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Strengths of Dyslexia: Dyslexics’ Strengths & Qualities

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There are many key strengths of dyslexics that you should be aware of. While most people think of dyslexia as a disability, it can actually be an incredible spire of strengths. Instead of viewing it as something that holds you back, it can be the major driver behind your personal success and progress.

If you are looking for a way to turn your negative views on dyslexia around, and acquire your strengths through dyslexia, it may seem tough at first. It is natural to think that dyslexia can only hold you back; after all, many people are told this throughout their life.

In this article, we will explore how dyslexia can be a source of strength and how you can leverage it to your advantage. To truly understand and harness your unique strengths, consider taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment. This scientifically-backed tool can help you identify not only your dyslexia-related strengths but also your overall personal strengths, providing a comprehensive view of your potential. By understanding your strengths through the HIGH5 test, you’ll be better equipped to turn your dyslexia into a powerful asset for personal and professional growth.

What is Dyslexia?

Some describe dyslexia as a form of learning disability. Most individuals are diagnosed with the condition during childhood. It can make reading more challenging.

This is so because the letters may seem twisted, backward, and otherwise difficult to process. Because of this, performing standard reading tasks could be a challenge for people with dyslexia. They may not be the best at visual thinking and learning.

In addition to reading, some dyslexics also struggle with writing and/or spelling. In general, tasks relating to language are sometimes difficult to accomplish for dyslexic children and adults alike.

However, it is possible to overcome these challenges and use dyslexia as a strength. People see the impact of dyslexia most at school. They may not be able to finish homework assignments or read well.

This could cause trouble for their grades. Working with numbers may also be a challenge, as the numbers may seem to get out of place, be flipped, and so on.

It is important to remember dyslexia does not someone is not intelligent. Many brilliant and famous people have this condition and go on to achieve immense success.

Why Is Important To Recognize Strengths of Dyslexia & Their Benefits

Being aware of your dyslexic strengths can be transformative in numerous ways. Your dyslexic strengths can help you gain new learning skills, become effectively motivated, and unlock potential you may not have realized you possessed. To gain a comprehensive understanding of your strengths, including those related to dyslexia, consider taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment. This powerful tool goes beyond identifying dyslexia-specific strengths and provides a holistic view of your capabilities. By leveraging the insights from the HIGH5 test, you can unlock new opportunities and approaches to learning and working that align perfectly with your unique strengths profile.

Some of the key benefits of recognizing your strengths as someone with dyslexia include:

  • A boost in positivity and building the ability to see the glass half full
  • Becoming more productive and efficient
  • Learning how you work and learn best to increase your learning abilities
  • Getting the ability to advocate for yourself in social settings
  • Knowing how to “sell yourself” and appeal to interviewers when seeking a job
  • Performing activities that you never thought you could do
  • Taking intelligent and calculated risks that can pay off in the long run
  • Becoming more self-aware and confident in your abilities
  • Boosting your patience with yourself and others, thus becoming a better team player
  • Setting goals that are more personalized and unique to your current situation

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Create a “Strengths Journal” based on your HIGH5 test results. Regularly record instances where you successfully applied your top strengths, including those related to dyslexia. This practice will boost your confidence and help you identify patterns of success in various aspects of your life.

10 Strengths of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is not typically seen as a source of strength. In fact, most people believe that dyslexia is a condition that will hold them back and limit them. However, this could not be further from the truth.

People with dyslexia are often quite successful and have many unique strengths. Some of the most brilliant people of the last few hundred years, including the likes of Einstein and Walt Disney, had dyslexia.

Key strengths that set dyslexics apart from the rest include the following:


Creativity can be a major asset for those with dyslexia. They are great at finding unique ways to approach problems. Also, individuals with dyslexia tend to be skilled in artistic and creative endeavors. Some of the greatest artists of all time had dyslexia.

For instance, both Picasso and Pollock had the condition. A dyslexic’s creativity can also help set them apart in the business world, as it helps them acquire a competitive advantage. Their creativity could also help them create imaginative stories and succeed as writers, despite the technical challenges of dyslexia.

Big Picture Thinker

Too many people waste time obsessing over minute details. However, dyslexics tend to think about the big picture. They are great at spotting and understanding patterns and thinking in the long term.

They can remember similar structures and make accurate conclusions from their observations. These strengths allow them to excel in math and science, both at school and beyond.


Dyslexic people are able to harness their pattern recognition skills to be highly observant. They can even notice small changes in data, for example.

Being great at observation allows individuals to think critically, and rationally, and make decisions in an effective manner. It ensures that they catch errors and changes that many others would not notice.

Extremely Empathetic

Empathy is a key soft skill that is beneficial in nearly all settings. Being able to empathize with others allows you to build bonds with individuals, boost your positivity, increase productivity, and make the most out of your career.

Dyslexic people are great at reading others’ emotions and making accurate conclusions. They can place themselves in others’ shoes quite well, giving them this crucial strength for life.

Unique Reasoning Style

As previously noted, dyslexic people have a plethora of creative strengths. This also applies to how they approach reasoning. Their unique method is known as narrative reasoning.

It combines pattern analysis, simplifying data, analyzing the logic of an argument, interpreting patterns, and looking beyond the details to find an overarching strategy. This unique reasoning type can also help dyslexics break down complex ideas into more manageable notions, thus helping them learn.

Connecting With Others

Contrary to what some may believe, individuals with dyslexia are great at connecting with others. They can utilize their empathetic skills to better understand those around them.

They can also sense even slight changes in their mood, tone, or body language, contributing to a deeper understanding of the other individuals’ emotions. As such, dyslexics can be great team players.

Using 3D Thinking And Stations Reasoning

It can be difficult for many individuals to think about items in 3 dimensions. However, this unique 3-dimensional strength allows people with dyslexia to visualize materials in a highly unique and innovative way. This could explain why some of the most famous fashion designers, architects, and sculptors had some form of dyslexia.

Thinking Critically

The ability to think critically is one of the many strong skills that set dyslexics apart from the crowd. Critical thinking is used in their everyday decision-making; it is second nature to most dyslexics.

Excellent thinking skills and three-dimensional thinking combine to form one of the most interesting approaches to problems. It is both rational and artistic at the same time.

Great At Communicating

While reading (and sometimes writing) may not be the dyslexic’s strong suit, verbal communication is one of their many strengths. Individuals with dyslexia are gifted storytellers, and they know how to sell products, too. Their creativity, rationality, and empathy combine to form great pitchers and amazing team communicators.

Willing To Experiment

Sometimes, you have to try new things to see which strategies work best. Dyslexic individuals are not afraid of trying new strategies to solve problems, even if it means they fail the first few times (or more). They view this as a learning opportunity.

And, when they do fail, dyslexics tend it learn quickly and efficiently. Their fast problem-solving abilities are traced to their ability to think laterally and rationally.

How To Identify and Develop Your Dyslexia Strengths (Kids & Adult)

Knowing your strengths can benefit you at any point in your life. The sooner you realize your strengths, the quicker you can start building on the strengths you have. This will help you grow as a person and reach your potential. If you think learning about your dyslexia-related strengths must be complicated, think again!

There are several strategies to make the strength discovery process seamless, and the most effective first step is to use a reliable online strengths assessment. The HIGH5 test stands out as an exceptional tool for this purpose, especially for individuals with dyslexia. Its questions are clear, straightforward, and designed to be accessible for all users. What sets the HIGH5 test apart is its ability to identify not just dyslexia-related strengths, but a comprehensive profile of your top five strengths. This holistic approach allows you to see how your dyslexia-related strengths interact with your other capabilities, providing a more nuanced and actionable understanding of your potential.

You could even finish the test in one sitting. Plus, another key benefit of using a strength test like HIGH5 is the many other types of strengths you learn about. You will not just get a list of your dyslexia-related strengths. You also get the chance to see your emotional strengths, organization, and much more.

In addition to this, there are a few other approaches you could use. For instance, you could ask your boss or coworkers for input on your strengths. Or, you could analyze which abilities lead to prior successes and look for patterns. These methods are less accurate and more time-consuming, though.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

After taking the HIGH5 test, engage in “strength-spotting” exercises. Throughout your day, try to identify moments when you or others are using strengths identified by the test. This practice will help you become more aware of how strengths manifest in real-life situations and can be particularly helpful for both children and adults with dyslexia.

How To Improve Dyslexia Strengths in the Workplace

Once you’ve identified your strengths through a comprehensive assessment like the HIGH5 test, it’s time to focus on enhancing them, particularly in the workplace. The HIGH5 assessment provides not just a list of your top strengths, but also insights into how these strengths manifest in various situations. This knowledge is crucial for understanding when and how your strengths work best in a professional setting. By leveraging the detailed reports and action plans provided by HIGH5, you can develop strategies to apply your dyslexia-related strengths more effectively in your work environment, leading to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and career advancement.

Focus on the environment that makes you feel the most confident and least distracted. Notice any patterns for when your strengths shine and when they are less effective. Try to ensure your environment is optimal whenever possible.

It can also be helpful for you to gain some confidence. Becoming more confident is a great way to take your strengths to the next level. Put yourself in situations that allow you to harness your strengths.

For example, if you know that you are great at communicating, do not be afraid to speak up more during meetings. If you are highly creative and great at problem-solving, try taking up more responsibilities for leading the team when given the chance.

Another way you can work on your strengths is by asking others for feedback. They can offer some great advice on how well your strengths have been developing. It is best if you can include some objective metrics for the most accurate strength improvement results.

For instance, if you want to track productivity and you are a salesperson, you could keep track of items sold or phone calls made.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Use your HIGH5 test results to craft a “Strengths-Based Work Plan.” Identify tasks and projects that align with your top strengths, especially those that leverage your dyslexia-related abilities. Share this plan with your supervisor to collaboratively find ways to incorporate more strength-based activities into your role, potentially leading to increased job satisfaction and performance.

How To Highlight Dyslexia Strengths In Resume & Job Interview

Your strengths are a major part of your candidate profile and potential for success at work. As such, you should surely ensure that your interviewer and potential employers are aware of your key abilities. However, you must truly prove you have strengths instead of just saying you do.

Your dyslexia-related strengths could potentially set you apart from the crowd. For instance, your unique method of problem-solving, empathy, and creativity can pique an interviewer’s interest.

One way to display these amazing abilities is by showing the impact your strengths had on your prior workplaces. Give specific examples and statistics to prove these strengths can benefit the employer.

In addition, you can make your strengths seem even more impactful to the business if you match the strengths the employer desires. If you look at the job posting, you can see some of the necessary strengths for your desired position.

If you can prove that you have these strengths, you will seem like a qualified and unique candidate. This will boost your likelihood of getting hired.

Bonus Tip: 5 Examples of Weaknesses of Dyslexia

Individuals with dyslexia have some amazing and unique strengths. From their dynamic reasoning strengths to their ability to effectively empathize with others, there is no doubt that dyslexia can be a source of strength rather than a negative influence in one’s life. However, just like with any other individuals, those with dyslexia also have some weaknesses.

Some of these weak abilities include:

  • Struggling with reading and writing
  • Making careless errors
  • Poor self-confidence
  • Misunderstanding others
  • Being socially awkward

How To Improve Dyslexia Weaknesses To Strengths

If you want to improve your weaknesses, then there are a few simple steps you should take. However, you should also keep in mind that focusing on your weaknesses is ineffective. It is far better to focus on building strengths you already have rather than growing your weaknesses.

However, if you are keen on improving your weaknesses, you should start by understanding what your weaknesses are. Once you know that, find out when you use these weaknesses. Try to optimize your environment so that distractions and negativity do not inhibit your ability to use a skill.

Additionally, you could also try exposing yourself to situations where you must use your weaknesses. The more you use your weaknesses, the more opportunities you have to grow them into strengths. Note when you use these weaknesses and try to practice utilizing them as soon as possible.

Strengths of Dyslexia FAQs

Why dyslexia is an advantage?

Many people think of dyslexia as a form of learning disorder. However, it can be a source of great good in someone’s life. For instance, dyslexia can help individuals better empathize with those around them. It can boost their ability to think creatively and problem solve effectively.

Their unique reasoning approach and willingness to try new things can help dyslexics stand apart from the crowd. This will increase your odds of being hired. A few other benefits of dyslexia include being a great storyteller, finding patterns easier than others, using 3D thinking, being highly observant, and so much more.

What jobs are dyslexics good at?

There are quite a few careers in which dyslexics can find success. Remember: dyslexia is not an intellectual failing, and many of the world’s most creative and intelligent individuals had/have dyslexia.

For instance, both Albert Einstein and Richard Branson had dyslexia. Some of the top jobs for individuals with dyslexia include being an artist, musician, designer, photographer, actor, scientist, physician, surgeon, engineer, entrepreneur, and essentially any other similar job title.

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