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What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? Job Interview Answers

Strengths and Weaknesses - How to Enhance Your Personal Career

How would you answer the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” if asked right now in a job interview? Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial when embarking on any personal or professional journey.

This knowledge not only fosters self-awareness but also helps in strategizing our actions and decisions appropriately. In this article, we will delve into the significance of recognizing our strengths and weaknesses and explore how they can shape our path toward professional success.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Before your next job interview, take the HIGH5 test to gain a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. This will prepare you to answer questions about your professional attributes confidently and accurately.

Why Interviewers Ask About Strengths and Weaknesses in a Job Interview?

The inquiry into an applicant’s strengths and weaknesses during a job interview is more than a convention. It’s a strategic approach employed by employers that serves many purposes.

Insight Into Self-awareness and Honesty

One of the primary reasons for posing this question is to assess an applicant’s level of self-awareness and honesty. Responding truthfully to this question demonstrates that the individual is aware of their abilities and shortcomings and isn’t afraid to acknowledge them. This shows a level of authenticity that is highly valued in the professional world.

Tools like the HIGH5 strengths test, employed by leading companies, are instrumental in demonstrating self-awareness during interviews. By identifying how individual strengths can enhance a team’s performance, this test provides a concrete example of recognizing and articulating one’s capabilities honestly and insightfully.

Gauge of Personal and Professional Development

Discussing strengths and weaknesses provides insight into a candidate’s personal and professional development journey. A person’s narrative about how they have worked on addressing their weaknesses demonstrates their initiative, dedication to personal growth, and problem-solving capabilities.

Understanding Fit for the Role

Thirdly, this question gives the interviewer a glimpse into whether the candidate’s strengths align with the job requirements. For instance, if a role requires strong team collaboration and an applicant mentions effective communication and team management as strengths, it signals a potentially good fit for the position.

Indicators of Potential Challenges

Similarly, understanding a candidate’s weaknesses can provide early indications of areas where they might face challenges in the role. For instance, if a candidate mentions struggling with time management, steps can be taken early on to provide support and resources to address this if they are selected for the role.

Evaluation of Growth Mindset

How individuals discuss their strengths and weaknesses can reveal their mindset toward growth and learning. A candidate who views their weaknesses as opportunities for improvement demonstrate a growth mindset, a highly desired trait in today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape.

In essence, asking about strengths and weaknesses isn’t just about painting a complete picture of a candidate’s capabilities. It’s about understanding their character, approach to challenges, and potential fit within the organization’s culture and the role’s responsibilities.

Evaluate Open-Ended answers

The goal of any job interview is to get to know the candidate and see if their skills, experience, and mindset match what the organization is looking for.

Asking open-ended questions helps provide a more accurate picture of who they are and how they think. Such inquiries can help identify risk factors or areas where the applicant may be lacking before hiring them. 

Understand Their Goals

Asking a candidate about their career aspirations can give you insight into their professional goals and how they plan on achieving them. It also offers an opportunity to discuss the role and expectations within the organization, helping to align goals and ensure it’s the right fit for both parties. 

Tips and Strategies For Talking About Your Strengths

When speaking about your strengths in an interview setting, being honest and specific is crucial. Stick to strengths relevant to the role you’re applying for and provide concrete examples of how these strengths have been advantageous in your previous experience.

Here’s a list of questions you might be asked to assess your strengths:

  • Can you share some of your professional strengths and areas for improvement?
  • How have your strengths and weaknesses influenced your performance at work?
  • What do you consider to be your strongest skills and how have you developed them?
  • How do you handle challenging situations at work and what strengths do you rely on in those moments?

To prepare for discussing your strengths in job interviews, consider taking the HIGH5 test. This tool not only identifies your key strengths but also provides insights into how they can be applied effectively in various professional settings.

List of Strengths for Job Interview

Examples of strengths for a job interview are:

  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Attention to detail
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict management
  • Prioritizing
  • Discipline
  • Flexibility
  • Honesty
  • Problem-solving
  • Trustworthiness
  • Computer literacy
  • Communication
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Leadership experience
  • Open-minded
  • Patience
  • Positive
  • Reliable
  • Multitasking

Prepare for Follow-Up Questions

Interviewers often ask follow-up questions to dive deeper into your strengths and understand how you leverage them at work. Notable follow-up questions include:

  • Why are you good at X?
  • How does X help you at work?
  • How can X help you in this position, or how has it helped you in your previous roles?

When structuring your responses, consider the following format:

I am [YOUR STRENGTH]. I developed this through [HOW YOU DEVELOPED YOUR STRENGTH], and this allowed me to [IMPACT of STRENGTH] at my current/previous job/experience.

“I am very resilient. This trait took root during my time as a project manager, where I faced numerous challenges and unexpected changes daily. I learned the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and adapting to changing circumstances, which allowed me to successfully deliver all projects on time and within budget in my prior role. This resilience has proven itself to be a vital asset, particularly in high-pressure environments.”

“I am exceptionally organized. I honed this ability during my tenure as an administrative assistant, where multitasking and prioritizing tasks were necessary for the role. Through this experience, I learned to manage time effectively and keep track of numerous tasks simultaneously. This organization skill played a significant role in enhancing productivity and efficiency in my previous job, reducing errors and improving overall operational performance.”

“I am an excellent communicator. My experience in sales taught me the significance of clear and effective communication. By understanding the needs of clients and articulating the benefits of our products comprehensively, I was able to drive increased sales numbers consistently. This strength in communication enabled me to establish strong relationships with clients and boost customer satisfaction levels in my prior role.”

Remember, the aim is to showcase your ability to bring value to the role through your strengths. Therefore, make sure to tailor your answers to reflect the requirements of the job.

“What are your strengths?” Example Answers

Much like crafting a personalized response, understanding your unique strengths through assessments can pinpoint exactly where your professional talents lie, enhancing your interview readiness. The HIGH5 test, for example, examines your top strengths and provides personalized tips on how to best utilize them in your career. Here are some sample answers from a candidate that highlights their various skills.

Highlighting Interpersonal Skills

Sample answer: “I am an extremely collaborative person and have always enjoyed working in teams. In my previous role as a marketing research analyst, I led a project involving diverse stakeholders, focus groups, and extensive field research. Through this experience, I honed my ability to inspire and motivate others in stressful situations. Our insights were instrumental in helping the client create a sustainable and successful product. Additionally, my experience in sales has taught me the importance of building strong relationships with clients through effective communication. This strength has not only led to increased sales numbers but also improved customer satisfaction levels.”

Highlighting Initiative

Sample answer: “I have always been someone who takes initiative and goes above and beyond in my work. In my current role as a content creator, I am constantly brainstorming new approaches to reach our consumers. This has resulted in increased website traffic and engagement on our social media platforms.”

Highlighting Solving problems

Sample answer: “As an electrical engineer, I learned to be solutions-oriented and a quick learner. In my role, I was often faced with tight deadlines and limited resources, but I never shied away from a challenge. Instead, I would ask questions and conduct extensive research to find the best solution for our clients.”

Highlighting Positive attitude

Sample answer: “My positive attitude is one of my strengths that has been recognized by my colleagues and superiors. Throughout my various roles as a restaurant server, tutor, and health aide, I have consistently maintained a positive outlook and energy. This has allowed me to view situations from multiple perspectives and effectively empathize with others to understand their needs.”

Highlighting Attention to detail

Sample answer: “Attention to detail is crucial in my work as a content creator. I believe that precise language can transform a piece from good to great, and I take pride in ensuring that each piece of content is error-free and accurately conveys the intended message. My attention to detail has also helped me consistently produce high-performing blogs and articles that rank highly on Google searches.”

Highlighting Collaboration

Sample answer: “I have always enjoyed working on teams and my colleagues often describe me as collaborative. In my previous role as a marketing research analyst, I led a project that involved diverse stakeholders, focus groups, and extensive field research. Despite the challenges, I was able to inspire and motivate my team to produce valuable insights for our client.”

Highlighting Learning

Sample answer: “Staying up-to-date with trends in the tech industry is something I enjoy and actively pursue. In my current role, I have developed a strong understanding of SAP and its inner workings, allowing me to anticipate and solve problems before they arise. This curiosity and eagerness to learn has also been beneficial in my personal life, as it has allowed me to quickly familiarize myself with new gadgets and technologies. Overall, my ability to adapt and learn quickly has been a valuable asset in my professional and personal endeavors.  So, I am always open to new challenges and opportunities for growth.”

Tips and Strategies For Talking About Your Weaknesses

Here’s a list of questions you might be asked to assess your weaknesses:

  • How have your weaknesses influenced your performance at work?
  • Imagine you had the chance to change a few things about yourself, what would they be?
  • Which areas in your professional life do you think you need to focus on for improvement?
  • What would those you work with define as your weaknesses?

Here is a sample structure you can use to address your weaknesses:

I used to struggle with [WEAKNESS], but I recognized it as an area for growth. I started attending workshops and seeking feedback from my colleagues and superiors. As a result, I have noticed a significant improvement in [RELATED SKILL/ATTRIBUTE].

Here’s a sample response to the question on weaknesses:

“In the past, I faced difficulties with time management, frequently finding myself amidst numerous projects and deadlines. I took action by incorporating the use of project management tools to help structure my tasks and prioritize my workload. The shift in my approach was clearly visible when I was able to manage a complex project with stringent deadlines successfully, delivering it on time and without any compromise in quality. This experience emphasized the significance of efficient time management and effective resource allocation.”

The key is to be honest about your weaknesses, show that you are proactive in addressing them, and provide evidence of improvement. This demonstrates self-awareness, determination, and a growth mindset – all valuable qualities that employers look for in potential hires.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Approach weaknesses as opportunities for growth, taking cues from actionable strategies akin to those offered by HIGH5, to illustrate your proactive stance on personal development.

Here are some tips and strategies for effectively discussing your weaknesses in a professional setting:

  • Be honest: Don’t try to sugarcoat or downplay your weaknesses. It’s important to be genuine and truthful about areas where you may need improvement.
  • Focus on growth: When discussing weaknesses, it’s important to also mention how you have worked to overcome them or are actively working on them. This shows a growth mindset and determination to improve.
  • Provide examples: Support your weaknesses with specific examples from past experiences. This allows the interviewer to understand the context and also see how you have addressed the weakness in the past.
  • Highlight your strengths: While talking about weaknesses, also mention your strengths that help balance out those weaknesses. This shows self-awareness and the ability to recognize and utilize your strengths.
  • Avoid excuses: While it’s important to provide context for your weaknesses, avoid making excuses or blaming external factors. Take ownership of your weaknesses and focus on how you are working to improve them.
  • Stay positive: Rather than dwelling on your weaknesses, use this opportunity to demonstrate a positive attitude and willingness to learn and grow. Frame your weaknesses as opportunities for improvement.
  • Practice self-reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on yourself, your actions, and areas where you can improve. This will help you become more self-aware and better equipped to discuss your weaknesses in a professional setting.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Anchor your strengths in solid examples from your experiences, much like the in-depth insights provided by the HIGH5 test, to present a compelling narrative of your professional capabilities in interviews.

How To Turn a Weaknesses Into a Strength

Turning weaknesses into strengths is a vital part of personal and professional growth. Begin by acknowledging and accepting your weaknesses, an essential step towards self-improvement.

Once identified, devise a strategic action plan to convert these weaknesses into strengths. This plan may include training, upskilling, seeking mentorship, or even practicing more. Embrace the process of learning through your failures and mistakes, as they often provide the most valuable lessons.

If your weakness is a lack of a specific skill, enroll in a relevant course or workshop to gain competence. If it’s a personality trait, start working on it by reading self-help books, attending personal development seminars, or seeking counsel from mentors.

Remember, the ultimate goal is not to eradicate the weakness but to transform it into a strength that propels you forward.

Instead of viewing weaknesses as inherent flaws, we can reframe them as challenges to overcome. This shift in perspective not only fosters a growth mindset but also instills a sense of resilience and adaptability. Seeing weaknesses as challenges encourages us to seek solutions rather than dwell on problems.

It motivates us to step outside our comfort zones, face these challenges head-on, and constantly strive for personal and professional development. By viewing weaknesses as challenges, we open up a world of possibilities for growth, progress, and achievement. It is through overcoming these challenges that we truly expand our capabilities and tap into our full potential.

The key is to be honest about your weaknesses, show that you are proactive in addressing them, and provide evidence of improvement. This demonstrates self-awareness, determination, and a growth mindset – all valuable qualities that employers look for in potential hires.

Embrace the process of transforming weaknesses into strengths by engaging with comprehensive tools like HIGH5, which guide you in leveraging your potential through targeted development insights.

List of Weaknesses To Mention in a Job Interview

  • Confidence
  • Delegating tasks
  • Procrastination
  • Focusing too much on details
  • Perfectionism
  • Glossophobia
  • Self-critical
  • Sensitivity to criticism
  • Attention to detail
  • Difficulty asking for help
  • Difficulty with confrontation
  • Disorganized
  • Easily bored
  • I have trouble saying no
  • Impatience
  • Impulsivity
  • Lack of organization
  • Multitasking
  • Overthinking
  • Shy

“What are your weaknesses?” Example Answers

Here are a few sample responses for various weakness areas.

1. Too detail-oriented

“While being detail-oriented has its benefits, I have had instances where it has hindered my productivity. In the past, I found myself spending an excessive amount of time on small details and losing sight of the bigger picture. Realizing this, I took steps to improve by setting specific time limits for each task and regularly checking in with colleagues to ensure I was on track.”

2. Insecure

“At times, I can be insecure and doubt my abilities. However, instead of letting it hold me back, I have chosen to face this weakness head-on by actively seeking feedback from colleagues and mentors. This has helped me gain a better understanding of my strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, I have been working on building my self-confidence through self-reflection and positive self-talk.”

3. Too Competitive

“In the past, I have been known to be overly competitive. While this drive has helped me achieve success in certain areas, it has also caused tension within team environments. To address this, I have learned to focus on collaborating with others rather than competing against them. This has allowed me to work more effectively as a team and has led to better outcomes for everyone involved.”

4. Taking criticism

“Being open to constructive criticism is something I have struggled with in the past. However, I have made a conscious effort to change this by viewing feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement. I actively seek out feedback from others and use it as a learning tool to continuously improve both personally and professionally.”

5. Issues with delegating

“In the past, I have struggled with delegating tasks to others. I often felt that it was easier and more efficient for me to do things myself rather than relying on someone else. However, as I progressed in my career, I realized the importance of delegation and how it can lead to better productivity and team dynamics. To overcome this challenge, I have been actively practicing delegating tasks and have seen the positive impact it can have on a project.”

6. Fear of public speaking

“Public speaking has always been a fear of mine, and I have had to work hard to overcome it. As a marketing professional, I am often required to present ideas and strategies in front of large groups. To improve my public speaking skills, I have attended workshops and sought guidance from mentors. With practice and preparation, I have been able to successfully deliver presentations and even enjoy the process.”

7. Self-criticism

“I have always been my own worst critic, and this has at times hindered my progress. However, I have learned to recognize when self-criticism is becoming detrimental and instead focus on celebrating my accomplishments. I also actively seek out feedback from others to gain a better perspective on my strengths and areas for improvement.”

What are Some Employee Strengths?

Employees bring a diverse variety of strengths to their roles, each contributing to the overall success of the team and the organization.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

Leverage examples that demonstrate your strengths in action, possibly highlighted through your HIGH5 results, to effectively communicate your value and versatility to potential employers.


One key strength is communication, which is essential in virtually every role. Strong communicators can effectively express their ideas, listen to others, give and receive feedback, and facilitate dialogue to resolve conflicts.


Another crucial strength is adaptability. The workplace is a dynamic environment, and employees who demonstrate flexibility can adjust to new roles, procedures, or technologies with ease. They can cope with change, learn new processes quickly, and shift their strategies based on evolving situations.


Problem-solving is another critical strength. Employees who are decisive and capable of identifying problems, generating solutions, and implementing those solutions contribute immensely to an organization’s success. They are invaluable during moments of crisis and help to ensure the smooth operation of daily tasks.


Furthermore, employees who demonstrate leadership have a profound impact on their teams and organizations. Leadership is not merely about holding a formal position of authority; it involves the ability to inspire and motivate others, take initiative, and make decisions. Leaders can guide their teams toward accomplishing goals, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Strong Work Ethic

Lastly, a strong work ethic is highly valued. Employees who are dedicated, reliable, and committed to their roles demonstrate a high level of professionalism.

They are willing to go the extra mile, adhere to deadlines, and maintain a positive attitude even during challenging times. This dedication contributes to a positive work environment and ultimately, the company’s bottom line.

Related: 10 Employability Skills That Employers Value The Most

What are Good Weaknesses?

Knowing that admitting weaknesses can be a difficult thing, it is important to choose an honest but non-threatening one that can be easily transformed or seen as a positive weakness.


Perfectionism is often quoted as a weakness that can showcase your commitment to excellence. However, taken to an extreme, it can mean spending too much time on minute details, causing delays and inefficiency. Striking a balance and knowing when good is good enough is critical to managing this weakness.

Difficulty with Delegation

Difficulty delegating tasks, often seen in those with high commitment or passion for their work, can be perceived as a weakness in a team environment. It can lead to burnout, stall team growth, and potentially create a process bottleneck. Mastering delegation involves trusting team members and focusing more on strategic tasks that require your expertise.


While assertiveness is generally a positive trait that allows one to express their views confidently, over-assertiveness can sometimes cross the line and come off as aggressive or domineering.

This can damage relationships and team dynamics. The challenge here is to balance assertiveness with empathy and consideration for others’ perspectives.


Impatience can be both a strength and a weakness, depending on the context. In fast-paced environments, it can drive progress and keep things moving. However, impatience can lead to hasty decisions, errors, and overlooked details.

Patience becomes particularly important in situations requiring careful deliberation or dealing with processes that naturally take time.


While self-criticism can drive self-improvement and push one towards higher standards, it can also be a weakness if it leads to constant self-doubt or low self-esteem.

In a work environment, this might result in hesitating to share ideas, reluctance to take on new challenges, or difficulty accepting praise. Positive self-talk and focusing on accomplishments can help manage this weakness.


Diligence is often admired, reflecting their persistent and hardworking nature. This attribute allows them to put in the necessary effort to excel academically. However, extreme diligence, like over-commitment, can be detrimental, leading to exhaustion and workplace burnout.

Employees must balance their diligence with relaxation and leisure activities to maintain a healthy mental state. Finding balance is crucial in harnessing the positive aspects of diligence.


Expressiveness can be advantageous in a learning environment. Expressive employees contribute to group discussions and projects, offering fresh perspectives.

However, over-expressiveness may lead to dominating conversations, leaving less room for others. Sensitivity to other’s participation and practicing active listening can help maintain healthy dialogues.

To nurture positive expressiveness, a person can practice self-awareness and active listening. Engaging in activities promoting teamwork and understanding others’ perspectives can be beneficial. Role-playing exercises, for instance, encourage people to step into other’s shoes, fostering empathy and understanding.

Quick Learning

Quick learning is a valuable skill for any person, allowing them to grasp new concepts rapidly. However, if not properly calibrated, it may lead to impatience with others with a slower learning pace, potentially causing friction in group learning scenarios.

To manage the potential drawbacks of quick learning, a person can develop patience and empathy skills. They could also use their sharp learning abilities to help peers understand complex concepts, fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

How Can I Identify My Strengths and Weaknesses?

There are two main methods to consider when it comes to assessment.


Identifying your strengths and weaknesses through self-assessment is a reflective process. It involves honest self-evaluation, a clear understanding of the tasks at hand, and an analysis of how your unique skill set impacts your performance in these tasks.

Self-assessment tools, such as strengths tests, personality tests or skills inventory, can help pinpoint areas of strength and potential improvement. However, understanding your abilities is not just about knowing what you’re good at; it’s equally important to recognize areas where you may need to develop.

You can utilize self-assessment strategies to delve into areas that need improvement. For instance, after identifying weaker areas, you can start focusing on these skills, developing a learning plan, or seeking further education or training.

This proactive approach towards growth can help you transform your weaknesses into areas of strength and resilience

Self-assessment with strengths test

Self-assessment via strengths tests can be an effective method for identifying personal strengths and weaknesses. This process requires individuals to take a deep, introspective look at themselves, evaluating their abilities, interests, and personal traits.

Strengths tests such as the HIGH5 test, VIA Character Strengths test or Cliftonstrengths test can be particularly enlightening, providing a person with a detailed report highlighting their unique strengths and areas for improvement.

These insights can then be used to target specific areas of personal development and can greatly contribute to academic success.

While we might be a bit biased towards the High5 test, we believe it’s one of the best options for everyone. Not only does it provide a comprehensive report, but it also offers personalized coaching and goal-setting tools to help individuals reach their full potential.

Peer review

On the other hand, consider that personal biases and a lack of self-awareness can sometimes skew results in self-assessments. This leads to an inaccurate depiction of one’s strengths and weaknesses. It is also possible for a person to over or underestimate their capabilities, hence the need for an additional method of evaluation.

This is where peer review comes in. Inviting peers to provide feedback can offer a fresh perspective on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Peers can provide insights based on their observations during group projects and interactions.

They may identify strengths that the individual wasn’t aware of, or gently point out areas for improvement that hadn’t been considered.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that peer reviews must be approached with a degree of caution. They are highly subjective and can be influenced by personal relationships and biases. To mitigate this, it’s often best to solicit feedback from a variety of peers and look for commonalities in their responses.

Self-assessment tools and peer reviews offer great insights, similar to how modern strengths assessments like HIGH5 provide a structured understanding of where your talents flourish. This is a method already adopted by many for personal growth

What are Some Strengths and Weaknesses of a Student?

Here’s a general breakdown of some strengths and weaknesses that a student might possess:

Strengths of a Student:

  1. Excellent communication skills
  2. High levels of creativity
  3. Advanced technical skills
  4. Good problem-solving abilities
  5. Ability to work well in a team
  6. Strong research capabilities
  7. Good time-management skills
  8. Ability to learn quickly
  9. Good leadership qualities
  10. High level of organization

Weaknesses of a Student:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Difficulty in understanding complex theoretical concepts
  3. Struggling with time management
  4. Reluctance to participate in group activities
  5. Difficulty accepting criticism
  6. Lack of self-confidence
  7. Poor stress management
  8. Inconsistent academic performance
  9. Difficulty in prioritizing tasks
  10. Limited critical thinking skills


In pursuing personal and professional development, understanding one’s strengths and areas of improvement is vital. Tools like strength tests provide an introspective view of our capabilities, while peer feedback offers an external perspective, enriching our self-awareness. However, merely identifying these aspects is not enough.

The real value lies in leveraging this knowledge, seeking opportunities that match our strengths, and treating feedback as a stepping stone for improvement. This balanced approach promises a more productive and self-aware path toward improvement.

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