In the realm of personality exploration, Truity and Myers Briggs are prominent landmarks. Which one will be your compass to self-discovery and understanding?

Both of these tests are highly popular and for good reasons. They have helped millions of people discover their temperament type, top skills, and weak traits alike.
Comparing Truity vs Myers Briggs may be difficult, as there are so many similarities between them. Nonetheless, you should be aware of some key differences between these personality theories to find your ideal test.
In this article, we will discuss the benefits of taking these personality tests, how they are similar, and their top differences.
Diving into the Truity TypeFinder Test
The Truity test is one of the most popular available online. While it is based on the Myers-Briggs test, it is not the same. Below, we provide a brief overview of Truity.
Brief Overview
The Truity test is an online strengths assessment that provides you with an overall look at your personality. It covers both your top positive and negative qualities.
The Truity organization, founded by Molly Owens in 2011, focuses on providing individuals with premium reports on personality for free or low cost.
Many of the ideas Truity focuses on are styled after tests such as the MBTI, but the organization performs its research as well.
After over a decade of serving the community, the Truity assessment group now boasts over 60 million customers and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (1).
Core Concepts
The Truity test is at its heart all about personality typing, not strengths, values, or other qualities. The test will provide you with information on your top personality qualities.
In addition, you will learn about how you likely apply these qualities. For instance, the test will discuss how these qualities are applied to relationships and the workplace.
Truity offers a wide array of assessments, though, including tests on love, emotional intelligence, and career aptitude specifically.
Their version of the MBTI is styled after the original test, and its main goal is to describe your personality clearly.
Compared to HIGH5
The Truity organization is structured somewhat similarly to HIGH5. Both are organizations that place an emphasis on positive psychology and are trusted by large organizations and millions of people worldwide.
However, the HIGH5 test is authorized to only be given by the HIGH5 group. It is a unique assessment that solely focuses on strengths and an individual’s positive qualities.
On the other hand, Truity features a wide variety of tests. They have tests ranging from the Enneagram to the MBTI. These tests are not the original versions of the assessments, but they are similar and still give individuals quality insights.
Truity is also less focused on the individual’s positive qualities, and includes more information about the test taker’s weaknesses.
Exploring Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The MBTI is an assessment that has made a massive impact on the entire field of psychology. To truly understand why this test is so important and how it works, read the overview of Myers Briggs below.
Brief Overview
The Myers-Briggs assessment began with the research done by psychologists Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. They were inspired by the psychological theories laid out by Carl Jung and added to his personality theory.
Jung created several categories for personality, and the Briggs and Myers duo added more depth into how to type someone and the characteristics of each personality type.
The test was worked on for over 20 years before it was finally available to the public. Now, it is perhaps the most famous personality assessment in the world.
Core Concepts
There are 16 possible personality types the MBTI tests for and 4 main personality categories. They include: introverted vs extroverted, intuitive vs sensing, thinking vs feeling, and judging perceiving.
Your combination of these qualities will be shown in your in-depth report from the MBTI.
The main concept behind the assessment is to identify your personality type by asking you how you act in certain settings and what you enjoy more, among other questions.
Like the Truity test, the MBTI will also include information on how your traits are applied to the real world.
Compared to HIGH5
When compared to the HIGH5 test, the Myers-Briggs personality test is significantly more general. The MBTI covers topics ranging from an individual’s strengths, their weakness, to their interactions with others and behavioral patterns.
This also means that individuals get less insights on their strengths on the MBTI when compared to the HIGH5. The HIGH5 is built upon a positive psychology framework, while the MBTI includes weaknesses and is not a test rooted in positive psychology.
The MBTI also has 16 possible personality types, and has 4 categories each individuals is evaluated for (extroversion vs introversion, intuition vs sensing, thinking vs feeling, and perceiving vs judging). The HIGH5 test ties each individual’s answers to strengths, not personalities.
Contrasting Truity and Myers-Briggs’s Test
Although both tests have many similarities, as the Truity test is based on the MBTI, they are not the same. To best understand which assessment is right for you, acknowledging the differences between Truity and Myers Briggs is crucial.
We outline these main differences below.
Assessment Methodology
You need to understand how each assessment evaluates your personality. The methodologies used by each organization are slightly different.
The MBTI categorizes individuals into 16 potential personalities based on their responses to questions about their relationships, work preferences, interaction style, and more. From there, you are assigned one personality type.
The Truity test also categorizes you into one of 16 types based on your personality traits. While the questions on the test may be similar to the original MBTI, they will not be the same. These slight differences may impact your final results.
Interpretation and Implementation
Your MBTI and/or Truity tests can be interpreted in numerous ways. They can help you with personal growth, boost your career performance, or even help you in relationships.
To help you better interpret your results, both tests offer explanations of the qualities associated with your personality type.
These explanations are based on how you responded to the queries on the assessment. The MBTI from 16Personalities has information on your weaknesses, top qualities, potential family relations, and more. They give you statistics on how strong each of your personality preferences is.
The Truity test offers a bit more general information, but it also notes how your abilities can be applied to different settings.
In general, if you would like a more overarching look at your personality for free, consider Truity. Some versions of the MBTI are paid, but even the free versions tend to be a bit longer as well as more in-depth.
Pros and Cons of Truity TypeFinder Test
Every personality model has a variety of pros and cons that come along with it. This is true with the Truity theory of personality typing as well.
Some of the top advantages and disadvantages of Truity are:
- Great user interface and design.
- Reports that highlight your top skills.
- Free or very low-cost results.
- Takes very little time to finish.
- Straightforward questions.
- Get to learn about a diversity of your strengths.
- Improve your communication, teamwork, and other skills.
- Boosts your confidence.
- Helps you create goals that align with your personality qualities.
- Covers both positive and negative dimensions of personality types.
- Not as much scientific backing and research compared to other tests.
- Concerns with accuracy.
- The results are not as in-depth.
- Relies on self-reporting.
- Lacks personalization (one test for everyone).
- Could lead to you becoming overly confident.
- Does not go into detail on how strengths can affect your life.
Pros and Cons of MBTI Test
Just like the Truity test has a plethora of pros and cons accompanying it, so does the Myers-Briggs system of personality. Most of their benefits and drawbacks are similar, but a few do stand out.
The main advantages and disadvantages of Myers Briggs are:
- The most widely recognized and famous online personality assessment.
- Backed by decades of research and thorough analysis.
- Utilized by Fortune 500 companies and many company leaders.
- Increases your confidence and self-awareness.
- Specific questions.
- In-depth results.
- Reports that include facts about how your personality shows in relationships, work, and beyond.
- Assists with career selection.
- Very popular for teams (evaluating who is a good fit and assigning groups based on personality).
- Results are limited to 16 personalities.
- Could lead to stereotyping and a lack of insight.
- No or very little information on values.
- The official test is costly ($49).
- May be overwhelming to some individuals.
- Developed decades ago (old).
Practical Applications and Implications of Truity and Myers-Briggs
Maybe you have decided you will take a personality assessment. This is fantastic, but that should not be the end of your personality exploration journey.
Most of the greatest benefits that come with taking these tests are tied to applying your personality test results to the real world.
To see how you could do this, the following are some applications of Truity and Myers-Briggs test results:
In Personal Development
One of the top benefits that come with personality testing is the self-growth that comes along with it.
When you recognize your top skills, you get the confidence to use them more often. This means you will invest in yourself more, and take more calculated risks to advance your goals.
In addition, you will become more self-aware about your flaws. This helps keep you humble and assists you with making major decisions. Such self-awareness is helpful in relationships as well as everyday life in general.
In Organizational Development
Tests such as Truity and Myers-Briggs are not just helpful for individuals, though. Millions of teams from across the world rely on them as well.
Teams can use these assessments to see how well a candidate would fit in on their team. If they have a team that is very analytical and focuses on intricate sciences, for example, they might want to hire an INTJ.
Additionally, knowing someone’s personality is very useful for creating groups and understanding team conflicts. It can help with office layout as well since individuals often work best on teams where their personalities match.
Compared to HIGH5
The MBTI and Truity are very similar assessments. They both focus on finding an individual’s personality traits. While this can be very useful, they miss out on something crucial for teams: using a strengths-based approach.
On the other hand, the HIGH5 emphasizes the importance of positive psychology and specifically focuses on team strengths. This boosts focus, productivity, and positivity among team members.
The HIGH5 even provides add-on services specifically for teams, such as consultations to discuss results and a special team report.
How Accurate is the Truity’s TypeFinder Assessment?
One of the primary concerns people tend to have with tests like Truity revolves around their accuracy. The Truity organization was founded just 10 years ago.
While the initial skepticism is a normal response to taking the Truity test, there is evidence of the test’s accuracy as well. The test is trusted by millions of individuals, with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and a 4.9/5 star rating from customers (1).
There has not been as much academic research about this test, but it is based on a methodology similar to the MBTI. If you answer honestly and take your time, you can get some very meaningful results.
How Accurate is the Myers-Briggs Assessment?
The Myers-Briggs assessment is one of the most recognizable personality tests in the world. It has decades of research supporting it, dating back to Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers.
This test has been used in dozens of studies. It has repeatedly been shown to be accurate (2, 3) but some researchers do note it has flaws.
It is based on self-reports, which can skew the results and make them less objective. The key to making the most of this assessment, as with any other personality test, is honesty.
Compared to HIGH5
The HIGH5, Truity, and MBTI tests have all been positively reviewed by millions of individuals. The Truity test is the least scientifically backed out of the three, although it has been beneficial to many.
The HIGH5 uses a tool that psychologists identified as crucial to long-term success and self-improvement embedded in the test. This unique tool is called the strength-based approach.
Empirical evidence has repeatedly supported the use of a strengths-based appraoch in teams and individuals alike (4). The HIGH5 can help you unlock your true potential and kickstart a long-term self-improvement journey.
Personality tests can offer immensely useful information for your self-improvement and career growth journeys. They help you stay confident, recognize your flaws and top qualities, assist you in choosing careers, and much more.
Truity and the MBTI are both widely liked assessments that are extremely similar. They give you a great overview of what makes you unique. Here you can check top MBTI assessments.
These tests usually only take 15-20 minutes to finish, and the results you acquire might have an impact on you for years to come.
References and Case studies:
Disclaimer: HIGH5 does not intend to replicate or to substitute the Truity or MBTI tests as both tests follow different methodologies, yet bring value in similar ways. Both tests help test takers be more aware of their own talents, strengths and personalities. HIGH5 does not dispute or diminish the value of these tests and encourages test takers to go through both assessments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at hello(at)
Truity and MBTI logos are trademarks of their own owners/corporations. All other trademarks not owned by HIGH5 Test that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with HIGH5 Test.