why this is important: Asking the hiring timeline helps you understand how long the process may take and when you can expect to hear back from the employer.

Who will be my supervisor?

Why this is important: Knowing who your supervisor will be allows you to gain insight into what kind of relationship you can expect with them and how they may manage tasks and expectations.

Can you please explain the process of training new employees in your company?

Why this is important: Understanding the training process gives you an idea of what type of support you can expect as a new employee.

How often do you conduct performance evaluations?

Why this is important: Performance evaluations are essential for understanding how well an employee is doing, so it’s important to know how often they are conducted.

Can you provide information about the management style used in this unit?

Why this is important: Knowing the management style of the unit can help you understand how decisions are made and how tasks may be delegated.

Can you describe the ideal candidate for this position?

Why this is important: Asking what qualities an employer looks for in a property manager gives insight into what skills and traits would make you stand out as an applicant. This also helps validate that your experience and qualifications match their expectations.

How To Prepare for a Property Manager Job Interview

To prepare for a property manager job interview, I recommend using the STAR method. This method involves preparing stories about your experiences to share with the interviewer demonstrating the four essential components: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. For each level you create, start by outlining the Situation or context in which you face a challenge or an assignment.

Then, explain what Task was assigned and what Action you took to complete it. Finally, describe the Result or outcome of the Action and how this situation can provide insight into your skills as a property manager.

Additionally, when telling these stories during your interview, it is essential to be as detailed and descriptive as possible. Provide facts and examples that demonstrate your competency in managing different situations.

Showcase your problem-solving skills and knowledge of relevant industry standards and regulations. You are using more advanced language that shows your understanding of property management concepts such as preventive maintenance, tenant relations, budgeting strategies, safety procedures, etc.

Doing so will let the employer know you are well-versed in the field and will be an asset to their team.

Property Manager Interview Questions FAQ

What is the role of a property manager?

A property manager is responsible for managing the daily operations of a rental property. Some duties include collecting rent, responding to tenant requests and complaints, addressing maintenance issues, and enforcing rules and regulations outlined in the lease agreement.

Property managers must also know about landlord-tenant laws to protect tenants’ rights and legal interests.

They often handle paperwork related to renting out a space, such as security deposit agreements and other forms required by local laws.

Additionally, an effective property manager can advertise available units, screen prospective tenants, contract with vendors for repairs or renovations, arrange viewings for potential renters or buyers, manage budgets related to the rental properties, and keep accurate records of all tenant communications.

What skills are needed for a property manager?

To be an effective property manager, specific skills are necessary. Good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to multi-task and remain organized are essential for this role. Property managers must also understand local laws related to renting out units and how they apply to their rental property.

Additionally, they should have strong customer service skills to respond appropriately to tenants’ needs and inquiries efficiently. Finally, budgeting and financial management knowledge are essential for creating accurate reports on tenant income and managing expenses associated with the rental property.


Overall, preparing for a property manager job interview requires knowledge of the type of questions you’ll likely be asked and an understanding of the role and skills needed for the position.

Demonstrating your abilities in managing different situations and knowledge of relevant industry standards and regulations is essential.

By showcasing your problem-solving skills, customer service expertise, and financial management capabilities, you can prove to the employer that your experience and qualifications match their expectations.

With proper preparation, you will have a successful interview that gets you one step closer to becoming a property manager.

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