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Strengths & Weaknesses in a Relationship That Will Make You Both Happier

Strengths in Relationship List of Qualities & Why They Important

Being in a relationship is about making the most of the strengths you and your partner have to offer. However, effectively understanding and leveraging those strengths is key. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can provide invaluable insights into your unique strengths profile as an individual and as a couple. With this self-awareness, you can build on your strengths to enhance communication, appreciation, and all the other hallmarks of a truly fulfilling relationship.

Make sure that you communicate your needs with one another and mention the positive qualities in conversation, or else risk miscommunication and begin to build up resentment for one another. In this article, we will highlight the top relationship strengths that are key to a healthy, happy, and lasting romantic relationship. Keep reading to find out more.

10 Benefits Of Having a Fulfilling Relationship

The main benefits of having strength in a happy relationship are as follows:

  1. Increased happiness
  2. Healthier life satisfaction
  3. Better mental health
  4. Lower rates of psychological distress
  5. Higher levels of positive emotions in response to stressors
  6. More conscientiousness
  7. A greater sense of self-worth
  8. More optimism
  9. More confidence
  10. Less anxiety

The benefits of a fulfilling relationship catalyze a positive cycle of growth and well-being for both partners. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment together, couples gain a deeper understanding of how their individual strengths dynamics interact and complement each other. This allows them to co-create an environment where they can truly thrive and realize the immense personal and interpersonal benefits that a strong relationship provides.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Regularly revisit your strengths profiles as your relationship evolves. Recognize how your strengths interactions may need to shift to keep deriving the fullest benefits and positive impacts for each other.

What Makes a Good Relationship?

Healthy relationships promote happiness and wellness, as well as better mental health. The HIGH5 strengths assessment equips you with powerful self-knowledge to cultivate the very qualities that define a good relationship – mutual respect, support, shared values and more. With insights into your strengths composition, you can be much more intentional about nurturing the positive relationship dynamics that put your partner’s well-being first.

Moreover, people in good and lasting relationships have a better sense of self, more satisfying lives overall, and higher rates of happiness. Healthy relationships promote happiness and wellness, as well as better mental health.

Quality relationship-building enhances our sense of self-worth, provides emotional support during difficult times, and allows us to sleep a little easier at night knowing that we’re not alone.

Having a high-quality relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourself. A good relationship is loving, respectful, and supportive. A great relationship means supporting each other, nourishing a healthy sex life, having a shared sense of values and goals, sharing interests, and being attentive to each others’ needs.

Most importantly, a good relationship should put the well-being of your partner before your own. In short: do everything you can so they feel loved and happy.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Look at your combined strengths, identified via HIGH5, through a lens of appreciation – celebrate how your collective strengths enable the qualities of an exceptional relationship. Where there are gaps, commit to stretching your strengths to keep growing together.

13 Qualities Every Truly Happy Relationship Has In Common

The following are thirteen of the best qualities contributing to a successful, healthy relationship:

  1. Commitment
  2. Trust
  3. Honesty
  4. Loyalty
  5. Openness & Communication
  6. Flexibility & Adaptability
  7. Admiration
  8. Support
  9. Goodwill
  10. Appreciation
  11. Stamina
  12. Determination
  13. Forgiveness


Commitment is important because it promises to work on building relationships and be there for someone in difficult times. Many couples believe that commitment can only come in a marriage, but this isn’t true.

Couples who have a solid commitment to one another are willing to work out their problems instead of pushing them under the rug. They have faith in each other, no matter what life throws at them or how long it takes to resolve conflicts or disagreements.

In return, your partner will also show strong commitment when you need support through hardship or stressors in your life.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Make your strengths assessment results in a conversation starter to build understanding and commitment. Discuss how you can both play to your strengths to overcome challenges and be there for each other through difficult times.


Trust is vital when being in a relationship because the relationship cannot survive without it. Trust comes from knowing that your partner has your best interests at heart and wants what’s best for you, even if it means they have to compromise or make sacrifices.

Trust also includes knowing that your partner won’t take advantage of you and won’t use your love as a way to hurt you. Trust is built over time as couples share more about themselves and help one another grow into better individual people.


Honesty must be present in a relationship because the foundation of the relationship will crumble underneath you without it. Lying can destroy trust and ruin any progress that has been made between couples who are trying to improve their relationship skills and communication techniques.

An excellent way to build trust is by telling your partner the truth so they know what’s going on in your life and how to help you.


Loyalty is significant for couples in a long-term relationship because it shows that they will stay by each other’s side through thick and thin. A loyal partner is someone who sticks up for their significant other, even if dozens of people try to tear them down.

Even when the going gets tough and your partner isn’t feeling 100%, they’ll be there with open arms because your needs always come first. A loyal partner won’t jeopardize the relationship because of outside influences or pressure from others to do so.

Openness & Communication

Communicating openly with your partner helps build strong relationship skills because they share feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. Your partner should be able to listen attentively and let you express yourself without getting defensive or trying to “one-up” your feelings.

An excellent way to communicate with each other is by asking for help when you’re having a bad day but only do so if you genuinely want their emotional support.

Flexibility & Adaptability

For a relationship to have long-term success, both partners need to be flexible and adaptable in certain situations. Flexibility means being willing to change the plans you had previously made while still considering your partner’s needs and wants so they feel included in the decision process.

For example, one person wanted to go out with friends on Saturday night, but the other person wanted to stay in so they could have a quiet night alone. Relational flexibility would mean staying home to spend time with your partner instead of going out.

Adaptability is being willing to compromise and adjust expectations, so both parties are happy with the final solution. This might involve doing something you don’t want to do but makes your partner happy or vice versa.


It’s important to admire who your significant other is because this means that you recognize their positive qualities and what makes them unique as individuals. Sometimes, admiration may express itself in words, but it will also be shown through actions.

This is because couples who genuinely care about each other make sacrifices without asking for anything in return. Admiration allows you to appreciate everything your significant other brings to the table and encourages you both to be the best versions of yourselves.


Support is vital in a human relationship because it shows that you’re willing to help your significant other through tough times, even when they aren’t at their best. Couples who support one another are more likely to maintain healthy relationships because the people in them care about developing and growing together.

Support doesn’t require a lot of effort either; a listening ear goes a long way and can provide so much value to someone going through a hard time. When it comes to being there for your partner, there’s no such thing as “too little.”


Having goodwill towards your partner means considering their feelings before making decisions that may affect them. For example, if you have plans with friends but know that your partner hates when you go out without them, try to change your plans and make time for them instead.

The best thing to do is be thoughtful about how your decisions may impact your partner when it comes to goodwill.


Couples who show appreciation towards each other are more likely to maintain healthy relationships because when someone feels appreciated, they’re less likely to take their significant other for granted. It’s essential that couples feel heard and understood by their partners.

Appreciation goes a long way and will encourage both people in the relationship to want to better themselves so they can continue making their significant other happy. Relationships aren’t easy, but with good communication, flexibility, loyalty, honesty, openness, and support.


Stamina is the ability to endure high stress levels over a long period of time. It has many unique benefits that improve health and performance in athletics and work. The higher your overall stamina, the more you’re able to get out of life, both mentally and physically.

Empathy people with high stamina show increased cognitive versatility (the ability to think about multiple things at once), enhanced self-esteem, and lower cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress).

High cortisol levels can lead to serious physiological problems such as weight gain and muscle loss, which means having good stamina will make you feel better and look better.


Determination means pushing yourself past your comfort zone by taking calculated risks to do what you think is right. People with high levels of determination are more likely to succeed in work and achieve their goals.

They can also adapt easily to new situations because they know that the only way forward is by taking chances and trying something new, even if it doesn’t end up working out.


Forgiving someone who has hurt you isn’t easy (and sometimes not possible), but doing so can improve your mental health and make room for happier thoughts.

Forgiving someone for a past hurt doesn’t mean you’re letting them off the hook or forgetting about what they’ve done; it just means that you’ve decided to no longer allow their actions to affect your life.

10 Strengths in a Relationship

  • Strong communication
  • Mutual respect for each other’s thoughts and opinions
  • Supportive of both their respective dreams
  • Vibrant knowledge of one another’s family dynamics
  • Good listening skills
  • Excellent at problem-solving together
  • Interest in one another’s hobbies
  • Responsible and financially stable
  • Intimate communication
  • Respect for one another’s personal space

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Identify which of the strengths listed come most naturally to each partner using the HIGH5 assessment. Then be purposeful about leveraging those intrinsic strengths, while supporting growth in areas that are relatively weaker strengths for one or both individuals.

10 Weaknesses in a Relationship

  • No drive to learn new things together
  • Not committed to the cause of each other’s happiness
  • Neglectful in planning romantic dates, vacations, etc.
  • Not supportive of one another’s hobbies (or interests)
  • Intimacy is lacking in physical nature or verbal expression
  • Lack of passion for life outside their relationship
  • Unable to manage respective finances efficiently and responsibly
  • Have no concept of personal space; can’t keep one another at arm’s length when needed
  • Inability to communicate effectively when the going gets tough
  • Inconsistent life goals and aspirations

Differences Between Common Man & Woman Strengths in a Relationship

Everyone always talks about how each gender has its own set of strengths and weaknesses and the idea that these concepts (of male and female) go beyond just physical attributes, but can also be seen in various circumstances, including relationships.

The differences between men and women extend far beyond their physical appearances, seen in their strengths in relationships.

5 Most Common Man Strengths in Relationship

They are good listeners

While a woman may talk a lot, men tend to listen more and communicate less. However, this is one of the biggest strengths that a man possesses in their relationship when it comes to relationships.

A male partner should provide emotional support for his significant other by listening carefully and offering advice that acknowledges the feelings that she feels for herself or other people.

This does not necessarily mean that he has to agree with her on all fronts as long as he tries to empathize with her and why she feels it so strongly.

They are not demanding

Although this may seem to the contrary, especially at first glance, on average, men are much less demanding in their relationships than women. This means that they expect less of their partners and will typically feel satisfied with just spending time together as opposed to having to do something or go somewhere.

This can be a great strength for both parties to take advantage of. It allows the male partner to enjoy his significant other’s company without feeling too stressed about doing activities together. It will enable her to spend time alone if she wants an alone day.

They have realistic expectations

Since men typically lead with their minds instead of emotions, they tend to look at situations more rationally and logically rather than emotionally like women. Because of this, they set more realistic expectations for their relationships and are typically able to maintain them without too much difficulty.

They tend to go with the flow instead of requiring everything to be under their control like women often do, which then causes relationship problems due to conflicts in goals or expectations that can’t always be met.

They stick around through hardships

Men tend to stick around much longer than women during difficult times in a relationship. Because of this, they are typically willing to work on the issues at hand and give advice or support when needed so both parties can come out stronger together at the end of every day, whether it’s successful or not.

The best thing about men is that they will always love unconditionally

Men tend to love unconditionally and make it appear in their way. Since this is difficult for some women, it can be hard to understand and even more challenging to take advantage of.

Unfortunately, men do not always express themselves the way that women would like them, which can cause problems when they don’t receive the attention or show of affection they would like from their male partners.

5 Most Common Woman Strengths in Relationship

They put a lot of time & effort into their relationships

Women typically value their relationships with others more than men, so they tend to spend more time on issues during disagreements or help those who need it most often.

When there is a job that needs completing, or a person needs assistance, women will put forth their best effort to make sure that it gets done and typically succeed in doing so.

Although this can be seen as a negative trait, such as when someone is taking advantage of them, it is mainly interpreted as a positive part of being a woman in a relationship by both parties involved.

They have the same goals/needs in relationships

Women tend to have very similar objectives or needs that they look for in relationships, which helps them maintain strong, healthy bonds that last a long time with their significant other.

Women often value companionship from others more than men do. Once they find someone who gives them this sense of comfort and safety, they typically stick around long after any conflicts or problems arise due to their desire to keep the relationship thriving.

They are very communicative

Women tend to communicate their needs or feelings whenever possible in relationships which is a big part of maintaining them with others daily. Since they are very open about how they feel, there are rarely any misunderstandings during disagreements or discussions on matters that are important to both parties involved.

Although some men tend to take this for granted, it does not change the fact that women tend to be more open and honest with how they feel than most men do, so they may have trouble understanding why they feel the way he does when they have already explained things clearly.

They understand what it means to be a woman

Many women understand what it means to be a woman in a relationship which allows them to excel at the other traits that make a good partner for men.

Women tend to want to take care of their significant other and often do so very well so they allow the men in their lives to put their feet up and enjoy themselves instead of worrying about unimportant matters throughout their day.

They can also communicate clearly with men, whether verbally or physically, which is another thing that tends to surprise some men when they realize someone else does know how they feel sometimes.

They don’t mind sharing the spotlight

Women typically aren’t selfish people, especially not when someone else can benefit from something she has to offer. This trait is one of the easiest for women to get out of their system when dating someone who takes advantage of them.

Once they find a good match, this becomes a beneficial part of being in a relationship with other people since it allows both parties involved to benefit from one another.

For example, a woman may cook dinner for her significant other, which will make him happy, and then he can clean up afterward, which makes her happy.

The result is that both people wind up happier than if only one was doing all the work. Hence, it’s best to take full advantage while working together toward common goals or important matters to you as a couple without letting silly things like pride stand in your way.

Strengths in a Relationship FAQ

What are good strengths in a relationship?

Strengths in a relationship are the character of the people who are in a relationship. They can be anything, like patience, forgiveness or love, etc. These all will strengthen your relationships. These strengths will help you get through thick and thin together.

Even if one is not good at something, others’ strengths might prove enough to cover it up. Having these strengths would prolong their relationship more than expected.

What are the five most important things in a relationship?

The five most important things in a relationship are trust, respect, honesty, communication, and empathy.

What are the three main qualities of love?

The three major qualities of love are care, responsibility, and respect towards the opposite person, which will lead to healthy relationships between partners to survive through any problems together in life. They all have different roles and relationships, but both partners give equal importance to them.

What is the biggest strength of a couple?

The biggest strength as a couple is to forgive each other and never hold grudges for extended periods. Trust me; it will help you both prosper better together. All couples fight, but not everyone learns from their mistakes. If they do, then it’s even better for them because they’ll realize that there is no need to fight over something that could be solved by talking and understanding each other’s points of view.

Holding grudges against someone might make you feel good sometimes, but it hurts you more than the person you have a grudge against since it eats away your happiness and makes you less happy than before knowing about this situation.

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