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What is Low Self-Esteem? Signs & How to Rise It

Low Self-Esteem Signs & How to Improve Your Esteem

Emotional abuse often leads to low self-esteem, with profound impacts that can leave individuals feeling powerless and trapped in abusive relationships. However, it’s crucial to remember that everyone possesses inherent strengths, even if they’re not immediately apparent. Tools like the HIGH5 strengths test can be instrumental in uncovering these hidden talents, providing a foundation for rebuilding self-esteem. By identifying and focusing on your unique strengths, you can begin to counteract the negative effects of emotional abuse and start your journey towards self-empowerment and healing.

If this describes you, you must actively increase your self-esteem. In this article, we’ll share the top signs of low self-esteem and show you how to get started on your journey of self-improvement.

What is Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem can be defined as an intrinsic feeling of insecurity, a belief that one is inadequate to such an extent that it has significant implications for one’s life. It’s not just regular self-doubt, but a persistent and disturbing thought that one does not measure up in some intricate way. However, understanding your inherent strengths can be a powerful antidote to these negative beliefs. The HIGH5 strengths test offers a scientifically-backed approach to identifying your top five strengths, providing a foundation of self-knowledge that can help combat feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. By focusing on what you naturally excel at, you can begin to shift your perspective from perceived shortcomings to recognized abilities.

This can result from several things, among them being emotional mistreatment, which might leave permanent scars on how you view yourself. Fighting low self-esteem, even in situations when it is the result of abusive trials, is not an easy task.

It is a process that mostly involves personal reflection and occasionally reliance on other people. The path to betterment and the reconstruction of self-esteem is a remarkably attainable one. It is essential to note that overcoming these trials and embracing a better self-image will only prove your strength.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Start your day by acknowledging one of your top strengths identified by the HIGH5 test. Reflect on how you can apply this strength to overcome a challenge you’re facing. This practice helps shift focus from perceived inadequacies to recognized abilities, gradually building a more positive self-image.

13 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Poor Confidence

One unmistakable sign of low self-esteem is that they lack confidence. People with low self-esteem are typically full of fears and doubts about their capacity, which makes them feel inadequate.

They are inclined to evade challenges and decline to embrace certain risks partly due to the fearful emotions brought about by fear.

If you are deficient in confidence, it is essential to build self-esteem. Force yourself to do things you might not feel like doing and work towards expanding the comfortable area of action each time. Remember that you can do amazing things, regardless of your current lack of self-belief.

Negative Social Comparison

People with low self-esteem tend to compare themselves with others in manners that tear them down, seeing themselves as less pretty or intelligent and unsuccessful. This bias can cause deep depression and insecurities.

Therefore, it is critical to end this downward social comparison and instead focus on recognizing the individual’s strengths and successes.

It is also essential to remember that every person is different, and the idea of perfection as a universal concept does not exist. Whether or not you are different from others, accept the value in yourself as you already have.

Trouble Accepting Positive Feedback

Individuals with low self-esteem, however, find it challenging to believe good things about themselves. They might brush off the compliment or feel it is not how things should be.

This is because of the negative self-thoughts that they hold over them. If accepting compliments is challenging, just learn to appreciate those comments. Just thank the person and courteously accept the acknowledgment.

Such a person’s testimony should be considered, considering that it is frank and most likely sincere. Gradually, you will embrace the compliments for yourself.

Lack of Control

Low self-esteem individuals often feel powerless in their lives. They could feel powerless and helpless while others are calling the shots.

This is a consequence of being subjected to emotional abuse, given that the abusers usually want their victims to be under them.

Therefore, if you think you cannot make anything good happen in your life, you must take several steps toward recovery.

You should also write down your priorities, and that is when you start making efforts towards a specific goal.

Remember that you hold control of your own life, and if it is not working, be courageous enough to change or risk creating a lifetime of regret.

Worry and Self-Doubt

These kinds of people who feel inadequate usually do a lot of worrying and have very little faith in themselves. They may have poor self-esteem, lack confidence in their abilities, or even feel they do not meet the desired standards. This is very stressful.

If you tend to worry excessively, you must learn how to manage her anxiety. Take some time and rest; harness stress out of your battery.

Develop positive thinking and tell yourself that you can tackle anything that comes your way. Today, you are strong and competent in yourself, no matter what your opinion about it is.


Perfectionism is a common characteristic of individuals with low self-esteem. They strive for perfection in everything because it can guarantee nothing but acceptance if not embraced.

This can cause great tension and dissatisfaction since it is impractical to be perfect.

If you are a perfectionist, the most important thing for you is to be able to throw it out. Understand that striving for perfectionism is an unrealistic target and that making mistakes is the essence of life.

Learn to get along with yourself again and go for it. Remember that you are imperfect, and human nature also generates mistakes.


Insecurity is a common thing among people with low self-esteem. They may feel inadequate or worthless. This can mean that a person is very lonely and then isolated.

If you don’t like yourself, you must make an introductory step and accept who you are. On a positive note, record your beneficial qualities and concentrate on solid points.

Stay together with those who will encourage and make you value yourself. Ultimately, you will get to believe in what they say about it.


Loneliness and isolation are the feelings of people with low self-esteem. These kids may feel inadequate for company and undeserving of friendship.

This creates a whole lot of solitude and anguish. If you are feeling isolated, it is essential to connect with someone. Join an exciting club or group, and it is possible to create your own social circle.

Surround yourself with positive individuals who boost your self-esteem. Gradually, you will also gain new acquaintances and find people with whom it is easier to communicate.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are often the consequences of a low self-image. They can quickly feel inadequate or worthless.

This, in turn, becomes a source of great distress and depression. If you have anxiety or sadness, it’s vital to seek guidance. Find a psychiatrist or counselor who can help.

Low Self-Worth

People with low self-esteem often have a low opinion of themselves. This could make them feel inadequate or worthless.

Excessive Shame

People who have low self-esteem tend to feel a lot of shame. This can create a high level of isolation and loneliness.


Those individuals suffering from low self-esteem tend to have a submissive character. They might also express that they are not worthy to attach themselves as a person and instead need to give way to other people.

This, in turn, can result in more significant pressure and irritation. If you believe that you always need to be obedient, every average person must defend their interests, like a human being, starting from today.

Advocate for yourself. Be yourself, and never allow others to take you for granted. Defend your position and fear not making statements.


Low self-esteem individuals frequently embrace escapism as a way of containing their emotions.
They are possibly involved in drugs, alcoholism, or gambling and engaging in sex as a means of escaping from the problems.

When you indulge in escape mechanisms, they should find assistance. Communicate your emotions to another person and why you are using those things as leverage.

Discover mental activities to help you withstand stimulants, and try not to allow stress or sadness into your brain. Engage in activities that bring joy and make you calm. With time, you notice that things or activities do not make you feel good.

Dangerous Side-Effects of Having Low Self-Esteem

Constantly maintained poor self-esteem could also entail some hazardous side effects:

Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Emotional distress
  • Panic disorder
  • Risky behaviors
  • Stress

How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem?

Desperation is a proven road to depression, as no one needs what the person has to offer, be it services or products.

However, there are solutions to a weak self-image if an individual cannot fix the low attitude.

Care for Yourself

Individuals with low self-image do not usually lead a healthy life. They may eat poorly and fail to engage in exercise.

They either do not sleep sufficiently or do not have time for relaxation. Immediately, as you wish to get rid of low self-esteem, start caring about yourself.

Eat healthy foods, do enough exercise, and always rest. Allocate time for relaxation and stress management activities. Ensure that you focus on yourself and the security of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Get Some Outside Support

Individuals with self-esteem issues rarely have many people around to support them. This can result in loneliness and solitude.

It is necessary to seek support from others in case you wish to not suffer from low self-esteem. Take a support group or talk to another person who can listen and provide some thoughtful advice.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Individuals with poor self–esteem often think ill of themselves. They may, for example, feel that they are inadequate or worthless.

If you wish to take steps away from your low self-esteem, the negative thoughts must be challenged and discarded.

Write the negative thoughts down; in one column, correct the cognitive distortion with factual evidence that could not be debated. Consult with a therapist or counselor who can assist you in questioning the state of your mind.

Focus on Your Strengths

Individuals with low self-esteem often dwell on their perceived weaknesses, feeling inadequate or worthless. However, a crucial step in overcoming these negative thoughts and improving self-esteem is learning to focus on one’s strengths. This is where the HIGH5 strengths test becomes an invaluable tool. By taking this assessment, you gain a clear, objective view of your top five strengths, backed by scientific research. Instead of guessing or relying on potentially biased self-perception, you receive a detailed analysis of your unique capabilities.

Armed with this knowledge, you can start to enumerate and concentrate on your positive features, creating a solid foundation for building self-esteem. The HIGH5 test not only identifies your strengths but also provides insights on how to leverage them in various aspects of your life, turning self-doubt into self-empowerment.

Our recommendation is to take the HIGH5 strengths test. It is free and it identifies your top 5 strengths. Focusing on your strengths will help you achieve a happier and more fulfilled life.

Never focus on your weaknesses, as they are universal. Instead, focus on the things you are best performing and what distinguishes them from other people’s performances.

To establish self-esteem, allow yourself to understand that you can work on it over time and with enough effort invested in the task.

How to Develop and Build Your Self-Esteem?

Building self-esteem is a journey that requires time, effort, and the right tools. While it may seem challenging, with the proper approach and resources, you can make significant progress. One powerful way to jumpstart this process is by taking the HIGH5 strengths test. This assessment provides a unique insight into your top five strengths, offering a solid foundation for self-discovery and personal growth. By understanding and appreciating your innate talents, you can begin to view yourself in a more positive light. The HIGH5 test doesn’t just identify your strengths; it also offers practical advice on how to apply them in various life situations, giving you concrete ways to build your self-esteem through your natural abilities. Remember, self-esteem isn’t about being perfect; it’s about recognizing and valuing your unique strengths.

Notice Your Thoughts

A practical method of increasing your self-esteem would be to develop an awareness and, in many cases, sensitivity as it relates to your recently adopted thoughts. Observe that which you are expressing to yourself inside your mind.

If they are embedded with negativity, seek to change them to positivity. Some of the examples are when you catch yourself thinking, “I am not passionate enough,” replace it with something like, that I realized my passion during this project, or for example if you think in terms of – “Am so stupid, try having instead any mistake made has given me a great understanding.” This might not be easy initially, but with time, you will train your mind to think positively.

Forgive Yourself

You can also increase your self-esteem by forgiving yourself. Nobody is perfect because we all make mistakes. However, we tend to punish ourselves for them, hence the reduced esteem.

However, forgive yourself and move on. Please do not dwell on them or let it affect your being. Make your mistakes, then let them go.

Practice Self-Acceptance

If you want to learn to love yourself more, one strategy would be accepting who you are. You are not always right, and that’s fine. In doing so, you also recognize that everybody has imperfections, and that’s alright.

Begin by acknowledging yourself who you are at this very time. Never seek to be another person or pretend not to be who you are. Just be yourself. Only when you begin to love yourself can you gain confidence in your abilities.

Value Yourself

If you tend to have problems with self-esteem, then this means that it is time for your appraisal. Do not belittle yourself or think you are worthless. Start looking at yourself as an individual of great worth.

Consider what differentiates you or sets you apart. You have abilities and power that no one else possesses.

Price those items and consider yourself as someone priced. Good feelings about yourself will automatically set in when you begin appreciating yourself.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Use the “Strength Spotting” technique. Based on your HIGH5 test results, try to identify moments when you or others around you use these strengths effectively. This practice trains your mind to recognize and appreciate strengths in action, fostering a more positive outlook on yourself and others.

How To Help Someone With a Low Self-Esteem

Encourage Them

If you want to help someone with low self-esteem, there is no better thing than motivation. Motivate them to remain optimistic by emphasizing their variations. Motivate them to give an undying push towards their dreams.

Show Them Compassion

Someone who has poor self-esteem is always in low moods and downcast. Have mercy on them and realize that they are struggling. Inform them that you are there for support and the welfare of their well-being.

A crucial first step in helping someone with low self-esteem is assisting them in identifying and establishing their strengths. This process can be significantly enhanced by using tools like the HIGH5 strengths test. This scientifically-validated assessment provides an objective and comprehensive analysis of an individual’s top five strengths, offering a positive framework for self-perception. By encouraging someone to take the HIGH5 test, you’re not only helping them discover their innate talents but also providing them with a new lens through which to view themselves. These identified strengths can then be leveraged as powerful complements to the love and support from family and friends. The HIGH5 test results can serve as a springboard for meaningful conversations about personal value and potential, helping to gradually rebuild self-esteem on a foundation of recognized abilities and talents.

Furthermore, these strengths are to be celebrated as they provide an insight hardly found in any other part of the world. Recognize these abilities and employ them to make another person’s path a little less scorching.

Leading them to tests like can shed light on what places they are high in or how insecure it is concerning categories. This data will help launch positive conversations about low self-esteem and how to increase it.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Encourage “Strength Partnering” based on HIGH5 test results. If you’re helping someone with low self-esteem, compare your strengths with theirs. Discuss how your different strengths can complement each other in various situations. This exercise highlights the unique value each person brings, fostering mutual appreciation and boosting self-esteem.

Low Self-Esteem FAQ

What Maintains Low Self-esteem?

There can be numerous factors that maintain low self-esteem. For others, it could even be a thought that they are worthless or will always remain so. In other cases, an individual may suffer a lack of self-esteem due to shame or feeling inhumane.

Ultimately, low self-esteem can simply become a trait for some individuals – it’s something they have always done and are hard to shake off.

What are the Characteristics of a Man with Low Self-esteem?

Men with low self-esteem often have a lot of negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel like they are not good enough, that they are not worth anything, or that they are not capable of doing anything well.

As a result, men with low self-esteem often have low self-worth and a lack of confidence in themselves. They may also be very critical of themselves and be very hard on themselves.

In addition, men with low self-esteem often have difficulty dealing with stress and may struggle to cope with difficult situations.

What are the Characteristics of a Woman with Low Self-Esteem?

Women who have been reported to experience low self-esteem reportedly indulge in a lot of worry about their lives. However, the negative thoughts they get do not revolve around their personality or worthiness but on how attractive and capable they are.

Consequently, females with self-neglect lack value and confidence in themselves. They can also be their worst critics, crying pity on themselves occasionally. Moreover, women with poor self-esteem often suffer from an inability to manage stress and face challenging situations.

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