30 Crucial Leadership Qualities of a Great Leader

32 Leadership Qualities That Makes You a Great Leader

The success of a company greatly depends on the leadership qualities of those in charge. Implementing the right strategies and behaviors when leading employees, coordinating teams, and managing projects is therefore crucial. Fortunately, these behaviors and strategies are something everybody has the possibility to develop. The first step in cultivating great leadership qualities is to identify your personal strengths. The HIGH5 strengths assessment empowers individuals to pinpoint their natural talents, providing a powerful foundation for developing into impactful leaders.

By understanding their core strengths, professionals can focus on accentuating and refining the very qualities that will propel them toward exceptional leadership. But what exactly is a leader? Is he or she just a good manager? Being a leader is not just a title, or the function of giving orders. A successful leader exhibits a set of behaviors and attitudes that inspire others to follow them in the pursuit of a specific goal. Not all of us have been have experienced good leadership. While some individuals are natural leaders, others need to work hard to develop their leadership roles. In this article, we will explain what qualities and skills characterize a good leader, and how to learn and develop these skills if you want to improve as a leader.

What are the leadership qualities that make a great leader?

As Chiavenato (1993) noted, leadership “is a process in which the leader exercises the ability to influence and lead a group of people, motivating them to work with enthusiasm towards the fulfillment of the organization’s objectives” [1]. However, this influence and motivation are most effective when leaders have a deep understanding of their own strengths and those of their team. The HIGH5 strengths assessment reveals the unique talents that allow leaders to authentically inspire others, creating an environment where individual and collective strengths are valued and leveraged towards shared goals. This process is only possible through certain leadership strengths and attitudes. There is a great variety of leadership styles, but all leaders share the same qualities. List of qualities that influential leaders must have:

  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Innovation
  4. Resilience
  5. Empathy
  6. Compassion
  7. Supportiveness
  8. Good listening abilities
  9. Strong communication skills
  10. Ability to learn quickly
  11. Courage
  12. Respect
  13. Responsibility and accountability
  14. Loyalty
  15. Charisma
  16. Strategic thinking
  17. Emotional intelligence
  18. Self-motivation
  19. Self-confidence
  20. Self-discipline
  21. Problem-solving skills
  22. Decision-making skills
  23. Ability to delegate
  24. Execution skills
  25. Fair attitude
  26. Inquisitiveness
  27. Influence
  28. Visionary
  29. Empowerment
  30. Technology competence

Pro Tip From HIGH5

As you review the listed leadership qualities, consider taking the HIGH5 assessment to unveil your top strengths. You can then intentionally develop and apply those talents to embody the qualities that will make you a truly impactful leader.

Examples of leadership qualities and characteristics


Integrity means to have a strong set of moral principles that guide a person’s views, attitudes, decisions, and social interactions. Leaders of integrity are those who provide a clear and credible vision, and whose lives conform to a set of values that inspire confidence in others. Staying true to moral values inspires credibility. The more credibility a leader has, the more confidence people will have in them. We all know that the fundamental basis of a leadership position relies on the trust earned from their employees.

Honesty and transparency

Being honest with your employees, sharing business information, and fostering an environment in which everyone can voice their opinions is essential to building trust in the workplace. The key to a company’s transparency lies in its leaders and their ability to create a healthy and positive environment. This is reflected in the company’s productivity and bottom line. A good leader is sincere and transparent. He is not afraid to be honest and does not lie or hide the truth. He says things with sincerity while also showing compassion and support for his employees.. This quality favors his credibility, generating trust. On the contrary, a leader who hides information and is vague and evasive may generate dissatisfaction and anxiety among workers.

Innovative and creative

Innovative leadership means being able to unleash the collective creativity of the team. It is not about finding creative geniuses but achieving extraordinary results as a group of ordinary people. A good leader does not need to be the one who presents the great ideas What he or she really needs is to be able to create the necessary conditions for the team’s creativity and innovation to flourish naturally in the work environment. An innovative leader is recognized for being able to create a culture where it is “allowed” to imagine, by being open to new ideas and making everyone in the group feel heard.

Good Listener

Every relationship, good or bad, has a direct impact on people. Being a good leader implies closeness, humility, and building trust with the people you lead. To achieve all this, it is necessary to be a good listener. Listening goes beyond just hearing – it involves understanding, interpreting, and responding to the needs and messages your team members are trying to communicate. There are several strategies you can practice in order to become a better listener. These include paying attention, interpreting and evaluating the content of the conversation, and showing that you understand your conversation partner [2].

Be mindful of the person you are talking to; pay attention to and mirror their body language. Provide verbal and non-verbal confirmations such as nodding, eye contact, or saying ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘right’, or other expressions that show you are following what they are saying. Instead of focusing on how to respond or waiting for your turn to speak, pay attention to what the other person says, and ask for clarifications and follow-up questions where relevant. A leader knows how to listen. Not only is it essential for building a good relationship with your employees, but it also gives you a deeper understanding of potential problems, conflicts, issues, or challenges, which will help you make informed decisions and achieve the right results.


Self-confidence is the cornerstone of leadership. A leader may be technically qualified to exercise his position, but a lack of self-confidence will make it very difficult to manage people. Even if a leader knows how to solve problems effectively, has a good level of communication, or has an impeccable way of training his employees, it will be of no use to him if he lacks sufficient self-confidence to carry out all the actions he is supposed to perform in a leadership position. If you do not have confidence, it will be hard to lead others – much less make decisions or alleviate tension and uncertainty. This will be reflected in your team’s performance, and therefore also impact your business. Luckily, there are many strategies you can practice to build your self-confidence. Some of these include positive comparisons, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and being kind to yourself. For more tips and insight on this topic, visit our article “How To Build Self-Confidence: Tips, Examples & Theory“.


A visionary leader can visualize and maintain a long-term goal toward which they will effectively lead their team. Setting clear targets and timeframes for a task will motivate your team members and help them stay on track toward accomplishing the company’s long-term goals. When commencing a project, it is important to keep in mind the bigger picture, asking questions such as ‘What are the outcomes of achieving our set goal?’ and ‘How will this benefit our company in the long term?’ In this context, it is helpful to create a vision statement – a future objective or long-term commitment your team and your business are working toward.

Examples of vision statements from famous companies are “To provide access to the world’s information in one click” (Google), “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection and the utmost convenience” (Amazon), or “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce” (LinkedIn) [3]. Establishing a clear vision will also help you visualize your long-term goals, and equip you with the tools you need to guide your team in the right direction.

Strong Communicator

A great leader must be a great communicator. It is through communication that people are inspired and leadership is built. Leaders have the ability to create a real, emotional, and personal connection with the people who follow them. If a leader does not communicate correctly, his vision will not materialize. It is useless to have a huge vision if you cannot inspire and motivate others to work towards fulfilling its objectives. That is why this leadership quality is indispensable to being a true leader, especially when it comes to building trust in team members.

There are several ways in which you can learn to improve your communication skills [4]. First and foremost, be clear and concise. You may be tempted to use complicated terms or jargon to seem professional, but this can distract your message or, in the worst case, make you come across as arrogant. The best way to get your point across is to use simple, straightforward words and expressions that appeal to everyone, and that are not ambiguous or hard to follow. When giving a speech or leading a meeting, it is also a good idea to prepare what you are going to say in advance. Be mindful of your body language and tone, and remember to be a good listener.


A leader’s ability to lead others lies in how capable they are of persuading, convincing and influencing the ideas, opinions, and belief systems of others. The key to managing people, helping them grow personally, and improving their professional performance lies in the ability to influence their behavior, their choices, and their lives. However, influence should not be confused with manipulation. While manipulation is aimed at deception and control and motivated by selfish interest, influence is based on positive intentions. This difference is what distinguishes a good leader from a bad leader.

Ability to delegate

A leader needs to be able to delegate responsibilities. Otherwise, his productivity will be affected and he will not have enough time to execute the tasks his position requires. Nor will the people in his team develop efficiently as he is busy with tasks that should be done by others instead of overseeing his subordinates. Part of being a leader is to believe in your team’s abilities. Do not be afraid to entrust your employees with important tasks. In addition to saving time, you are giving them the opportunity to shine, which can help them grow and inspire self-confidence. Utilizing the strengths of your team will maximize their productivity and performance.

Decision-making skills

Decision-making skills are the set of skills you need to make an informed, rational decision, which helps you in solving any problem that arises in your company [5]. There are many other skills that foster good decision-making. Some of these include creativity, collaboration skills, and analytical abilities. When making decisions, leaders must also take responsibility for the consequences of each decision, whether positive or negative. A good leader is decisive. Through this leadership quality, he transmits confidence and trust to the rest of his team and the company by being precise, evaluating all aspects of a problem, and taking responsibility for his decisions.

But how can you learn to be a better decision-maker? In a recent article, Forbes magazine presents these five steps a leader can take to improve their decision-making skills. First, you need to recognize the need to make a decision. Do not ignore the problem or delay the decision, but take matters into your own hands and address the issue hands-on. Secondly, you need to collect enough data to establish a solid foundation on which to base your decision. This can involve both quantitative and qualitative data; gathering and organizing information, and viewing the problem from all possible sides. Promoting a collaborative environment is also an important factor, as it helps address the problem from multiple perspectives and work together to form the best solution. At last, develop your critical thinking skills, and learn to be decisive yet flexible.

Problem-solving skill

Problem-solving is closely related to decision-making. But while decision-making is about choosing between options, problem-solving focuses on fixing an issue. The ability to solve problems is an essential quality in good leaders. All good leaders recognize that leadership is not just about delegating tasks or giving orders – it also involves taking responsibility for problem-solving and proposing solutions to the team to improve its performance. A good leader analyzes, identifies, and communicates with his team to solve problems effectively, displaying confidence and certainty that any issue can be overcome. This means to identify the problem, work collectively to brainstorm possible solutions, assess and implement them, and then evaluate the outcome.

Execution skills

Once a problem has been resolved or a decision has been made, it must be executed. Execution skills enable leaders to materialize their vision and strategies. As a leader, it is necessary to direct, execute, and lead, but the main objective must be to empower others to make decisions and take action as a team. That is why execution also requires coaching and mentoring, performance monitoring, planning, and organization.

Fair attitude

Like everyone else, leaders have personal biases. However, what differentiates a good leader from others is his or her ability to reason and act impartially. Leaders are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. They treat everyone with the same respect and understanding and focus on a strength-based approach. They focus on keeping their biases out of the workplace, promoting a positive work environment where everyone can improve. You can read more about this topic in our articles on leadership strengths and weaknesses and team strengths.


Great leader and inquisitive and curious; always open-minded to expand their interests, knowledge, and social connections. They are attracted to anything that makes them reflect and learn new things. They communicate with others in a motivational and positive way, by asking questions and showing genuine interest. This quality allows them to remain open to reflection from a positive point of view when any problem arises while projecting a rational attitude to the rest of the team.


A good leader is aware that he or she is a role model, and knows that many people are following in their footsteps. They are therefore committed to setting an example by improving themselves every day. By their example, they motivate others to be better and stay self-motivated too. They lift the spirits of team members when things are not going well while encouraging them to be resilient through positive reinforcement.


Being a humble leader means being willing to ask for help, admit your mistakes, and use it as an opportunity to learn. Great leaders take accountability for all their decisions and their outcomes. Acknowledging your flaws and failures makes you come across as genuine and sets a good example for your employees by showing that everyone is human. Although humility is not the first attribute we think of when we talk about leadership, it is a trait as necessary as any other. Humility consists of working for the common good, always seeking to learn, and giving yourself.


Caring is the heart of leadership.

To be a good leader, you need to show care and compassion for your employees and be wholeheartedly committed to each team member. While this comes naturally to some, others may need to work a little harder to develop closer relationships with their coworkers. In that case, start with the little things. Eat lunch with your employees instead of in your office. Engage in team-building activities outside the workplace. Schedule one-on-one conversation, discussing not only their performance, but their thoughts and feelings, and how they can better thrive in the workplace. When giving feedback, do so honestly and constructively – not with negative reinforcement as many bosses do. It is important to show empathy and try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective, even if you disagree with them.

Caring for your employees also involves being supportive. True leaders support their team members through every process. They understand that everyone is capable of making mistakes, and they will be there for their employees to guide and help them instead of reprimanding them. Being supportive and getting to know your coworkers on a personal level makes you come across as genuine, reliable, trustworthy, and more influential. It creates a positive work environment, and employees will find it easier to communicate and report potential issues that need to be resolved.

Emotional Intelligence

There is no doubt that to become a great leader, one must have a high level of emotional intelligence. Being emotionally intelligent means being conscious of your own emotional states, even negative ones, to be able to address and manage your emotions so they do not interfere with professional objectives. Emotional intelligence will also help you recognize emotions in others. It will help you read between the lines and understand the underlying reasons for a person’s behavior, making it easier to communicate and solve problems constructively. Hence, emotional intelligence is a vital part of being supportive, empathic, and humble.

If a leader is not emotionally intelligent, he will not be able to motivate his team or keep them happy at work. This will have negative effects on performance and productivity that can only be changed by becoming emotionally educated. To learn to become more emotionally intelligent, start by identifying the emotions you are feeling. If you are able to name the emotion you are feeling, it allows you to better understand why you react the way you do, and help you learn to regulate your emotions by stopping and thinking before you act and judge [7].

Passionate and dedicated

A leader has a burning passion for his work. He knows how to demonstrate that passion and dedication at all times and uses it to inspire the rest of his team, working hand in hand with his subordinates. Being dedicated to your work and employees involves building resilience; the ability to withstand hardship without letting it affect your leadership. This characteristic is formed with time and experience, but the number one lesson is to always keep moving, even when the going gets tough. When faced with challenges, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and not lose sight of your ultimate goals. Remembering your vision, goals, and inner passions – the reason why you chose your line of work – will help you stay motivated, and have a positive effect on the people around you.


In our digital age, leaders need to stay updated on current technologies. No matter what industry or field, technology is a vital part of any business. It helps us effectivize procedures, gather data, promote innovation, and improve decision-making and problem-solving. A good leader must therefore be proficient with digital tools, and always seek to implement new solutions to improve performance. A tech-savvy leader will inspire their team to try new technological solutions and effectively guide them in the process of applying them. This will in return increase productivity and development, and generate more confidence in team members.

Learning agility

No matter how good a leader is at solving problems and anticipating events the future is unpredictable. The ability to learn is what allows a leader to adapt to new situations. It is important to keep a positive mindset and tackle challenges constructively – especially in the face of mistakes or problems that cannot be resolved. Do not get hung up in shortcomings or failures – view them as an opportunity to learn, and take this experience and knowledge with you to apply next time you find yourself in a similar situation. This is a trait that can be passed on to your workers by addressing situations with an open-minded, solution-oriented approach and holding debriefs to collectively evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies applied.


Making decisions, expressing ideas, and even giving orders takes a lot of courage. That is why this is one of the innate qualities of a good leader. Courage stems from self-confidence and determination. It is what allows you to face conflicts and build resilience, making you more equipped to handle problems and issues that arise in the workplace and among your employees.

To some, this may seem intimidating, but there are many ways in which you can build your courage. Motivate yourself by repeating a mantra or vision to boost your self-confidence; “I am strong,” “I am good enough,” “I am rational.” Try a new activity and go beyond your comfort zone. Learn to recognize your body’s emotional reactions – fear, anxiety, frustration – and acknowledge them as automatic, ‘irrational’ responses. Ask yourself the question: “What’s the worst that can happen?”


Leadership is not only based on functions but also on attitudes and values. The respectful leader listens to others, accepts different opinions and points of view, avoids prejudices, and silences his ego. No matter how recognized a leader is, if he does not respect his team members, he will be a poor role model and fail to build trust, motivation, and personal relationships, necessary to achieve objectives.


Loyalty is reciprocal. If subordinates see that their leader is loyal to them, they will be loyal in return A loyal leader acts honestly and fairly, representing his team in times of crisis or conflict. He stands up for his workers and fights to ensure that everyone has the same resources and opportunities to thrive within the work environment to facilitate performance and development.

Strategic thinking

Leaders who think strategically identify connections, patterns, and key issues for improvement. This is achieved by having a broad strategic vision and involving the most talented people in the project. Strategic thinking evaluates the environment and the internal situation of the company, improves productivity, and helps achieve the set objectives. Thinking strategically by considering all elements and looking at the bigger picture will also make problem-solving and decision-making easier.


Charisma is the leadership strength that generates enthusiasm in the members of the work team. People follow who they like, and it is the charisma that makes a leader acclaimed. A charismatic leader stands out for his ability to engage, by being confident, engaging, optimistic, and down-to-earth. They have great communication skills and they are not afraid of being the center of attention. Most importantly, they are authentic in their communication and behavior. This motivates the workers to strive for good results and always give their best.

How to improve leadership qualities and skills?

As we have already seen, leadership skills are qualities that allow the individual to make better decisions [6]. It is natural to wonder how to develop these strong leadership qualities and skills. For this reason, we recommend a few things for you to develop the essential skills of a good leader.

Self-knowledge is a key to success

If you want to become a good leader, the first thing you must do is to know yourself and gain an understanding of your capabilities, strengths, and areas of growth. The HIGH5 strengths assessment provides this self-knowledge, illuminating your innate talents and leadership potential. With this awareness, you can strategically focus on maximizing your strengths while addressing weaknesses, embarking on a journey of continual self-improvement as a leader.

Have a positive attitude

Can you imagine a leader who gives up at the first attempt? Who does not believe he can achieve his goals? Being optimistic is essential to overcome daily challenges. If you add to this attitude along with enthusiasm and passion for your work, you will be able to affect those around you with your spirit to work together for the same goal.

Enhance your communication skills

Communication is key for your purposes to be an effective leader. It is as important to know how to speak as it is to know how to listen. Train your capacity for active listening and your oratory skills, and rehearse exercises to practice assertiveness. A good tip is to watch videos such as TED talks, speeches, and political debates, to recognize how influential people express themselves in front of an audience.

Trust your team

Trusting your team will not only make each individual in your team feel valued – it will also make them feel more involved in the activity they perform. This trust means listening to all their opinions and taking them into account, . encouraging and empowering their participation in the workgroup, to improve processes and achieve the organization’s goals.

Strengthens your ability to solve problems and make decisions

Your decision-making skills, your ability to negotiate, your conflict resolution skills, your ability to prioritize, and your talent for finding creative solutions are qualities that your followers expect from you. Being endowed with these capabilities will make you stand out as a leader. All these skills can be trained and enhanced through different programs and improved with practice.

Pro Tip From HIGH5

After completing the HIGH5 assessment, create a development plan focused on enhancing your top strengths and addressing any blind spots. Consistent practice utilizing a strengths-based approach will accelerate your leadership growth.

Leadership qualities FAQ

What are the 5 qualities of a good leader?

The most outstanding qualities are integrity, a positive attitude, great communication skills, self-confidence, and effective decision-making.

Can leadership qualities be developed or learned?

Yes, some leadership qualities can be developed with discipline and consistency. While some people already possess these qualities naturally, others may have to work harder to cultivate these skills. Not everyone can be the same – it is impossible to be successful in all areas and excel at every skill. The most important thing to remember is that there is always room for improvement, and we learn as long as we live.


As we said at the outset, leaders play a critical role within the organization by influencing the performance and motivation of their employees. Each of the qualities discussed in this article is necessary to achieve great leadership. Without them, the members of the organization would not be able to achieve their goals in the workplace, as well as those of the organization. Therefore, developing these skills and characteristics through the strengths-based approach can turn a company’s management around, allowing to create a productive, positive environment and people willing to improve every day.
Now that you know how to identify a true leader and how to develop these leadership qualities, we encourage you to start being the change factor and make a difference by motivating others and empowering the leader within you.


  1. Chiavenato, I. (1983). Introdução à teoria geral da administração. Editora Manole.
  2. Kahn R. (2022). A science-based guide to becoming an amazing listener. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/finding-a-new-home/202212/a-science-based-guide-to-becoming-an-amazing-listener.
  3. Coyle J. (2023). A guide to writing the perfect vision statement: with examples. ProjectManager. https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/guide-writing-perfect-vision-statement-examples.
  4. Emerson M, S,. (2021). 8 ways you can improve your communication skills. Harvard Professional Development. https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/8-ways-you-can-improve-your-communication-skills/.
  5. (n.d.) (2024). What are decision-making skills? Harvard Career Services. https://careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/blog/2024/02/29/what-are-decision-making-skills/.
  6. Madhosingh S. (2024). 5 steps leaders can take to make better decisions. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/drsamanthamadhosingh/2024/06/25/5-steps-leaders-can-take-to-make-better-decisions/.
  7. Psychology Today Staff. Emotional intelligence. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/emotional-intelligence.
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