What is Multitasking? Examples, Statistics and Should You Do It?

What Is Multitasking Theory & Examples

The ability to multitask effectively is highly individualized. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment, you can gain deeper insights into your unique cognitive talents and tendencies that may either enable productive multitasking or signal a need to minimize task switching. Understand your personal strengths profile to develop strategies to optimize your performance, whether through multitasking or intentional single-tasking. Some view the simple act of multitasking as a productivity killer.

When you do not focus on a single task, the negative effects will quickly add up. Employees and entrepreneurs alike must ask themselves: Should I multitask or not? To avoid taking a toll on productivity, tackle responsibilities, especially complex tasks, one at a time. However, using multitasking abilities to your advantage is more nuanced than just that. In this article, we will provide an overview of what multitasking is and how you can use it.

What is multitasking?

The psychological research on multitasking may seem counterintuitive at times. Dr. Robert Rogers and Dr. Stephen Monsell found that people are significantly better at performing the same task multiple times when compared to switching tasks [1]. However, this tendency can vary based on an individual’s unique cognitive strengths. By taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment, uncover if you naturally thrive on routine and consistency or if you possess strengths like idea navigation that actually aid in multitasking. This holds true even if you’re familiar with the previous task and prepared to start a new one. Even a prepared task switch is more challenging than performing a new task multiple times. The necessary time for switching tasks seems to outweigh any efficiency benefits of multitasking.

Studies found that a task switch costs time and energy from individuals, making them less efficient and accurate when responding. Mental blocks, which are periods when the brain performs a certain activity, are also more stressful when one has to switch between multiple tasks. In a Yale study, those who were told they were multitasking held on to information better and were more efficient. However, they were not truly multitasking [2]. Researchers also find that multitaskers often have their IQ drop when this behavior is increased. A study done by the University of London finds that heavy multitaskers have an associated IQ drop of 15 points [5]. They found that spending time multitasking is similar to staying up all night when it comes to brain function!

Common examples of multitasking:

  1. Responding to emails while listening to the television.
  2. Talking to someone person to person while creating a plan for the day.
  3. Starting two different projects at the same time.
  4. Performing customer service tasks while taking care of data collection.
  5. Booking meetings while getting ready for the day.
  6. Tracking packages while also taking care of the paperwork.
  7. Watching airplanes while directing others.
  8. Reading while listening to a podcast.
  9. Running or exercising while reviewing the day’s successes and losses.
  10. Verifying data while writing a book.
  11. Listening to the radio while driving.
  12. Listening to multiple people’s points of view at the same time, and evaluating their views as well.
  13. Answering questions about a test while passing out assignments.
  14. Monitoring social media analytics center while creating a new campaign.
  15. Speaking to a friend while remembering your past experiences.

How does multitasking lower productivity?

The costs of multitasking may outweigh the benefits for most people. It may decrease your attention span, cause information overload in your brain, make you less efficient, and hurt your academic performance in the long run [3]. While multitasking can hamper satisfaction and happiness for some, those with specific cognitive strengths may be better equipped to navigate their demands effectively. The HIGH5 strengths assessment can reveal if you possess talents like context-shifting or idea integration that could mitigate multitasking’s typical productivity drains. Understanding and optimizing your inherent strengths can transform multitasking from an obstruction into a strategic capability.

Multitasking is distracting

Frequent multitaskers are more likely to get distracted. The process of changing tasks over and over again makes one less focused by nature. They are less able to settle down on a single task and get it done, instead performing to switch from task to task. Some researchers disagree with this statement. Dr. Wiradhany and his team found that multitasking does not always lead to distraction, and the link is specific to the individual [4].

Multitasking slows you down

The most commonly touted benefit of multitasking relates to efficiency. Although counterintuitive, the data shows that the greatest impairment from multitasking is a reduction in productivity. Task switching costs take the specific negative effects of changing tasks. Some potential switch costs include working slower, being less efficient, and not being fully present when performing a task. This is simply a neurological side effect of straining the brain with multiple tasks at a time. When you are used to a task, you can use your “autopilot” to decrease your cognitive stress. Multitasking hinders one’s ability to use this effect.

Multitasking impairs executive function

The brain has key functions, known as executive functions. These functions enable you to control how you perform tasks, when you do them, in which order, with whom, and so on. Executive functions are most closely associated with the brain’s planning center. Goal shifting and rule activation are the two major elements of the functions. Goal shifting allows you to prioritize certain tasks, and rule activation helps you adjust your rules to the active task. Changing back and forth between the functions takes both time and energy away from you.

Multitaskers make mistakes

When you are less focused on a single task, you are more likely to make mistakes. These mistakes are most clearly evident in the educational setting. A study by the University of Connecticut suggests that students who often multitask tend to have lower GPAs and also spend more time doing homework without a grade increase [6]. This is not true of solely students, though. Even working professionals experience the multicasts of multitasking. Heavy multitasking increases the odds of car crashes, reduces reaction time, and generally makes adults more prone to making errors.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

If you discover, through the HIGH5 assessment, you possess strengths like reasoning or idea navigation that are well-suited for multitasking, be intentional about applying those talents strategically. Cluster related tasks together, create dedicated multitasking windows, and find ways to activate your peak cognitive powers.

How to break the multitasking habit?

If you realize that chronic multitasking is not in your best interest, making the right decisions will help you get more focused. Consider why you feel like you must multitask when the urge arises. Focus on prioritizing which tasks you truly want to accomplish. Then, also consider doing the following things.

Use the 20-minute rule

Create a list of tasks you must complete. Instead of having to switch between tasks, focus on one at a time. Ensure that you have at least 20 minutes dedicated to each task. Follow through with the 20-minute rule by starting a timer. Do not move on to the next task until the timer goes off. If you find that you need more time for a task, set the minimum time high but do not overwhelm yourself. Chronic multitaskers often have trouble doing something for too long, so 20 minutes is a good starting point.

Batch your tasks

There are likely many distractions in your environment. If you need to check your emails or social media, schedule a set time. Do not check your emails outside of that time. Also, schedule multiple tasks within a specific time slot. You will be less inclined to multitask, and as a result, more organized and focused with your time.

Limit distractions

As previously mentioned, there is a strong relationship between the urge to multitask and distractions. Understand which items are most distracting to you. Then, eliminate them from your environment if you can. At the very least, move away from the environment where the distractions are. Turn off your phone’s notifications, seek a quieter work area, and turn off email notifications.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness increases patience and focus. You are much more likely to stay focused when you are mindful. Doing yoga and deep breathing are two examples of ways to incorporate mindfulness into your routine.

Limit your multitasking time

Sometimes, multitasking is unavoidable. You may just have to maximize your efficiency. If you must, multitask in moderation and take breaks. Combine multiple similar tasks for a maximum period of time. This could mean working out and listening to a podcast at the same time.

Tell others you do not want to be distracted

Distractions are more than just electronics or social media. In the workplace, many feel the urge to multitask because of their coworkers. Hustle culture is one reason multitasking has become so standard. Schedule specific times to talk with coworkers instead of randomly starting conversations throughout the day.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Integrate your HIGH5 strengths insights when developing new habits and practices. If you lead with strategic thinking, incorporate detailed task planning. If you have relational strengths, enlist an accountability partner. Customizing your approach amplifies your likelihood of success.

Are there long-term or short-term effects of multitasking?

The effects of multitasking can be both short-term and long-term. In the short term, multitasking may lead to decreased efficiency and focus. However, long-term effects, such as reduced gray matter in the brain’s anterior cingulate cortex [5], can impact emotional control and cognitive abilities, as shown in recent neuroscience research.

What are the positive sides of multitasking?

Despite its drawbacks, multitasking can improve adaptability and help individuals manage chaotic environments. For those with cognitive strengths like idea integration or flexibility, multitasking may enhance creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to handle dynamic, fast-paced work situations effectively.

Multitasking FAQ

Is multitasking bad for your health?

Yes, multitasking can negatively impact your emotional, mental, and physical health. If you do this for a long period of time, the negative neurological effects are similar to those of staying up all night. The lack of focus could also lead people to neglect their physical health. Those who multitask are more likely to eat unhealthily and decrease their persistence.

Is multitasking bad or good?

This depends on what you are looking for in a career. Multitasking generally decreases efficiency, opportunity, satisfaction, and overall success. Therefore, it is generally a negative trait. It is far better to focus on one task at a time.

Should I add multitasking as a skill to my resume?

In some roles, multitasking could be a desirable trait. In others, though, it may show you lack focus or organization skills. If it is not, err on the side of caution and use that space to discuss a different skill. If you are applying for a more chaotic and fast-paced job, this ability is more likely to be viewed as a positive trait.

Is multitasking a skill or ability?

Multitasking is considered a cognitive ability that can be developed, but its effectiveness varies by individual. While some may view it as a skill, it often depends on your natural strengths.


  1. American Psychological Association. (2006, March 20). Multitasking: Switching costs. Apa.org. https://www.apa.org/topics/research/multitasking.
  2. Walsh, D. (2019, February 19). The Illusion of Multitasking Improves Performance on Simple Tasks. Yale Insights. https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/the-illusion-of-multitasking-improves-performance-on-simple-tasks.
  3. Madore, K. P., & Wagner, A. D. (2019). Multicosts of Multitasking. Cerebrum: the Dana forum on brain science, 2019, cer-04-19.
  4. Wiradhany, W., van Vugt, M. K., & Nieuwenstein, M. R. (2020). Media multitasking, mind-wandering, and distractibility: A large-scale study. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 82(3), 1112–1124. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-019-01842-0.
  5. Bradberry, T. (2023, September 12). Multitasking Damages Your Brain And Career, New Studies Suggest. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2014/10/08/multitasking-damages-your-brain-and-career-new-studies-suggest.
  6. Saraswathi Bellur, Kristine L. Nowak, Kyle S. Hull. Make it our time: In class multitaskers have lower academic performance. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 53, 2015, Pages 63-70, ISSN 0747-5632, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.06.027.
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