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Emotional Strength: Examples & How To Become Emotionally Strong

Emotional Strength – Key Characteristics of Emotional Strength & How to Build it

Soft skills such as emotional strength are essential interpersonal characteristics for success in life. Soft skills, in simple terms, mean how you relate and work with other people.

When it comes to dealing with challenges life throws at us, we all react in various ways. Some may crumble under pressure, while some can recover and pick themselves up quickly.

It is critical to find strategies to increase our emotional strength if we do not want to feel helpless or weak. We should concentrate on improving our emotional strength in the same way that we focus on keeping our bodies in shape or adopting good habits.

In this article, you’ll not only learn about the key characteristics and benefits of emotional strength but also gain a deeper understanding of how to cultivate it in your personal and professional life. We’ll explore the role of emotional strength in relationships and provide examples across all generations.

Additionally, we’ll introduce the HIGH5 strengths assessment as a powerful tool to identify and leverage your unique emotional strengths, empowering you to thrive in the face of adversity.

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive grasp of emotional strength and practical strategies to embrace and maximize your inherent strengths.

What is emotional strength?

Emotional strength is an individual’s ability to feel and be open to intense emotional experiences. It is about how a person deals with obstacles and recovers from them, rather than how they react in any given situation.

Emotional strength is not about turning a negative into a pleasurable experience. It is where you can feel all emotional experiences at a deeper level, allowing you to be vulnerable and responsive to your emotions. You also have the skill to change how you perceive emotion in your daily life.

51 examples of emotional strengths

Critical thinkingDevotedDiligence
EagernessEmotionally StableEmpathetic
RespectfulSelf-controlSense of purpose
51 examples of emotional strengths

Characteristics of emotionally strong people

  1. They prefer peace more than aggression
  2. They adopt a growth mindset and are unafraid of making mistakes
  3. They focus on how to get around the obstacles rather than the obstacles themselves
  4. They are vulnerable
  5. They embrace change
  6. They practice self-care

They prefer peace more than aggression

Emotionally strong individuals do not exhibit the classic characteristics of authority, dominance, and aggression. They understand that true power comes from being in charge of their destiny.

Peace is the most unbreakable strength you can have. Confident People need to demonstrate “power” when it does not appear self-evident to them or when they believe it does not exist.

They adopt a growth mindset and are unafraid of making mistakes

Emotionally strong individuals love exploring and trying new things. They know that there is always something new to learn and opportunities to become better.

Individuals with a growth mindset thrive in the face of adversity and are tenacious. They are not scared of making mistakes. To them, failures serve as springboards for growth and improvement.

While emotionally strong individuals embrace a growth mindset, identifying and capitalizing on their unique strengths can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and development.

By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment, you can gain valuable insights into your inherent talents and aptitudes, empowering you to explore new avenues for growth and self-improvement. With a clear understanding of your strengths, you’ll be better equipped to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and continually strive for personal excellence.

They focus on how to get around the obstacles rather than the obstacles themselves

Emotionally strong individuals concentrate their efforts on the bigger picture when facing obstacles. They don’t allow themselves to get caught up in temporary setbacks.

Emotionally strong people also do not dwell on what they’ve lost; instead, they focus on what can be gained out of the experience.

They are vulnerable

In our society, being vulnerable is considered a weakness. It is difficult and terrifying to express oneself honestly to others. However, vulnerability is an indication of being emotionally strong.

It allows you to be open and honest with yourself and others about your feelings and emotions. When you open yourself to others, you can form a deeper connection with them.

They embrace change

Emotionally strong individuals take complete responsibility for everything that happens in their lives.

They perceive every experience as feedback and do not assign blame for whatever happens. They will also not whine and embrace the challenges that change brings.

They practice self-care

Emotionally strong individuals know that if they don’t take care of themselves, they cannot deal with problems when they arise. They are aware and understand what they need to be at their best.

They consume nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and know how to cope with stress. They can also recognize and communicate their emotional and physical needs to others.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Reflect on the specific strengths identified by the HIGH5 assessment and consider how you can leverage them to cultivate a growth mindset. For example, if curiosity is one of your top strengths, actively seek out new experiences, ask questions, and explore unfamiliar domains to fuel your personal and professional development.

Become emotionally strong in 7 steps

Emotional strength is like building your physical strength. It requires you to follow techniques and steps consistently to build your emotional strength.

Here is a list of actions that you can consider adopting in your life starting now.

Step 1: Recognize and acknowledge where you are right now

We all go through transitions in our lives. It can sometimes be challenging to understand what is going on while we are experiencing one. You could be dissatisfied with your job or experience a break-up, which is an unpleasant emotional experience.

Step 2: Take a break

Perhaps, you can go on a trip or book a staycation at a place you have always wanted to go. Take this time to relax and let things settle. Do you know that individuals who don’t go on vacations are more likely to burn out? Avoid this feeling by scheduling in your calendar to take a rest, even if you don’t feel like it.

Step 3: Practice gratitude and keep yourself calm

A gratitude practice builds your muscles for finding the positive in your day-to-day life. It’s not a method of avoiding the negative. Rather, it’s a lens that allows us to be aware and focus on the positive things in life, no matter how bad the day is.

You can recharge yourself by taking a moment to meditate, journal, or do any activities that will make you feel energized and calm.

Step 4: Spend time with your loved ones

It may be difficult for you to do this when you are vulnerable, but this is an excellent technique. If you don’t want your loved ones to see you in this state, you can always ask them for a casual hangout or go for a meal.

By spending time around them, you can relax and heal yourself from whatever you are going through.

Step 5: Attempt something new or go out of your comfort zone

It may be difficult for you to do this when you are vulnerable, but this is an excellent technique. If you don’t want your loved ones to see you in this state, you can always ask them for a casual hangout or go for a meal. By spending time around them, you can relax and heal yourself from whatever you are going through.

Step 6: Make a list of your concerns

Writing your worries down might help you gain a better understanding of what’s going on. You can schedule time in your calendar to complete the list slowly rather than rushing through it. Then start checking items off as you complete them.

Step 7: Make a list of what is going on well in your life

You can also make a list of what you are good at and your strengths. Then compare this list against the concerns that you have written earlier. Look at your concern list and see how you can overcome them with your strengths.

Why is emotional strength important?

Investing in building your emotional strength will pay its reward when you meet with failure or rejection. The ability to bounce back after a setback comes from your aptitude and emotional fortitude.

Your emotional capabilities, shaped by your inherent strengths, profoundly influence how you learn, retain information, and respond to challenges. The HIGH5 strengths assessment provides invaluable insights into your unique emotional strengths, equipping you with the self-awareness to harness these powerful assets effectively.

By understanding your emotional strengths, you can develop tailored strategies to navigate life’s obstacles with greater resilience and adaptability, ultimately maximizing your potential for personal and professional growth.

You can either let failure break your spirit or let it inspire you to give your best shot the next time. It all depends on how you use your emotions.

Here is a list of benefits of being emotionally strong:

  • Increase your life satisfaction and overall quality of life.
  • Improved performance in all areas of your life.
  • Become more resilient in the face of challenges and difficulties.
  • Help you to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Strengthen and deepen your relationship with others.
  • Feel more confident in your ability to deal with problems.
  • Bounce back from challenges and setbacks quickly.
  • Improve your decision-making and thinking skills.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Reflect on the emotional strengths identified by the HIGH5 assessment, such as resilience, empathy, or self-regulation. Develop specific action plans to leverage these strengths in your daily life, whether it’s practicing mindfulness to cultivate emotional awareness or seeking out opportunities to apply your empathy in interpersonal interactions.

Common misconceptions about emotional strengths

Emotional strength is often misunderstood, leading to misconceptions that can affect how individuals perceive themselves and others regarding emotional resilience and capability.

Understanding these common errors in judgment is crucial for a more accurate appreciation of true emotional strength.

Misconception 1: Emotionally strong people do not feel pain

One of the most prevalent myths is that emotionally strong individuals do not feel pain or sorrow.
This is far from the truth. Emotionally strong people experience the same emotions as anyone else, including sadness, anger, and disappointment.

The difference lies in how they manage these feelings and the speed with which they can recover from negative emotional states, maintaining function and composure.

Misconception 2: Showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness

Contrary to the belief that showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness, it is a hallmark of emotional strength. Being open about one’s feelings and admitting when one is struggling demonstrates self-awareness and confidence in one’s ability to handle emotional challenges.

This openness can foster deeper connections with others and provide greater support, which is crucial for emotional resilience.

Misconception 3: Emotional strength is innate and cannot be developed

Many assume that you are either born emotionally strong or not. However, emotional strength can be cultivated through practice and effort. Techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive behavioral strategies, and emotional intelligence training can significantly enhance one’s capacity for emotional strength.

Just as physical strength can be improved through exercise, emotional resilience can be developed through consistent psychological and emotional conditioning.

Misconception 4: Emotionally strong people are always calm and controlled

While emotionally strong individuals often exhibit calmness, they also know when and how to express their emotions effectively. Being emotionally strong doesn’t mean suppressing emotions; rather, it involves understanding and expressing them in healthy and constructive ways.

The ability to display emotions appropriately across different contexts signifies emotional sophistication and strength, not fragility.

Contrasting emotional strength and emotional fragility

Understanding emotional strength also involves recognizing its contrast with emotional fragility, where individuals may feel overwhelmed by emotional experiences and struggle to recover from setbacks.

Emotionally fragile individuals might avoid difficult situations, reflect a lower threshold for emotional discomfort, and exhibit less adaptability to change, unlike their emotionally robust counterparts who face challenges head-on.

Emotionally strong individuals use a blend of self-awareness, open expression, and strategic emotional management to navigate the complexities of their feelings and the challenges of life. By debunking these common misconceptions, we can foster a more realistic and supportive approach to developing emotional resilience in ourselves and encouraging it in others.

Emotional strength in a relationships

Quarrels, disagreements, and conflicts are bound to happen in a romantic relationship. But, not everyone can manage such difficult trials. They may falter under pressure and not be emotionally strong when it counts most.

Cultivating emotional strength in a relationship starts with a deep understanding of your individual and shared strengths. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment together, you and your partner can gain invaluable insights into your unique strengths and how they complement each other.

With this knowledge, you can develop tailored strategies that leverage your collective strengths to navigate any obstacle life throws your way. Whether it’s leveraging your partner’s emotional intelligence to foster open communication or drawing upon your shared resilience to weather storms, embracing a strengths-based approach can deepen your emotional connection and fortify your relationship.

The strategies are as follows:

1. Answer these three questions: What brings you joy? What causes you to be depressed or frustrated in a relationship? In what circumstances do you often feel disappointed?

Knowing the answers to these basic yet crucial questions is the first step toward understanding your emotional strength.

The answers to these questions allow you to know yourself more deeply and recognize the triggers for your emotional states. It can also prepare you for the uncertainties and surprises that come from your partner.

2. Be flexible and adaptable to your environment.

It makes no difference if you aren’t mature enough to be an ideal partner in a relationship. What matters is that you’ve gained exceptional flexibility in dealing with the various situations that may arise in a relationship.

You and your partner may be passionate during your honeymoon period, but the sustainable way to keep your relationship alive starts from within you. Learn to adapt, compromise, and be emotionally prepared to support and deal with anything that comes your way.

3. Focus on the positive and things that bring you happiness.

You should learn to accept the positive and negative personalities of your significant other in a relationship. When things are not going your way in a relationship, remember to always look at the brighter side.

Do not retreat or avoid responsibility when you encounter a problem. Instead, learn to face and resolve the issues together with your partner.

4. Learn to accept yourself for who you are.

Nobody is perfect. You must understand that you will never be the perfect person for your partner and vice versa. Otherwise, you’ll be prone to negative emotions that make you feel insecure in your romantic relationship.

Such negative emotions will ultimately result in break-ups.  But, if you and your partner are emotionally strong, both of you are committed to doing what it takes to make the relationship work.

5. Have faith in your partner and relationship.

It takes a lot of courage to trust your partner and your relationship. With a strong foundation of trust, your relationship will be able to withstand the test of time.

The trust you show reflects how you see yourself as a person and how you handle trust issues.

6. Do not hurt each other.

It’s a sign of strength when you can realize that the love you are showering your partner is destroying you emotionally.

Stop harming yourself by clinging to a toxic relationship with someone who doesn’t recognize your worth. You should also avoid doing things that may damage your relationship rather than strengthen it.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

After taking the HIGH5 assessment with your partner, identify areas where your strengths align and where they differ. Discuss how you can leverage these complementary strengths to support each other’s emotional needs and overcome challenges as a united front.

Emotional strengths of a child


Hope can transform a child’s everyday life. They will seek inspiration from others, strive and pursue greatness in their own lives. Children can learn to appreciate a world of possibilities and hope by reading a wide variety of stories. Hope is the motivating force that will propel our children’s futures forward.


Children thrive in an environment where they feel protected and safe. School and the home are places where children feel safe to explore new things, make mistakes, and grow.


Confident children can think and express themselves freely. They are self-assured and will tackle any situation with confidence. They know that they have the resources they need to succeed.

Emotional strengths of a student


When studying or learning a new topic, students who are enthusiastic about learning experience less stress and worry. They are more engaged in the subject and are likely to persevere when confronted with a problem until they find a solution.


Curious students have a desire to explore new things and test new hypotheses. Students who are proactive in asking questions will become more involved in their surroundings. They will learn to look for answers to problems.


The challenges that students encounter, whether it is bullying, family problems, or simply getting through difficult moments at school, require courage. They will learn from the mistakes and adventures of fictional characters in books they read.

They will also take those lessons and apply them to their own life. They understand that having the courage to take chances and be vulnerable will lead them to great outcomes.

Emotional strengths of an adult

Critical thinking

Emotionally strong adults can make well-informed decisions. They tend to sort, categorize, and evaluate information to understand and see how it all fits together. More importantly, they will not allow their emotions to blur their decisions, especially in critical moments.

Strong internal locus of control

Adults do not treat criticism as a personal attack and self-sabotage themselves. They are in control of how they feel and perceive anything that comes their way.

Continuous learning

Adults do not beat themselves up because of their setbacks or failures. Adults are aware that they are always a work in progress.

They are always looking out for new experiences and seeking new knowledge to improve themselves.

Emotional strengths of an elderly

Giving back to society and the community

Those who learn to appreciate this stage of life can share their experience and skills with their families and communities’ well-being.

Open to change

As adults grow older, they will undergo various changes, such as children leaving the nest, physical and mental strength, and mobility decreases, etc. All these require them to adjust and adapt to their changing circumstances.


There is a growing body of evidence that senior adults can be resourceful and creative with their accumulated experiences. Their passion and energy allow them to continue to be respected members of society.

Emotional strengths vs. emotional weaknesses

One significant difference between emotionally strong and weak individuals is the way they deal with negativity. It’s easy to allow negativity to affect you when people are emotionally vulnerable.

While negativity can be a downward spiral for some, emotionally stronger individuals have the self-awareness and resilience to avoid being consumed by it. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment, you can gain valuable insights into your emotional strengths, such as optimism, positivity, or emotional intelligence.

Armed with this knowledge, you can develop targeted strategies to leverage these strengths and cultivate a more positive mindset, effectively mitigating the impact of negative emotions and circumstances.

Another difference is emotionally weak people tend to feel sorry for themselves. While emotionally strong individuals will not feel this way if things go against their expectations.

When confronted with a less-than-ideal circumstance, they will seek a way out rather than wallow in their misery. Emotionally strong individuals see roadblocks as opportunities to explore and do things differently.

Whereas emotionally weak individuals feel trapped and unhappy because, to them, these barriers cannot be overcome and represent the end of their journey.

Emotional Strength FAQ

Where does emotional strength come from?

Emotional strength comes from your ability to think realistically and be persistent in the face of challenges. An emotionally strong person also recognizes and accepts how they feels within them.

Where do you find emotional strength?

Emotional strength is found within you. Just like physical strength, emotional strength is a muscle you need to train with consistency and effort.

It’s all about your flexibility in the face of setbacks, crises, and uncertainty. It is also about your ability to deal with everything that comes your way.

How do you show emotional strength?

You show emotional strength when you adopt a growth mindset and are unafraid of making mistakes. You tend to focus on how to get around the obstacles rather than the obstacles themselves.

Furthermore, you embrace change and practice self-care so that you can be the best version of yourself. You also display your vulnerable side to others. You are comfortable opening yourself up and being honest about your feelings to others.

What makes someone emotionally strong?

Someone is considered emotionally strong when they can effectively manage and process their emotions in healthy ways, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in the face of stress and adversity.

This strength is characterized by a swift recovery from setbacks, a positive outlook, and the ability to maintain emotional balance during challenges.

Overall Conclusion

Emotional strength is something that no one is born with. People who have learned to be emotionally strong haven’t gotten there because life has been easy for them.

It is built with years of effort and battling through challenges and emotions. Take notes on the things mentioned above to help you build your emotional strength and create the life you deserve.

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