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How To Build Self-Confidence: Tips, Examples & Theory

How to Build Self-confidence Tips, Examples & Theory

Everyone often talks about the need to be confident in everything you do, but have you ever wondered how to build your self-confidence? Keep reading to find out how you can start building your self-confidence!

Self-confidence is your belief in your skills, expertise, and qualities. While we understand that self-confidence is crucial for our success, developing it can be challenging. This is where a strengths-based approach, such as the HIGH5 test, can be transformative. By identifying and understanding your unique strengths, you create a solid foundation for genuine self-confidence. The HIGH5 assessment helps you recognize your innate talents, providing a clear path to leveraging these strengths in various aspects of your life. This article will explore how understanding and applying your strengths can significantly boost your self-confidence, leading to greater success and fulfillment in both personal and professional spheres.

An estimated 85% of the world’s population suffers from low self-confidence. One of the things that may have kept you from chasing your aspirations is fear. And to overcome fear, you need self-confidence.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take advantage of to boost your self-confidence.

This article will share the importance, benefits, and different ways you can improve self-confidence.  You will also learn the characteristics of a confident person and how to appear more confident to others.

What is a Confident Person?

Confidence can be defined as a general sense of assurance in our capability to handle life’s challenges. While self-confidence isn’t innate for everyone, it’s an ability we can cultivate through experience and self-awareness. One powerful way to boost this self-awareness is through strength assessments like the HIGH5 test. By identifying and understanding your unique strengths, you gain a clearer picture of your capabilities, which forms a solid foundation for building genuine confidence. This strengths-based approach allows you to focus on what you do best, naturally enhancing your self-assurance in various life situations.

A confident person:

  • Is willing to stand by their views and decisions, not because they are arrogant but because they are not scared of being wrong.
  • Listen more than they speak.
  • Does not see asking for help as a sign of weakness.
  • Will not put other people down or do something terrible behind others’ backs.
  • Is willing to admit their mistakes and learn from them.
  • Do not seek approval from everyone but only from those they truly value in their lives.
  • Accepts feedback from others openly and acknowledges compliments where they truly deserved.
  • Is an optimist who is willing to take calculated risks.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Leverage your strengths daily: Once you’ve identified your top strengths through the HIGH5 test, make a conscious effort to use at least one of them each day. This practice not only reinforces your confidence but also helps you approach challenges from a position of strength, making you more effective and self-assured in your daily life.

Why Does Self-Confidence Matter?

Self-confidence is essential in practically every area of our lives, yet many individuals struggle to portray it.

Self-confidence is a crucial component of our personality and career. It influences everything we do and says, from our job to our ideas, decisions and interaction with others.

One of the most powerful weapons we can build in an increasingly competitive environment is our self-confidence. At the same time, a lack of confidence is one of our most significant weaknesses.

Without confidence, we expose the world to our vulnerabilities. Confidence can manifest in many ways through our body language, vocal tone and facial expressions.

We can’t disguise how we feel about ourselves, no matter how hard we try. Success in our professional lives is determined by what we do and how we do it.

Our technical expertise allows us to perform what we do. How we do it is influenced by our self-confidence. Self-confident people know how they can contribute to their organization and influence the people around them.

These qualities are what differentiate individual contributors from managers and employees from leaders.

Benefits of Self-Confidence

Past experiences, skill improvement, and future aspirations all contribute to self-confidence. Having self-confidence may help you in many ways, whether at home, in your workplace or in relationships.

Let’s look at some of the advantages of being self-confident in professional and personal life:

Stronger relationships – When you’re more confident in yourself, which often stems from a clear understanding of your strengths, you’re less likely to compare yourself with others. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can provide this clarity, helping you recognize and appreciate your unique qualities. This self-awareness allows you to feel more at ease around others, fostering genuine connections. During interactions, you’ll be present in the moment, focusing on the conversation and the other person, rather than worrying about others’ perceptions of you. This strength-based confidence creates a positive cycle, as your authenticity and self-assurance make others feel comfortable around you too, leading to more meaningful and satisfying relationships.

Authenticity – Being self-confident allows you to be unaffected by your weaknesses or influenced by others’ opinions. You will behave in ways that reflect your authentic self and how you feel. Rather than faking your response or going with the flow, you will authentically express yourself and how you think to others.

Open to new experiences – You are more inclined to explore new things or experiences when you believe in yourself. Having confidence in yourself and your talents allows you to take action on the things you have always wanted to do.

Resilience – Believing in yourself can boost your mental toughness in the face of challenges and adversity. You can also recover from setbacks more quickly than others.

Socially active – Having self-confidence allows you to be calm in social situations. With your inner confidence, you are comfortable making new friends without fear of rejection. As you are optimistic about the future, you tend to express this excitement to others via your behaviors and body language.

People enjoy being around you in social situations because the positive energy you exude is contagious.

Personal power – Self-confidence is a significant factor in gaining more personal power. How you speak, behave, think and carry yourself will influence your personal power. The more personal power you have, the more impact you have in your professional and personal lives.

Positive mindset – Confident individuals see the world from a half-glass-full perspective. You believe that you have a purpose and are here to contribute to the betterment of the world. The positive mindset and outlook you have on the world is a natural remedy to depression, stress and sadness.

Increased energy and motivation to take action – Increased confidence in yourself gives you more energy and motivation to pursue your goals and aspirations. When you are more driven and enthusiastic, you are more likely to face any challenges head-on instead of avoiding them.

As your confidence increases, you are more inclined to take calculated risks and continue developing your skills. Yes, you may still feel worried and insecure about the future.

But because you know your purpose in life, you will still take the necessary actions and strive towards your dreams and aspirations.

9 Ways to Start Building Self-Confidence

Take a look at these 9 ways that will help you develop self-confidence more quickly and efficiently.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Whether it’s comparing your lifestyle to others on Instagram or your income to your friend’s salary, comparing yourself to others is not beneficial.

Researchers discovered that individuals who compared themselves to others felt envious. And the more they felt envious, the worse they felt about themselves.

If you find yourself envious of other people’s lives, remind yourself of your strengths and past accomplishments.

Practicing writing in a gratitude journal daily is another alternative to prevent you from comparing your life with others.

A gratitude journal can keep you focused and appreciate the little things happening in your life.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Make a list of individuals you spend time with most of the time. And take note of how each of the individuals makes you feel.

Do they enrich your life? Do they bring happiness and positivity into your life? Are they always passing judgment on you, or do they love you for who you are?

Maybe you may not have realized, but the people you spend time with have a significant influence on the way you think and behave.

Be selective and surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and want the best for you.

If you don’t feel good about yourself after spending time with someone, it may be best to cut this person out of your life.

Take Care of Your Body

It is critical to take care of yourself if you want to boost your self-confidence.

When pursuing your aspirations, you must prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Involve yourself in activities that make you feel happy and healthy.

By developing self-care practices, you will begin to feel more confident in yourself! Here are a few self-care habits that are associated with an increased level of self-confidence:

Diet: Feed your body with nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Once you start a healthier diet, you will feel stronger and more energized, leading to feelings of self-worth.

Physical Activity: Once you start working out consistently, your body image will improve and you will feel more confident about yourself.

Mindfulness Activity: Meditation can help build your self-confidence in different ways. It assists you in building self-awareness and accepting yourself for who you are. Meditation also enables you to reduce negative self-talk and unplug yourself from distracting inner monologues.

Sleep: Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on your emotions. However, getting enough quality sleep has been linked to many benefits for your health and well-being. So, make sure you get sufficient sleep every night.

Be Kind to Yourself

Learn to practice self-compassion by being kind to yourself whenever you make a mistake or encounter obstacles. It is a method of relating to yourself that helps you become more emotionally flexible.

You will also be well-prepared and confident to deal with any of your difficult emotions. Being kind to yourself also improves your relationship with yourself and others.

Recognize that being imperfect or underperforming is also a part of life. When you find yourself in a difficult circumstance in the future, make an effort to treat yourself with kindness.

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Practicing positive self-talk can help you overcome your insecurity and accept new challenges. On the contrary, negative self-talk might inhibit your strengths and undermine your confidence.

Negative self-talk may limit your ability to believe in yourself and that you are incapable of doing something.

When you notice you are overly critical of yourself, remind yourself that your beliefs aren’t always correct. By cultivating self-awareness, you will be able to reduce your negative self-talk.

Learn to reframe your negative self-talk to produce a positive attitude change.

Face Your Fears

Stop putting things off until you feel confident and ready. The best method to boost your confidence is to confront your fears without hesitation.

If you’re scared that you will humiliate yourself or make a mistake, go ahead and give it a try anyway. Remind yourself that it’s okay to fail.

Once you face your fears, you will discover that being nervous or making a few blunders isn’t as horrible as you anticipated.

And as you progress, you will gain greater confidence in yourself, which will prevent you from taking chances that will have substantial adverse effects.

Move Out of Your Comfort Zone

While stepping outside of your comfort zone may appear scary, there are several advantages to doing so! By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you may achieve things you never believed achievable.

You’ll be pleased with yourself and feel more confident in your abilities as a result. You see that you are improving in your life, which might encourage you to keep working toward your goals.

Aim to do one thing every month that unnerves you to push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Try to do something you have not done before but have always wanted to try.

Whether you succeed or fail, you’ll be proud of yourself for attempting it. It will also give you the confidence you need to try other, more challenging things.

List down your successes

Life is full of ups and downs, and maintaining self-confidence can be challenging. However, a powerful strategy to boost your self-assurance is to leverage your innate strengths. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can be an invaluable tool in this process, helping you identify and articulate your unique capabilities. Once you’ve taken the test, create a list that combines your top strengths with specific instances where you’ve successfully applied them. This strengths-based approach to listing your achievements not only reminds you of your past successes but also highlights the personal qualities that made those successes possible. By focusing on your strengths and how they’ve contributed to your accomplishments, you’re building a solid foundation for sustained self-confidence.

Consider all the challenges you’ve conquered to get to where you are today as you reflect on your successes. Everything you’ve gone through, for better or worse, has shaped you into the person you are now.

Developing a sense of pride in yourself and your abilities can boost your self-confidence and prepare you to pursue your goals.

Once you’ve completed your lists, hang them somewhere visible to you every day. The list will remind you of what a great life you have and what an incredible person you are.

Never Give Up and Don’t Accept Failure

Do not give up or accept failure. Why would you want to wave the white flag when there is an answer for everything? Success in the face of overwhelming odds is a major confidence booster.

Low self-confidence is frequently triggered by the unending stream of opposing ideas that flow through our heads.

If you constantly criticize yourself and say things like “I’m not good enough.”, “I’m not clever enough.” and so on, you’re establishing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You are becoming what you preach in your mind, which is not a good thing. When you notice the negativity in your brain, quickly transform it into a positive affirmation.

Repeat the positive affirmation until it is engraved deep in your mind and boost your self-confidence.

Characteristics of Confident and Insecure People

Confident People

  • Celebrate the accomplishments of others
  • Open-minded
  • Optimistic
  • Embrace change
  • Decisive
  • Focused on personal growth and learning
  • Admit mistakes and learn from them
  • Show responsibility for their actions and behaviors

Insecure People

  • Jealous and dismissive of others’ successes
  • Close-minded
  • Pessimistic
  • Afraid of change
  • Indecisive
  • Act as if they are experts in everything
  • Avoid or make excuses when mistakes happen
  • Blame others when something goes wrong

How to Appear More Confident to Others

Imagine someone you know whom you consider extremely confident. What traits do they possess that lead you to believe this?

It should be one or more of the following:

  • Their body language
  • Their energy and excitement.
  • Their level of expertise or knowledge on specific topics.

You can exhibit self-confidence through your actions, body language, and the way you speak.

Portraying a positive image may lead to a boost in your self-esteem. It’s not just a matter of “faking it”. If you look confident, others are more likely to react positively, which will help you believe in yourself.

Body Language

We prefer to make ourselves look smaller when we are nervous. We tend to slouch, hunch our shoulders, and drop our heads, avoiding eye contact in such situations.

Simply sitting up straight with your chest open may help make you feel less anxious and more confident.

When giving a presentation, stretch your hands out with palms slightly toward your audience. By performing this gesture, you show the audience that you are open-minded and ready to share your insights.

Face-to-Face Communication

People who lack self-confidence typically struggle to make an excellent first impression. You may feel shy or self-conscious about meeting new people in a new setting.

Don’t worry; there are steps that you can take to make you look more confident instantly.

Maintaining eye contact when speaking is vital to keep others engaged. You are demonstrating that you’re interested and participating in the conversation.

Lean inwards; don’t fidget or break eye contact with others during any conversation. This way, you show the person that you are listening intently to what they are sharing and don’t appear distracted.

Build expert knowledge

When you know what you’re talking about, you naturally exude confidence. This is where understanding your strengths through assessments like the HIGH5 test becomes crucial. By identifying your top strengths, you can focus on developing expertise in areas that align with your natural talents. For instance, if one of your strengths is ‘Love of Learning,’ you can leverage this to rapidly acquire knowledge in your field. Or if ‘Strategic Thinking’ is a top strength, you can apply it to analyze and present information in unique, insightful ways. This strengths-based approach to building expertise not only makes you more prepared to answer questions and speak spontaneously but also ensures that your confidence is authentic and grounded in your innate capabilities.

A lack of confidence is usually due to a gap in your knowledge or expertise in your field. Concentrate on learning and feeding yourself with additional information to become a subject matter expert in your area.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Strength-aligned learning: After taking the HIGH5 test and identifying your top strengths, choose learning methods and topics that align with these strengths. For example, if ‘Creativity’ is a top strength, explore visual or hands-on learning techniques. If ‘Empathy’ is prominent, consider studying through group discussions or real-life case studies. By tailoring your learning to your strengths, you’ll not only acquire knowledge more effectively but also feel more confident in applying and sharing that knowledge.

Self-Confidence FAQ

How do I gain confidence in myself?

You can exhibit self-confidence through your actions, body language, and the way you speak.

Portraying a positive image may lead to a boost in your self-esteem. It’s not just a matter of “faking it”. If you look confident, others are more likely to react positively, which will help you believe in yourself.

Furthermore, practicing your body language, showing energy and excitement and expanding your expert knowledge will help you gain more self-confidence.

How do you overcome a lack of confidence?

To overcome your lack of confidence, stop comparing yourself to others and surround yourself with positive people. It is also essential to take good care of your body and be kind to yourself.

By facing your fears and moving out of your comfort zone, you can build up your self-confidence.

Furthermore, you can list down everything you’re grateful for in your life and the things you’ve achieved up till now. And lastly, do not give up every time you face challenges or failure.

How can I improve myself every day?

Start a healthy diet by feeding your body with nutrient-dense foods. You can also slot in a 10-minute or 20-minute workout routine into your daily morning routine.

Meditation is another healthy habit you can practice daily. It can assist you in building self-awareness and accepting yourself for who you are.

Sleep is another critical area that is crucial for your success and health. Ensure that you get at least 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night.

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