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Introvert Vs Extrovert: Facts & Differences [Comparison Guide]

Introvert Vs. Extrovert Main Difference Between Personalities

There are a plethora of differences between introverts vs extroverts. While extroverts are typically outgoing, gregarious, friendly, and people-oriented, introverts are more mellow, reserved, and quiet.

The main differences between these two personalities arise from how they receive and spend energy. You could be wondering: what makes me an introvert or an extrovert? What are common traits that are shared between extroverted or introverted populations?

How do I maximize the positive elements of my extroverted or introverted personality while working on my weaknesses? It can be difficult to understand your own personality type and where you fit on the extrovert/introvert scale.

Understanding whether you lean more towards introversion or extroversion is invaluable for personal growth and improving your interactions with others. That’s why taking a comprehensive strengths assessment like the HIGH5 test can provide immense insights. By identifying your unique personality traits and inherent strengths, you can learn to maximize the positive aspects of your style while addressing potential blindspots. The HIGH5 approach empowers you to embrace your true nature and thrive in all areas of life. This article will explore introverted and extroverted personalities in-depth, but combining that knowledge with a personalized strengths profile can truly unlock your full potential.

What is an Introverted and Extroverted Personality?

Introverts and extroverts are opposite personality types. Most people have some elements which are more extroverted and others that are more introverted in their personality.

However, individuals tend to get energy mostly from a single source: either from oneself or the outside world, according to Carl Jung. If you gain energy by interacting with others and spend energy on self-reflection, you are likely an extrovert.

The core difference lies in how you gain and expend energy. If interacting with others energizes you while too much self-reflection drains you, you likely lean towards extroversion. Conversely, if social situations deplete your energy levels but solo activities revitalize you, introversion may be more prominent in your personality. However, very few people are purely one or the other. Taking the HIGH5 strengths assessment can provide a nuanced understanding of where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum and how to harmonize both energies within you. With this self-awareness, you can learn to thrive in any situation by capitalizing on your unique strengths.


Introverts are individuals who tend to be more introverted, otherwise referred to as “quiet types.” They feel more comfortable alone with their own thoughts and emotions as opposed to sharing their ideas and feelings with others.

They get their energy from within themselves, not from outside sources. Their circle of friends tends to be smaller but more tight-knit; many fear or dislike speaking to large groups.

Additionally, introverts enjoy independence and predictability at work. They like to think through their decisions and avoid impulsivity or energy outbursts. Introverts may not be well suited to deal with change, and they are often not efficient at adapting to fast-paced environments or making snap decisions.


Extroverts are often described as talkative, action-oriented, ‘people person,’ friendly, enthusiastic, and outgoing.

The negative traits of extroverts include attention-seeking behavior and dependence on others or needs, but these traits are usually only associated with an extreme extrovert.

Extroversion as a personality trait is a positive association with spending more time with others and taking charge in social situations. They excel in team sports and other group events, preferring to get their energy from others as opposed to themselves.

Introvert vs. Extrovert: The Difference Between Personalities in Daily Lifestyles

These two different personality styles approach work, relationships, and life in general. They often value different qualities, act differently in social settings, approach problems in different ways, recharge differently, and so on.

A few other lifestyle differences between introverts and extroverts include:


Extroverts are significantly more social and approachable than introverts. This is not because introverts dislike or fear people; rather, introverts simply feel drained after communicating with others for long periods of time.

On the other hand, extroverts are energized by conversations. Being people-oriented and social is a main trait of extroversion. They actively seek out social events and have a wide social circle. Introverts would prefer to spend time alone in a quiet setting as opposed to in bustling groups.


Extroverts and introverts have different communication styles. Extroverts naturally enjoy collaboration and do well in teams. They enjoy discussing ideas with others and do not mind being open with their colleagues, at times even about personal matters.

They are also prone to thinking out loud and using speech as a way to organize their thoughts. Introverts prefer to keep quiet whenever possible. They usually prefer written methods of communication as opposed to in-person meetings.

When leading, introverts try to form, teams of self-starters, as they thoroughly dislike micromanaging and explaining every small element of a task.


Introverts believe making the smartest decisions requires spending time analyzing all the possible choices. This leads to them taking more time to commit to a final plan.

However, introverts are more likely to trust their instinct and less likely to seek approval from outside sources. On the other hand, extroverts are typically more impulsive and make snap decisions without overthinking possible avenues of action.

They may sometimes ask team members for input on how to make the best decision. Being in an ever-changing environment usually does not bother an extrovert, as they are able to quickly formulate action plans without much deliberation.

In the Workplace

The introvert’s main desire in the workplace is to be independent and left alone to pursue their own goals. They hate being micromanaged and enjoy being able to push themselves to the best of their abilities.

Introverts prefer quiet environments and jobs where collaboration is not always required. They should be given time to think through their options and as a predictable schedule.

Many extroverts get bored or lonely when they are alone at work. So, they enjoy working in large groups and are often involved in the company’s social event planning. Monotonous tasks and predictability do not mix well with extroverts.

Instead, they need to be thrilled, excited and surprised at work. They should be confronted with new challenges and have the opportunity to meet new people.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Lean into your natural strengths – if you’re more extroverted, don’t fight your inclination to think out loud and process information verbally. Conversely, introverts should embrace their strengths like solo problem-solving and writing down thoughts before vocalizing them.

Introverts and Extroverts in a Relationship

Introverts and extroverts play different roles and require different traits in a relationship. Understanding your partner’s baseline level of introversion or extroversion can help you better assist them in times of need or strengthen the bond between you as a couple.

When it comes to relationships, here are some ways introverts and extroverts differ:

An introvert in a Relationship

Introverts value their alone time and enjoy maintaining a high level of independence. Sometimes, it can be difficult for introverts to open up to their partners.

They have trouble communicating effectively with others when they are not familiar with them yet. However, once a bond begins to form, the introvert can feel more comfortable sharing their inner thoughts with their spouse.

To introverts, most stimulating and exciting evenings involve discussing ideas. They enjoy skipping my dance chitchat and plunging into the deep, philosophical elements of a conversation.

Additionally, introverts typically like to have consistency and structure in their romantic lives. They do not enjoy unexpected surprises, as it can confuse or stress them out. Having downtime to let introverts spend time pursuing their habits is also a must.

This personality type hates dealing with conflict. In fact, they may even keep quiet and not voice their opinion if it means avoiding a conflict. If you are an introvert’s partner, ensure you gain their trust and avoid putting pressure on them.

An Extrovert in a Relationship

Extroverts enjoy getting to know their partners in person. They feel that direct and verbal communication is the best way to get their points across. Many extroverts like dates that involve outdoor activities or social gatherings.

For instance, they may enjoy visiting a bar or hiking with their mate. Extroverts prefer to lead conversations. They are typically the people who ask someone out on a date and initiate conversations.

They do not mind having long or short conversations with their partners about virtually any topic. When they are in public, extroverted people exude confidence. They may want to show off their spouse to those around them, or simply maintain a high level of self-esteem.

Extrovert in Relationships

Extroverts do not enjoy having a planned and overly structured relationship. They thrive on excitement as well as spontaneity and quickly make decisions, sometimes getting a reputation to be impulsive. However, the benefit of this impulsivity is that they are able to adapt to change easier than introverts.

Introvert Vs Extrovert – Which is Better?

Introverts and extroverts excel in different circumstances. When it comes to teamwork, extroverts are able to perform better. They are naturally able to connect with team members better than introverts.

In public speaking, extroverts are also better orators. This is because of the strong link between extroversion and confidence, the ability to understand the crowd, and quick wit.

Most business leaders are also extroverts. Many of the skills extroverts possess (confidence, assertiveness, outgoing nature, decisiveness, and so on) make them better leaders.

The same is true with customer service roles, which involve lots of direct communication. Introverts excel in different settings. In roles where individuals must work independently, introverts are better employees than extroverts.

Such careers include design, computer programming, art, and so on. Also, introverts can make more empathetic and well-thought-out decisions. Such traits make them superior internal medicine physicians, for instance. Introverts can be very creative and original, so they excel in manufacturing and idea creation.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Don’t get caught up in labeling one style as universally “better.” Through HIGH5, identify your unique blend of introverted and extroverted strengths, then strategically apply the right traits to different situations for peak performance.

20 Benefits of Being Introvert or Extrovert

Both introverts and extroverts have their own unique qualities which make them excellent employees, colleagues, friends, spouses, or leaders. While each personality type excels in different ways, both have a wide list of benefits.

Here are a few examples of the beneficial elements of both introverts and extroverts:

List of 10 Introvert Strengths

  1. Good listeners.
  2. Think before they speak.
  3. Make decisions carefully to avoid unnecessary mistakes.
  4. Empathetic toward others’ emotions, needs, and thoughts.
  5. Keep their friends close to them.
  6. Independent and require little oversight.
  7. Creative and follow their intuition.
  8. Can focus deeply on tasks they truly care about.
  9. Tend to notice details better.
  10. Self-motivated and do not look for others’ approval.

List of 10 Extrovert Strengths

  1. Understand body language, appropriate eye contact, and social behavior.
  2. Enthusiastic and energetic.
  3. Willing to take risks and explore the unknown.
  4. Can stay positive and motivate others to do the same.
  5. Charismatic and good at public speaking.
  6. Easily make friends and have a large friend group.
  7. Not afraid to stand up for their beliefs.
  8. Exude confidence.
  9. Good at leading teams.
  10. Can communicate effectively and control conversations.

Introvert and Extrovert – List of 10 Weaknesses

All personalities have positive and negative traits. This is true with introverts, extroverts, and everyone in between. Although anyone can make a great colleague, employee, or spouse, these personalities also have some unappealing traits that should be noted.

Certain people may find an introvert’s mellow nature as a weakness. Others may view extroverts as overly impulsive, attention-seeking, or arrogant.

Some other negative traits for extroverts and introverts include:

List of 10 Introvert Weaknesses

  1. Struggle to expand the social network.
  2. Prone to being viewed as socially awkward, weird, or snobbish.
  3. Poor ability to handle stressful situations.
  4. Overthinking decisions and delaying action; indecisive.
  5. Tendency to be anxious or nervous under stress.
  6. Unskilled at small talk.
  7. Poor at public speaking.
  8. Cannot concentrate unless the environment is familiar or comfortable.
  9. Avoid asking for assistance, even if it is helpful or necessary.
  10. Easily scared in new environments.

List of 10 Extrovert Weaknesses

  1. Needy of other’s attention, approval, or assistance.
  2. Often rely on others’ emotions and reactions to stay happy themselves.
  3. May participate in overly risky behavior.
  4. Could continue talking, even when it is inappropriate.
  5. Gives others little time to speak in conversations.
  6. Can be perceived as disingenuous.
  7. Sometimes lack emotional control.
  8. Get lonely and bored easily.
  9. Could come across as controlling, harsh, or arrogant at times.
  10. Do not think before they speak.

Introvert Vs. Extrovert – What do the Statistics Say?

If you are looking to get specific data on the differences between introverts and extroverts, take a look at the shortlist below.

If you search the web for this information, you may get multiple contradicting statistics claiming extroverts or introverts perform certain tasks better.

In the following list, we will source the data from the most evidence-based institutions possible.

Below, we discuss a few statistical facts about each of these personality assessment.

1. Statistically, a larger portion of the US population is introverted. The original randomized Myers-Briggs type indicator sample showed that 50.7% of Americans are introverts and extroverts make up 49.3% of the population.

2. Women are more extroverted than men. When Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer looked at this same sample population, they determined that 52.5% of women were extroverted as opposed to 45.9% of extroverted men. Introverts made up 54.1% of the male population and 47.5% of the female population.

3. Most people tend to be ambiverts, or somewhere in between introverts and extroverts. A study conducted by the American Trends Panel found that 77% of people fall somewhere between the two extreme personalities. 12% were very extroverted, 5% were very introverted, and 6% did not indicate a response.

4. Certain professions tend to be more introverted. For instance, a survey of slightly over 3,000 lawyers indicated that 56.4% of law professionals were introverts and the remaining 43.6% were extroverts. However, labor law was dominated by extroverts while tax work was more attractive to introverts.

5. Librarians are often viewed as logical and introverted. Dr. Scherdin performed a study to see if this hypothesis was correct by surveying librarians for their MBTI type. Indeed, 63% were introverted while only 37% were extroverted.

6. Extroverts are more confident in their abilities than introverts. 87% of extroverts agree that they have the skills to be a good leader, compared to only 56% of introverts.

7. Introverts are less likely to express gratitude. Only 67% of introverts express gratitude when they feel it, compared to a significantly larger 89% of extroverts.

List of 5 Interesting Facts About Introverts and Extroverts

1. Extroverts respond well to rewards. One theory that explains why this is so is that dopamine responsivity encourages extroverts to reach for rewards, while introverts are more sensitive to punishment.

2. Ambiverts have the highest IQ out of all the personality types. When looking at IQ test scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, moderate levels of extroversion correlated with better verbal and performance intelligence measures.

3. Communication styles differ between extroverts and introverts. In a study analyzing the link between extroversion and language, Beukeboom, Tanis, & Vermeulen found that extroverts are more likely to use figurative language and abstractions while introverts focus on facts.

4. If you often use social media, chances are you are likely an extrovert. Those who spend more than 2 hours a day on social media are seen as more extroverted by both themselves and others.

5. Introverts and extroverts prefer different types of workplace training. O’Connor, Gardiner, & Watson found that relaxation training is more useful for introverts, while ideation skill training is better for extroverts.

How Understanding Introversion and Extroversion Better Can Improve Your Life

Understanding how to utilize both introversion and extroversion can help benefit your life in a number of ways. For instance, if you learn to utilize extroversion correctly, you can help establish effective communication channels within your team.

This leads to more productivity, more internal trust between team members, and keeps everyone involved in the team’s mission. Also, you could become a more charismatic speaker if you use extroversion correctly.

Extroversion can also lead to more confidence and more comfort with risk-taking, leading you to become a better leader. Introversion can help you become more in tune with your emotions and intuitions.

It can help you become less dependent on others’ approval and helps you understand what you truly desire in life. By gaining introversion, you may become more creative or original, as you are relying on your own mind for inspiration as opposed to being limited by others.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Use your HIGH5 results to build a personal development plan that plays to your strengths while gently stretching you in areas that need growth. For example, an introvert could try small group situations to work on extroverted skills.

Introvert Vs. Extrovert FAQ

What are the 4 types of introverts?

There are multiple different types of introverts, contrary to popular opinion. The four major types of introverts include: social, thinking, anxious, and restrained introvert.

Each of these different types has their own unique traits, but all of them get their energy from within them, not from the outside world.

Which is better: introvert or extrovert?

This depends on who you are, what your job is, and a multitude of other factors. Extroverts typically make better leaders, for example.

They are not afraid of confrontation and enjoy talking with others. However, introverts tend to stay focused for longer. They are more independent, which could lead them to have better critical thinking skills.

What is an Omnivert?

An omnivert is neither an introvert nor an extrovert. They combine certain qualities of introversion with other qualities of extroversion.

If you feel like you are neither an introvert nor an extrovert, you may be an omnivert. Omniverts are individuals that switch between being introverts and extroverts depending in the situation

What is an ambivert person?

An ambivert is extremely similar to an omnivert. They are also blends of introversion and extroversion (omnivert and ambivert are used interchangeably, but ambiverts are a blend of introvert and extrovert, which omniverts are one type depending on the situation).

If you feel like being extroverted when you know someone, but introverted when you meet a stranger, you could be an ambivert.

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