Enneagram types are a way of understanding our personality, motivation, and group dynamics. There are nine types in the enneagram system.
While the Enneagram system can provide valuable insights into our personality types and motivations, it’s essential to recognize that each individual is unique and multifaceted. The HIGH5 strengths assessment offers a complementary approach by helping you identify your inherent talents and strengths. By understanding your natural strengths and how to leverage them effectively, you can enhance your self-awareness, personal growth, and interpersonal relationships. The HIGH5 assessment can empower you to embrace your authentic self while cultivating a growth mindset, enabling you to navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and resilience.
In this article, I have attempted to describe all nine Enneagram types.
These will help you identify your type within the Enneagram system so that you can begin to understand yourself better.
They will also help you identify other people’s types so that you can understand them better as well, and analyze group dynamics with the Enneagram system in mind.
Let’s get started.
Introduction of All Nine Enneagram Types
As mentioned, there are nine types in the enneagram system. If we think about it, this makes sense as there are nine points to a regular nonagon (or nine-sided polygon).
All 9 Enneagram Types Explained
Let’s look at the various types in a bit more detail.
Enneagram Type 1 – Improver
Sometimes called the reformer, this type is marked by a focus on personal improvement.
They are always looking for ways they can improve themselves and often this manifests itself as an interest in spirituality, personal growth, or self-help.
They want to be better than their peers without wanting to point out what others are doing wrong.
This is more of an internal judgment rather than pointing out other people’s problems.
They are often well-behaved and proper, but they can be stubborn about changing their ways for fear of doing something wrong or being seen as hypocritical.
Enneagram Type 2 – Helper
Being a caring and empathetic type, twos place the needs of others above their own.
They are usually very giving and generous but can become hurt or disappointed when they feel like they aren’t appreciated enough.
They are good listeners and will help others by providing advice or practical care (although sometimes this is misinterpreted as smothering).
This type tends to become more clingy the more they are rejected or ignored.
They have high expectations of themselves and others, so can be very disappointed if their efforts aren’t rewarded enough. Twos are often hard on themselves but kind to others.
Enneagram Type 3 – the Achiever
Being success-oriented, they are usually highly motivated presentable individuals who want to impress others.
They will often have lots of plans which they hope to achieve to provide themselves with a sense of value.
They can be very ambitious and competitive, trying hard not to let anyone outshine them or cause them to lose their looks or reputations.
The achievers are often hard on themselves and struggle with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
They can be charming, but they will often try to distract others from noticing these fears. They prefer to look good on the outside rather than work on their internal self-worth.
Enneagram Type 4- the Individualist
Being quite withdrawn at times and also introspective, fours will sometimes withdraw from the needs and expectations of others.
They may feel that they cannot live up to the standards that others have set for them.
They often enjoy their own company and can be quite moody because of this.
They can become reclusive and melancholic when they become too focused on themselves. However, when focused on others they have a good sense of humor and can be very creative.
Fours are often artistic and appreciate the finer things in life. They may even try to bring attention to themselves by becoming a subject of their art.
They tend to resist change, especially when it involves them going outside of their comfort zone or being seen in a negative light.
Enneagram Type 5 – the Investigator
The investigators are often intelligent and insightful individuals who love to delve deeper into theories and concepts to understand them better.
They enjoy finding out information that not everyone knows about and being able to share it with others or use it for their benefit is something they appreciate a lot.
They can be seen as loners because they don’t always feel the need to socialize, but this is often because they are lost in their thoughts or research.
When fives do socialize though they are usually confident and passionate about what they know.
Fives are very clever and analytical individuals who trust their gut instincts more than they trust what other people have to say.
They are usually in their head a lot, but when they are grounded enough they can be very charming and witty.
Enneagram Type 6 – the Loyalist
Sixes are often really passionate individuals who want to take part in activities that will benefit them or others.
They are always looking for new ways to improve themselves or others but can become anxious when they feel like their plans are failing.
They need to know that the people around them are reliable and will be there if needed. They want to trust others but sometimes may worry too much about what people think of them.
Sixes are often hard on themselves but also make sure the people around them aren’t slacking off.
They are usually well-informed individuals who can bring a lot of different perspectives into one room or project.
Enneagram Type 7 – the Enthusiast
Always busy and fun-loving, sevens are all about enjoying the moment.
They can be overly enthusiastic at times and more than a little impatient with anyone who cannot keep up with them or slow them down.
They want to experience everything life has to offer and they truly appreciate anything new that comes their way.
Sevens like to live in the moment and will often push themselves too hard to get things done.
They usually keep themselves on the go and like to be surrounded by people who can supply them with variety and constant stimulation.
Sevens love sharing their experiences with others and do not mind being the center of attention for this reason.
Enneagram Type 8 – the Challenger
Eights are often solid individuals who prefer to get what they want by beating out others.
They are very ambitious and have a strong sense of self-reliance, but can be too confrontational with others at times.
They are likely to be powerful people in their lives, both physically and mentally.
Other people may see them as impenetrable fortresses, but deep down they are the most sensitive types on the Enneagram, although it can be hard to get to know this.
Eights tend to take risks because they don’t want to feel like their life has become stale. They won’t back down from confrontation and thrive when people are afraid of them.
Enneagram Type 9 – the Peacemaker
Nines are usually very laid-back individuals who enjoy their downtime. They’re the types to slip into a good book, but they can also be caught up in their daydreams.
They don’t care much about having an exciting life and would rather keep themselves happy with what they’ve got going on at any given time.
Nines can be very relaxed people, but they are also very sensitive to their environment and are always prepared to defend themselves.
They have pretty solid opinions on things that matter most in life, even if they don’t like to be the center of attention or take up too much space.
Nines tend not to go after what they want because they’re afraid of causing conflict.
Level Of Enneagram Type Development
A level of development is a step up in maturity and independence from the previous step.
A healthy level of enneagram type development means that that type of enneagram is very mature and healthy in that area of their personality.
An average level of enneagram type development means that that enneagram type is pretty healthy but not entirely, and still has room for improvement.
It can also mean that the enneagram type is either unhealthy or mature in certain areas.
Pro Tip From HIGH5
While the levels of Enneagram type development can provide a useful framework, it’s important to approach personal growth with a strengths-based mindset. Reflect on your natural talents and strengths, and consider how you can leverage them to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can help you identify your unique strengths and develop strategies for leveraging them in a healthy and balanced way.
Enneagram Type Wings – What They Represent?
Enneagram wings are usually just a slight variation of the main enneagram type. They can be either healthy or unhealthy, but in general, they represent a different way of looking at the world.
For example, a three with a two wing would be more people-oriented and focused on their relationships, while a three with a four wing would be more creative and expressive.
Most enneagram types have a healthy wing and an unhealthy wing, so it’s important to keep this in mind if you want to accurately figure out someone’s type.
For example, a three with one wing would be more likely to care about others’ opinions, while a three with a five wing would be more reclusive and focused on their ideas.
How to Divide & Recognize Enneagram Types?
There are three main groups of enneagram types, which are known as the heart, head, and body type.
Generally speaking, these divisions do represent the way an enneagram type tends to behave.
Heart Type
People with these enneagram types tend to be very sensitive and can take criticism personally.
They often have a physical manifestation of their sentimentality which mainly consists of easily-accessible tears and a desire for hugs or other forms of contact.
The health levels of these enneagram types tend to be very high and they can overwhelm people with their unstoppable emotional outpourings.
Head Type
The enneagram types in this category tend to be more detached from their emotions and may seem unresponsive or uncaring.
They can look cold and aggressive when they just don’t understand how to express themselves, so tend to bottle up their problems instead of talking them through with others.
This type is also very intelligent but this often goes hand-in-hand with being distant from other people.
They may have a hard time understanding emotions which are beyond what can be rationalized.
The health levels of enneagram types in this category vary depending on how much they allow their emotions to influence them.
They may be very healthy but also emotionally manipulative, or unhealthy and detached even from the people closest to them.
Body Type
These enneagram types are very in-tune with their physicality and can be highly sensual.
They are often tactile or sexually expressive, but the main thing which characterizes them is a strong desire for physical contact.
The health levels of enneagram types in this category vary depending on what they do with their physical energy.
For example, a healthy type may enjoy spending time watching films with their friends, while an unhealthy one will just use people to their advantage.
Pro Tip From HIGH5
As you explore the different Enneagram type categories (heart, head, and body), remember that each individual is a unique blend of strengths and traits. Consider taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment to gain a holistic understanding of your dominant strengths and how they influence your approach to life. This knowledge can help you navigate interpersonal dynamics more effectively and foster greater self-awareness and personal growth.
Frequently Asked Questions About Enneagram Types
Which Enneagram is the most common?
Which Enneagram type is the best?
There is no best type. Every type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s best to seek out what you excel in the most.
All enneagram types are good at something specific, which is why many people find it useful to get more knowledgeable about this because, otherwise, they may not be aware of what opportunities exist for them in life.
Furthermore, having a general idea of your personality type might help you excel in your chosen profession.
Is there a rare Enneagram type?
Type 8 is the rarest enneagram type, accounting for 6.6% of the population.
What is the most complex enneagram type?
The Enneagram Type 4 personality is one of the most unusual and perplexing across the enneagram spectrum.
What is an Enneagram subtype?
There are three types: self-preservation, sexual, and social instincts.
Each of these pertains to certain enneagram types and can even depend on what wing they have.
Understanding the instincts of an enneagram type is the best way to understand them.
Once you know what they are naturally concerned with, it can help you know them better and better understand how to approach them.